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Campaign Over, President Trump Will Hold a (What Else?) Campaign Rally (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
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Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

Campaign Over, President Trump Will Hold a (What Else?) Campaign Rally

WASHINGTON — In an extraordinarily swift return to politicking after a tumultuous first month in office, the White House on Wednesday said President Trump will hold the first campaign rally of his four-week-old administration on Saturday.

The rally, to be held in an airplane hangar in Melbourne, Fla., is an indication that Mr. Trump, who has sometimes felt isolated in the White House, is eager to get outside of Washington and relive the rapturous reception that greeted him during the presidential campaign. Mr. Trump exulted in large crowds assembled at cavernous venues throughout his 2016 bid, and spent the first days of his presidency quibbling over how many Americans attended his inauguration.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him
He's got a huge ego that requires constant feeding.
I wonder if he'll mention that he beat Clinton with a majority of the electoral votes. I think it may have been a full two hours since he said that to anyone.
Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him

:lol: Someone needs his ego stroked.

"You Must Love Me"

Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all, you believed in me
I believed in you

Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive?
How do we keep all our passions alive,
As we used to do?


Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away


You must love me
You must love me

Why are you at my side?
How can I be any use to you now?
Give me a chance and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed


You must love me
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Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him

Obama campaigned through all 8 years. I don't recall you guys taking umbrage with that.
My bad, it's been a whole four hours since he last told anyone that he won the electoral vote. The guy must be wobbly in the knees.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4h4 hours ago

The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
Obama campaigned through all 8 years. I don't recall you guys taking umbrage with that.

It is OK when you win the Nobel Prize. Not like Trump was even nominated.
It is OK when you win the Nobel Prize. Not like Trump was even nominated.

I think that may be the first time "Trump" and "Nobel Prize" ever appeared in the same thought.
Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him

Let's all go. Road trip! We can all bow down to his excellency and tell him how awwesomes he is. How beautiful. Filled with love.
It is OK when you win the Nobel Prize. Not like Trump was even nominated.

Obama blew the expectations of the Prize Committee all to Hell, didn't he.

Conflict Map:
Trump just said that he won the Election! DRINK!
Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him

Got to love the partisanship. Want to know how many people have filed statements of candidacy? Check it out.

FEC ~ New Statements of Candidacy

Along with Trump 2 other people made statements of candidacy for the Presidency in 2020 on January 20, 2017. Dwayne Vernardo and Mr. Mark Allen Weber.

In fact since the beginning of this year there has been a total of 21 people that have made a statement of candidacy for the 2020 Presidential election.

205 have made a statement of candidacy for positions in the House for the 2018 election season, again, just starting from the beginning of this year.

11 have made a statement of candidacy for positions in the Senate for the 2018 election season, again, just starting from the beginning of this year.

People from all sides of the political spectrum have submitted candidacy statements for the next election season that they want to be involved in. This is nothing new. It has been done across many election seasons across all aisles. Never have I heard anything about it until Trump came along. And even then it only talks about Trump doing it.
That one got me too.

Maybe they'll be happy when Trump gets the Nobel Prize.

He would've won the Nobel already if Norway wasn't bussing in all those Mexicans and Massachusetts folk to rig the election.
Moderator's Warning:
Moved to more appropriate location

The left have been jerking each other off since the election. There have been non stop exhibitions of anger an hatred. Trump decides a little positive action is in order and the left...not at all shockingly...****s themselves yet again.

You guys are hilarious to watch.

The left have been jerking each other off since the election. There have been non stop exhibitions of anger an hatred. Trump decides a little positive action is in order and the left...not at all shockingly...****s themselves yet again.

You guys are hilarious to watch.

You think we're funny, you should see those guys who pretended to be independent during the election and now can't stop worshipping and defending their dear leader. Now those guys are comedy gold.
He would've won the Nobel already if Norway wasn't bussing in all those Mexicans and Massachusetts folk to rig the election.

Ah, so that's how the 3000 phantom voters that nobody ever saw ended up here on election day. Those crazy Norwegians. They have mad skillz.
Did you know that the 2020 campaign has already begun? You should have known it because Trump filed with the FEC on January 20th, the day of his inauguration, that he was beginning the 2020 campaign.

One might think the Donald is feeling a bit insecure without crowds of cheering worshipers standing before him

Why? At first I thought the same thing, like "WTF". but in reality it actually makes sense. given how the media ignored his massive crowd turnout and their constant coverage of ANY opposition to his presidency. Like the off the cuff press conference today, he's taking his message straight to the people. I was pretty impressed.
Got to love the partisanship. Want to know how many people have filed statements of candidacy? Check it out.

FEC ~ New Statements of Candidacy

Along with Trump 2 other people made statements of candidacy for the Presidency in 2020 on January 20, 2017. Dwayne Vernardo and Mr. Mark Allen Weber.

In fact since the beginning of this year there has been a total of 21 people that have made a statement of candidacy for the 2020 Presidential election.

205 have made a statement of candidacy for positions in the House for the 2018 election season, again, just starting from the beginning of this year.

11 have made a statement of candidacy for positions in the Senate for the 2018 election season, again, just starting from the beginning of this year.

People from all sides of the political spectrum have submitted candidacy statements for the next election season that they want to be involved in. This is nothing new. It has been done across many election seasons across all aisles. Never have I heard anything about it until Trump came along. And even then it only talks about Trump doing it.

I'm voting for Dwayne Vernardo. I wonder if he's related to Vermin Supreme. I need to see how his house parties are first before committing, actually.

In all seriousness, you should have seen the NH ballot on primary day. I had to scan the list before seeing names I recognized. I hope this shows up but this is the top half of the Republican ballot for NH on primary day. The Dem ballot was just as long.

Stein started her 2020 campaign the day after the election disguised as recounts without formally declaring.

E Warren has started her presidential run disguised as confirmation hearings without formally declaring.

The same folks mocking Trump for declaring a 2020 run and calling this a campaign rally, would also have pebbles in their vaginas about Trump holding campaign style rallied without formally declaring. Then demand formal investigations.

It's the same crap the partisan right did with Obama.

I wonder If the Nobel Peace committee would have still awarded Obama his affirmative action peace prize if they knew he would one day bomb the **** out of another peace prize winning institution.

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