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Can anyone explain difference between Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro ? (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
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Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

On the news I just saw some Gaza strip Jewish zealots swaying to & fro whilst mumbling some religious gobbldy gook. Then they showed some kids swaying to & fro whilst being brainwashed by evil control freak Immams in a Pakistani Madrass.
I think they are all ****ing insane.
I really can't see any difference between them. They are all brainwashed by their resident witch doctors... uh sorry 'priests' I should say.
In fact since they have abandoned reason & rational thought & they like swaying to & fro so much, surely they would seem to have lots in common & so ought to get along fine.
Oh of course I forgot, they are infected with different variants of religious mind virus so that's why they are always at logger heads.
It's the... My God's better than your's type thing.

Christ humans are insane compared to animals. I mean the only time I've seen an a poor ape or bear swaying to & fro like a Muslim or Jewish zealot is when they don't have enough stimulation or are trapped in a tiny cage !
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Originally posted by Robin:
Christ humans are insane compared to animals. I mean the only time I've seen an a poor ape or bear swaying to & fro like a Muslim or Jewish zealot is when they don't have enough stimulation or are trapped in a tiny cage !
Or are forced to watch Fox News.
The difference is not in zombies but in "witch doctors". Some of the jewish ones like Wolfowitz and Pearl as well as their "christian zionists" friends guide US foreign policy.
Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

robin said:
On the news I just saw some Gaza strip Jewish zealots swaying to & fro whilst mumbling some religious gobbldy gook. Then they showed some kids swaying to & fro whilst being brainwashed by evil control freak Immams in a Pakistani Madrass.
I think they are all ****ing insane.
I really can't see any difference between them. They are all brainwashed by their resident witch doctors... uh sorry 'priests' I should say.
In fact since they have abandoned reason & rational thought & they like swaying to & fro so much, surely they would seem to have lots in common & so ought to get along fine.
Oh of course I forgot, they are infected with different variants of religious mind virus so that's why they are always at logger heads.
It's the... My God's better than your's type thing.

Christ humans are insane compared to animals. I mean the only time I've seen an a poor ape or bear swaying to & fro like a Muslim or Jewish zealot is when they don't have enough stimulation or are trapped in a tiny cage !

Brothers of monkeys, the angry Immams call the Jews, not fully realizing that they're all way too close to be anything but... brothers.:roll:

The Jews are just a foreskin short of Jihad.
VTA said:
The Jews are just a foreskin short of Jihad.
A Russian & VTA.. yes good points you make there. As regards US zionists. Stir up tribalistic **** from 6k miles away, then don't even bother to go live there !
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Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

robin said:
On the news I just saw some Gaza strip Jewish zealots swaying to & fro whilst mumbling some religious gobbldy gook. Then they showed some kids swaying to & fro whilst being brainwashed by evil control freak Immams in a Pakistani Madrass.
I think they are all ****ing insane.
I really can't see any difference between them.

Here's the difference:

The Jews are praying because they are about to be evicted from their homes in the Gaza strip, even though some of them have lived there their whole lives.

In contrast, the militant relgious leaders of the Palestinians want people to pray for death to the Jews (& Other Infidels).
Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

Connecticutter said:
Here's the difference:

The Jews are praying because they are about to be evicted from their homes in the Gaza strip, even though some of them have lived there their whole lives.

In contrast, the militant relgious leaders of the Palestinians want people to pray for death to the Jews (& Other Infidels).
Yeah after they kicked off the Palestinians that had lived there for 3,000 years !
Zionist zealots v Muslim zealots.... they are all garbage that create the tribalistic 5hit & wars & conflicts around the world, the consequences of which us mentally balanced people have to suffer.

Take victims of 911 or the London bombings. Innocent people caught up in the crossfire between these religious slime.
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Robin the campaign in Gaza was a result of us getting attacked on our way to the Sinia. It was not in our orginal plans, had they not wanted to fight and risk losing territory all they had to do was not shoot. But us Jew's make tempting targets.

I think it is insulting how you refer to religions as tribal and the religous leaders as zombies swaying to and fro, whether it be an Imam of Islam, or a Rabbi. Both are religions to many people and should be respected.

You seem to think we have a war against the muslim's, not so we fight terrorism in all it's forms and defend ourselves. If we hated islam so much and thought it to be our sole threat we would have evicted them all long ago and resotred the Temple Mount.
superskippy said:
Robin the campaign in Gaza was a result of us getting attacked on our way to the Sinia
sorry no comprendi ?

superskippy said:
I think it is insulting how you refer to religions as tribal and the religous leaders as zombies swaying to and fro, whether it be an Imam of Islam, or a Rabbi. Both are religions to many people and should be respected.
The immams brainwashing pure innocent children are evil. They deserve absolutely no respect whatsoever. They deserve only contempt !
Same goes for Rabbi brainwashers of children.
Stupid morons. Look at all the wars fought in the name of religion. What type of people become preachers ?
The people not capable of doing anything else.
Science is the only way to truth. Science & philosophy should be taught... not religious dogma & mythology.
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robin said:
A Russian & VTA.. yes good points you make there. As regards US zionists. Stir up tribalistic **** from 6k miles away, then don't even bother to go live there !

