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California Governor Approves Bill Increasing Age to Buy Tobacco From 18 to 21 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2014
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Bangkok/Los Angeles
Political Leaning
Wooooooo, Brown finally signed it! It's been sitting on his desks for months. The tobacco lobby has been threatening to obstruct everything in CA if he signs it. Can't wait to see the fall out from this, going to be so awesome!

California Governor Approves Bill Increasing Age to Buy Tobacco From 18 to 21

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill raising the smoking age to 21 in California.

Brown had until midnight to act on six bills to restrict tobacco use in California, including one to raise the legal age to buy tobacco for smoking, dipping, chewing and vaping from 18 to 21.
I wish we would stop playing this stupid game where we put age restrictions on things.

Children are under the supervision of their parents, while young adults are mother****ing adults.
Not wise. We end up creating even more complication on when someone is an adult and honestly in charge of themselves by their own decision.

So now in CA you can consent to sex or go to war and kill someone at 18, but not able to make "adult" decisions on tobacco or alcohol until 21.

Makes *zero* sense, always has.
And the juvenilization of the US continues.
Wooooooo, Brown finally signed it! It's been sitting on his desks for months. The tobacco lobby has been threatening to obstruct everything in CA if he signs it. Can't wait to see the fall out from this, going to be so awesome!

The legal age of adulthood in California (and all states for that matter, as far as I am aware) is 18. Therefore, those aged 18 and older should be allowed to buy tobacco. I would also argue that they should be allowed to purchase and consume alcohol, but that isn't really within the topic of this thread. They are adults, they can make such decisions for themselves.
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I wish we would stop playing this stupid game where we put age restrictions on things.

Children are under the supervision of their parents, while young adults are mother****ing adults.
This will likely go nationwide. As California goes, so goes the nation. The Tobacco industry has been threatening all out war for months if this passes

California tobacco bills spurred hardball political threats

California Medical Association chief executive officer Dustin Corcoran said Friday a tobacco industry representative he declined to identify explicitly warned of launching a referendum campaign if the bills passed. “They made it perfectly clear that they would seek retribution,” Corcoran said. “The quote to me when they talked to me was ‘we’re going to go scorched earth and we’ll burn everything down.’”

An email obtained by The Bee, dated the day before the Assembly floor vote and bearing the address of a lobbyist for Lang, Hansen, O'Malley, & Miller Governmental Relations, a firm whose clients include Altria, mirrors Corcoran’s description. It details a strategy to torpedo other ballot measures by cornering the market on paid signature-gatherers so that they are unavailable to work for other campaigns.

The message specifically mentions proposed ballot initiatives to extend the Proposition 30 tax on affluent Californians and to impose a $2-a-pack tax on cigarettes. The latter is supported by a coalition of labor and healthcare groups that includes the California Medical Association.

“When we hit the street with a referendum paying $20 per signature, Prop 30 is dead as well as $2 a pack tax,” the email reads. “We will have every signature gatherer on an exclusive. Just letting you know so you can’t say you were not warned.”

should be interesting to see how this plays out.
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Great! It will save thousands of lives!
Wooooooo, Brown finally signed it! It's been sitting on his desks for months. The tobacco lobby has been threatening to obstruct everything in CA if he signs it. Can't wait to see the fall out from this, going to be so awesome!
Makes sense. California is just one giant safe-zone.
An ultra-liberal government passes a law giving the government more control over people's private lives. In shocked!!
Join the Military, place your life on the line, but heaven forbid if you want a cold beer and a smoke. Bad for your health.
Wooooooo, Brown finally signed it! It's been sitting on his desks for months. The tobacco lobby has been threatening to obstruct everything in CA if he signs it. Can't wait to see the fall out from this, going to be so awesome!

So a kid fights and bleeds for his country, and on return is not allowed to smoke a Marlboro? You have to be kidding.

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