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Carlson says McCarthy is a "puppet" of the Democratic Party! (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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Carlson framed this as McCarthy striving to get the “tech oligarchs” to “force disobedient lawmakers off the internet.” The recording, claims Carlson, shows that the then majority, now minority, leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor” in private.

“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” the Fox host added as a chyron declared: “Kevin McCarthy Hates People Like You And This Show.”

(In fact, Stefanik has been a staunch Trump defender over the last year, after taking over the conference chair role that Rep. Liz Cheney was pushed out of after speaking out against Trump’s false election claims.)

Carlson continued: “That would mean we would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”

News to me! LOL!!!!

Carlson framed this as McCarthy striving to get the “tech oligarchs” to “force disobedient lawmakers off the internet.” The recording, claims Carlson, shows that the then majority, now minority, leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor” in private.

“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” the Fox host added as a chyron declared: “Kevin McCarthy Hates People Like You And This Show.”

(In fact, Stefanik has been a staunch Trump defender over the last year, after taking over the conference chair role that Rep. Liz Cheney was pushed out of after speaking out against Trump’s false election claims.)

Carlson continued: “That would mean we would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”

News to me! LOL!!!!

Tucker, I'm sure, appreciates your support.

It's certainly an interesting theory from the "did I just shart?" guy, but it seems more than a little stupid.
McCarthy is trying to walk a tightrope between not being insane and yet trying to appear insane enough to appease the Trump base. Obviously he is not doing a good job- he is looking insane AND ticking off the Trump base.

Not possible. To avoid pissing off trump's base REQUIRES giving full deference to trump.
Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Group is blaming Stefanik for the McCarthy leaks.

Palace intrigue…

Who is the favorite to take Nancy’s gavel if the House turns?
McCarthy is trying to walk a tightrope between not being insane and yet trying to appear insane enough to appease the Trump base. Obviously he is not doing a good job- he is looking insane AND ticking off the Trump base.
yeah. you're either QAnon on not worry of this crazy ass Republican party.
In the same vein Gaetz is feeling his oats. Time to trot the old Greenburg is rolling on Matt trope………

Carlson framed this as McCarthy striving to get the “tech oligarchs” to “force disobedient lawmakers off the internet.” The recording, claims Carlson, shows that the then majority, now minority, leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor” in private.

“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” the Fox host added as a chyron declared: “Kevin McCarthy Hates People Like You And This Show.”

(In fact, Stefanik has been a staunch Trump defender over the last year, after taking over the conference chair role that Rep. Liz Cheney was pushed out of after speaking out against Trump’s false election claims.)

Carlson continued: “That would mean we would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”

News to me! LOL!!!!

This guy just flings crap and hope some of it sticks somewhere.
I don't think we've seen anything like we're going to see later this summer when the 1-6 committee starts up its prime-time hearings.

Trump, his allies and his supporters are going to be shown the anti-democratic asses they all are. Can't wait. This is nothing folks.

The GOP is the only party in our history that tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power here in the US.
I don't think we've seen anything like we're going to see later this summer when the 1-6 committee starts up its prime-time hearings.

Trump, his allies and his supporters are going to be shown the anti-democratic asses they all are. Can't wait. This is nothing folks.

The GOP is the only party in our history that tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power here in the US.
One could argue that the democrats tried it in 1860. Of course, that party slowly transformed itself into the Trump wing of the GOP.
Carlson framed this as McCarthy striving to get the “tech oligarchs” to “force disobedient lawmakers off the internet.” The recording, claims Carlson, shows that the then majority, now minority, leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor” in private.
“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” the Fox host added as a chyron declared: “Kevin McCarthy Hates People Like You And This Show.”
(In fact, Stefanik has been a staunch Trump defender over the last year, after taking over the conference chair role that Rep. Liz Cheney was pushed out of after speaking out against Trump’s false election claims.)
Carlson continued: “That would mean we would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”
News to me! LOL!!!!
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Carlson framed this as McCarthy striving to get the “tech oligarchs” to “force disobedient lawmakers off the internet.” The recording, claims Carlson, shows that the then majority, now minority, leader “sounds like an MSNBC contributor” in private.

“And yet unless conservatives get their act together right away, Kevin McCarthy or one of his highly liberal allies like Elise Stefanik, is very likely to be Speaker of the House in January,” the Fox host added as a chyron declared: “Kevin McCarthy Hates People Like You And This Show.”

(In fact, Stefanik has been a staunch Trump defender over the last year, after taking over the conference chair role that Rep. Liz Cheney was pushed out of after speaking out against Trump’s false election claims.)

Carlson continued: “That would mean we would have a Republican Congress led by a puppet of the Democratic Party.”

News to me! LOL!!!!

I support this wing of the party fracturing into smaller and smaller chunks, turning on and eating itself until there is - hopefully - almost none of it left.

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