Read a book. This mess has been going on since long before the U.S. existed.

If, like I said in another post, the Jews are getting what they deserve for being given Israel (by your very own UK), then "isn't it fair then to rationalize that by conquering the Jews and selling them into slavery, that the descendants of Syria Palaistina (Palestine) are reaping what their ancestors had sown"?

This could go on forever...
Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

robin said:
Yeah after they kicked off the Palestinians that had lived there for 3,000 years !

I didn't know that people can live for 3000 years. Even so, Palestinians certainly weren't around 3000 years ago. In fact, if you want to make the case against the Jews living there, its probably not wise to make relevant the owners of the land 3000 years ago.

The truth is that the current settlers who are being evicted did not kick anyone out of their homes. When they got there, it was sand. Look it up.

Some Palestinians were removed during war, but the Palestinian Population remains in the Gaza strip. This happened during the war, not for religious reasons. There was no ethnic cleansing. In fact, the Palestinian Population in the Gaza strip has grown considerably. The Jews are not preaching murder and terrorism against "infidels" in the name of religion. They do not have a free-pass into heaven for killing someone with an opposite point of view. There's a huge difference there. If you can't admit it, you're blind.

For someone so interested in science and truth, I'd expect you to do a little more reseach and be a little more accurate rather than just spouting knee-jerk reactions to any image you might see on TV to make it fit your particular world-view.
VTA said:
Read a book. This mess has been going on since long before the U.S. existed.

If, like I said in another post, the Jews are getting what they deserve for being given Israel (by your very own UK), then "isn't it fair then to rationalize that by conquering the Jews and selling them into slavery, that the descendants of Syria Palaistina (Palestine) are reaping what their ancestors had sown"?

This could go on forever...
Who said the Brits were never involved ?
The fact remains that the US has given Israel billions in Aid to buy F15's etc.
It was the US intervention in 1967 or was it 73, that enabled Israel to hold onto the land they stole from the Arabs.
I hope when you look at 911 that you think it was worth it & all for a peace of barron desert !
I don't think it was wise to let influential American Jews skew your M.East policy to be so anti arab.. do you ?

Are you saying that ALL Imans Priests or whatever are evil or only the ones that claim to be such to spread their propoganda? because as far as I know all the "big three" religions (Islam Christianity and Judaism) all preach out against "false Prophets" so they are out of the norm......also their is no proof that people without religion are any more peaceful.....most wars arent fought because of religion anyways they are fought over land arent they?
Some Palestinians were removed during war, but the Palestinian Population remains in the Gaza strip. This happened during the war, not for religious reasons. There was no ethnic cleansing. In fact, the Palestinian Population in the Gaza strip has grown considerably. The Jews are not preaching murder and terrorism against "infidels" in the name of religion. They do not have a free-pass into heaven for killing someone with an opposite point of view. There's a huge difference there. If you can't admit it, you're blind.

Lies....Uzi Cohen, a member of Ariel Sharon's right-wing party and a deputy mayor of the town of Raanana, told Israeli public radio on Sunday there was widespread support in Israel for "the idea of ethnic cleansing".
also no Muslim is given a free pass into heaven for killing those who disbelive what they say
Surenderer said:

Are you saying that ALL Imans Priests or whatever are evil or only the ones that claim to be such to spread their propoganda? because as far as I know all the "big three" religions (Islam Christianity and Judaism) all preach out against "false Prophets" so they are out of the norm......also their is no proof that people without religion are any more peaceful.....most wars arent fought because of religion anyways they are fought over land arent they?
Yes all are. They say 'believe my particular pack of religious lies or go to hell'. They are brainwashers & corrupters of children.
Nothing has done more than religion to hold back man's progress & keep him steeped in ignorance & misconceptions & pre conceived ideas about the world.
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Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

robin said:
On the news I just saw some Gaza strip Jewish zealots swaying to & fro whilst mumbling some religious gobbldy gook. Then they showed some kids swaying to & fro whilst being brainwashed by evil control freak Immams in a Pakistani Madrass.
I think they are all ****ing insane.
I really can't see any difference between them. They are all brainwashed by their resident witch doctors... uh sorry 'priests' I should say.
In fact since they have abandoned reason & rational thought & they like swaying to & fro so much, surely they would seem to have lots in common & so ought to get along fine.
Oh of course I forgot, they are infected with different variants of religious mind virus so that's why they are always at logger heads.
It's the... My God's better than your's type thing.

