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California (1 Viewer)


Jun 4, 2004
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Right here
Well... it looks like the California couples "married" a few months back aren't any more... Full story from Yahoo News

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California's Supreme Court annulled more than 4,000 gay marriages in San Francisco on Thursday after finding the city acted improperly in granting marriage licenses earlier this year in defiance of state law.

. . .

A California law backed by a voter referendum defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and polls show most Californians continue to oppose gay marriage.

In its decision, the justices focused on whether the mayor had the authority to marry gays rather than the broader arguments whether the state constitution must allow gay marriage. Briefs in a lawsuit raising the broader issue are expected before a lower court next month.
and shortly after that the gov. of new jersey resigned because of a homosexual sexual harrasment case...... the timing makes you wonder

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