Really? Why do you bet that?
Hmmm....I bet this is true.
YOU MEAN YOU ARE STUPIDLY PREJUDICED ABOUT HUMANS? Why? Perhaps you should read The Cuticle Cell Argument, to see the error of your ways. Persons matter. Human life doesn't. Except when, and only when, a human life is also a person's life. A hydatidiform mole, for example, is 100% "human life", and 0% person --even abortion opponents agree with that FACT!Since the human life cycle begins at conception it only makes sense to count deaths at that point. :shrug:
Also comparing the life of humans to rats is ****ing insulting and ridiculous.
YOU MEAN YOU ARE STUPIDLY PREJUDICED ABOUT HUMANS? Why? Perhaps you should read The Cuticle Cell Argument, to see the error of your ways. Persons matter. Human life doesn't. Except when, and only when, a human life is also a person's life.
YOUR MERE CLAIM IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT EVIDENCE. While various abortion opponents have generically denounced it, that is not the same thing as an actual refutation. An actual refutation would involve pointing out specific flaws (or at least one specific flaw) in the argument, and NONE have so-far been specified. Not by you, not by any abortion opponent, and certainly not by any pro-choicer.Your cuticle cell argument has been refuted by pretty much everyone on both sides on the forum. Drop it.
YOUR MERE CLAIM IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT EVIDENCE. While various abortion opponents have generically denounced it, that is not the same thing as an actual refutation. An actual refutation would involve pointing out specific flaws (or at least one specific flaw) in the argument, and NONE have so-far been specified. Not by you, not by any abortion opponent, and certainly not by any pro-choicer.
You are welcome to be the first, to point out an actual specific flaw in The Cuticle Cell Argument.
YOUR CLAIM IS WORTHLESS WITHOUT EVIDENCE. Show me a Message Number, at least, or a quote of some pro-choicer pointing out a flaw in that argument.Dude even pro-choice posters refuted your cuticle argument.
Hmmm....I bet this is true.
And you would lose that bet. Numbers aren't even out for 2016. That should have been as much a tip off for you as if it had said "Causes of Death on Planet Cybertron."
Prolifers are hilarious. They're so emotional about their cause they can't be bothered to get the tiniest detail in their misinformation right. Authors and screen writers create works of fiction every day that have painstaking research put into them, but a prolifer can't figure out the year that statistics are released.
Over a million abortions a year?
Really? Why do you bet that?
It says numbers for '16 "through June 15." What makes you so sure those numbers are not out?
Prolifers are hilarious. They're so emotional about their cause they can't be bothered to get the tiniest detail in their misinformation right.
Hmmm....I bet this is true.
Way to embarrassingly overgeneralize. I am ardently pro-life...yet posted the Snopes information. :3oops:
Way to embarrassingly overgeneralize. I am ardently pro-life...yet posted the Snopes information. :3oops:
I'll take that bet, since I know I'd win.
I didn't say the meme was true, I'd just bet that the numbers are consistent with the facts.