Christ humans are insane compared to animals. I mean the only time I've seen an a poor ape or bear swaying to & fro like a Muslim or Jewish zealot is when they don't have enough stimulation or are trapped in a tiny cage !

Violence begets violence.

The terrible acts of terrorism perpetrated against thousands of innocent Jews during the last half century give rise to Jewish fundamentalists who justify their acts as appropriate revenge.

And don't leave Christians out......they have a few million skeletons in their closets.
Surenderer said:
Lies....Uzi Cohen, a member of Ariel Sharon's right-wing party and a deputy mayor of the town of Raanana, told Israeli public radio on Sunday there was widespread support in Israel for "the idea of ethnic cleansing".

Huh? There's no lie here.

I wasn't saying anything about "support" for ethnic cleansing, or someone having "an idea" about ethnic cleansing. I'm just saying that it hasn't happened.

Actually, there was widespread support for the withdrawl from Gaza within Israel. That's been shown in poll after poll. Why should I care about what Uzi says?

Surenderer said:
also no Muslim is given a free pass into heaven for killing those who disbelive what they say

That's what's being preached in some circles, is it not?
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robin said:
Who said the Brits were never involved ?

A certain bird who has repeatedly pointed an uneducated finger of blame.

robin said:
The fact remains that the US has given Israel billions in Aid to buy F15's etc.
It was the US intervention in 1967 or was it 73, that enabled Israel to hold onto the land they stole from the Arabs.

Well how far do the statues of limitation extend? All the way or only so far as to prop up your end of the discussion? Palestine has been the most hotly contested pile of dirt on this earth since long before America came to be; take in the whole picture before you assign blame.

The facts remain that after England gave the Jews Israel -(not stole, there's a difference), America helped to insure that they weren't slaughtered by their hostile neighbors.

In '67 the Jews fought against an army poised for attack and took their land. What exactly do you think that army had in store for the Jews had they won?

robin said:
I hope when you look at 911 that you think it was worth it & all for a peace of barron desert !
I don't think it was wise to let influential American Jews skew your M.East policy to be so anti arab.. do you ?

Without the propganda weighing down on my ability to reason, all I see are the effects of the evolutionally retarded, intolerant extremists handi-work.

Don't eat everything you're fed. bin Laden doesn't give a rat's rump about his Muslim brethren. Not in Palestine, not in Sudan and not in Iraq (didn't have much to say about the Kurds, did he?). Nobody kills Muslims like Muslims and to claim and blame America's support of Israel is nothing more than propganda. Just as his 'Infidels on Holy land' is nonsense. America has had a business and diplomatic relationship with the Saudi's extending back to over 30 years before he was born.

Ironically, America is seen as war mongers for responding, yet Al Qeada and bin Laden are not, despite never making an effort to promote a peaceful solution. How many peace summits has the billionaire bin Laden attended? Zero. What has been his first and only response? Violence.

And what, as many on this board so happily claim, does violence beget?
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VTA a good post there but in the end it's simpler than that....
If you take sides in a dispute then you can expect 5hit from the other side.
Which kind of lends itself to "this can go on forever".
It could be simple, but many don't want it to be.
Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

robin said:
Yeah after they kicked off the Palestinians that had lived there for 3,000 years !

Tut. There's me thinking that Islam was even younger than Christianity, (therefore far less than 3000 years old) and that, in turn, Christianity is younger than Judaism. :roll:

A bit of advice: actually learn about the topic at hand before you start ranting. That, or throw pieces of bacon at Palestinian mob and see what happens. The latter would probably entertain me more.

Religious extremism is always a problem. Don't blame all the followers of one religion for the idiocy of a few. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, there are car bombings in Iraq every day that only kill Muslims. When a terrorist group bombed the Australian embassy in Jakarta, the only fatalities were Muslims. These terrorist wankers really don't give a stuff who they blow up, or why.
Re: Jewish & Muslim zombies swaying to & fro... Can anyone explain difference ?

vergiss said:
Tut. There's me thinking that Islam was even younger than Christianity, (therefore far less than 3000 years old) and that, in turn, Christianity is younger than Judaism. :roll:

A bit of advice: actually learn about the topic at hand before you start ranting. That, or throw pieces of bacon at Palestinian mob and see what happens. The latter would probably entertain me more.

Religious extremism is always a problem. Don't blame all the followers of one religion for the idiocy of a few. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, there are car bombings in Iraq every day that only kill Muslims. When a terrorist group bombed the Australian embassy in Jakarta, the only fatalities were Muslims. These terrorist wankers really don't give a stuff who they blow up, or why.

Excellent post. Maybe someone should tell our friend that the Jews have lived in Israel for thousands of years, just like the "Palestinians"....the majority of which emigrated from other arab states in the 20th century.

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