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Canuck! (1 Viewer)

Allow Canuck back?

  • Yes: We need the laughs.

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes: teacher needs a Curly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No: I'm evil, or Ayran.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No: I'm too fragile and stupid to deal with Canuck.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Abstain: This is a stupid poll, a waste of time and bandwidth. Yet I feel compelled to vote.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Maybe: I think teacher is hot. Girls will be directed to a live web cam interview. Nice try Nurse.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
May 20, 2005
Reaction score
Nomad.Got a couch,beer,meat,cute daughters,Batman
Political Leaning
Canuck is gone. Long live Canuck! Perhaps we have the power to bring him back. As far as I understand. He was banned for repeatedly posting copyrighted material improperly. I really can't see how he would be banned any other way. I mean, who would, could be threatened or insulted by Canuck? We have Ayran still around for gods sake, and he's a thousand times more offensive. And that's just how he smells. And then there's me. Surely a harmless little lovable Canadian can be tolerated. As for his copyright problems, I have two solutions. Give me limited powers. I will follow Canuck around daily and fix any problems he might present with that. I think we may be able to use the ADA to our advantage. Canuck obviously has a mental disability. We should be able to protect his activities and defer our liabilities by using the ADA. We could permanently attach a disclaimer to his posts like a sig. For instance:

I'm Canuck. I'm a Canadian moron. I'm not responsible for my actions. Yet my handlers feel that it is good for me to be able to assimilate into society. This site is part of my therapy. Please excuse any copyright infringements I have done. Someone will be along shortly to correct this. Don't feed me or stick your fingers into my cage. Is it time for my juice box?
I want to have a poll question along with this. Where is that? How do I do that? The people must be heard! Vague, please attach a poll to this.

Allow Canuck back?

Yes: We need the laughs.
Yes: teacher needs a Curly.
No: I'm evil, or Ayran.
No: I'm too fragile and stupid to deal with Canuck.
Abstain: This is a stupid poll and a waste of time and bandwidth. Yet I feel strangely compelled to vote.
Maybe: I think teacher is hot. Girls will be directed to a live web cam interview. Nice try Nurse.
Canuck was banned permenantly for creating another user and logging on while on suspension...
cnredd said:
Canuck was banned permenantly for creating another user and logging on while on suspension...

Now I'm gonna have a fit and cry like a little girl. Is that why a certain someone only had one post? Well then, I guess that's it. There is now a void in my life that can never be filled. Maybe kidrocks or tiktok will show up again. Lucid just doesn't have what it takes to fill Canucks shoes.
Maybe you could go to the local Humane Society and adopt a mutt. I didnt know Canuck personally, but it sounds like a dog will take his spot. Probably offer the same level of input.
I refuse to accept that Canuck is gone. I have the power to change this. I have might and means at my disposal beyond the understanding of this sites members and the authority of the mods. Say hello to my little friend.


  • My guys 017.JPG
    My guys 017.JPG
    49.5 KB · Views: 16
ddoyle00 said:
Maybe you could go to the local Humane Society and adopt a mutt. I didnt know Canuck personally, but it sounds like a dog will take his spot. Probably offer the same level of input.

BRUTAL:rofl :mrgreen:
Actually I think hes back you guys just dont know it yet. I think me and teacher say canuck on another alias in the Chineese ww3 thread in the international politics portion.
I think you should bring Tiktok back.

That ass clown was a laugh a riot.

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