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Bush's Latest Impeachable Offense (1 Viewer)



Here we go again. Bush added a signing statement to The Patriot Act stating that he did not have to saying that he did not have to inform that he inform Congress on how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.

In case you're keeping score here are Bush's other impeachable offenses.

1. Iraq Invasion:

a. By violating the UN charter Bush violated Article VI of the Constitution that states treaties are "the supreme law of the land."

b. Bush duped the American people into going to war in Iraq. See the Downing Street Memo for more info. When you fix or ignore the intelligence you are committing a fraud against for the government and the people.

for Further reading - The Case For Impeachment - Harpers Magazine March 06

2. Illegal detention in the US and oversees.
a. 1,200 rounded up during Ashcroft raids - held for months w/out charge.
b. Mass detentions in Guantanamo, Iraq & Afghanistan
c. US citizens denied due process

3. Torture scandal
a. Bush & friends repeatedly violates international treaties by torturing and in some cases killing detainees in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and elsewhere. The Pentagon confirms that 34 prisoners in US custody have been killed.
b. rendition - outsourcing torture to other countries
c. Bush declares Taliban and Al Qaeda exempt from Geneva Conventions

4. NSA warrantless wiretapping : Bush violates FISA law and the rights of thousands of US citizens

Bush thinks he can just make the laws up as he goes. He acts like he's a despot, and continually gets away with disgracing the office of the presidency and ignoring our constitution.

Here's the latest:

Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement
In addendum to law, he says oversight rules are not binding
By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff | March 24, 2006

WASHINGTON -- When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.

The bill contained several oversight provisions intended to make sure the FBI did not abuse the special terrorism-related powers to search homes and secretly seize papers. The provisions require Justice Department officials to keep closer track of how often the FBI uses the new powers and in what type of situations. Under the law, the administration would have to provide the information to Congress by certain dates.

Bush signed the bill with fanfare at a White House ceremony March 9, calling it ''a piece of legislation that's vital to win the war on terror and to protect the American people." But after the reporters and guests had left, the White House quietly issued a ''signing statement," an official document in which a president lays out his interpretation of a new law.
None of this crap is impeachable, at least not towards Bush. What you posted is twisted fact. The Iraq war wasn't illegal, only in your little Pinko Fantasy World. Quit smoking weed for once man!
Thank God, a Bush bashing thread. Lord knows we couldn't survive the day without one of these.

Hey Hipster: Can you imagine if any of those claims were proven. Man, you guys could have Bush's head on a stick. So, what's the latest with that impeachment, anyway? :cool:
Ouch! A personal attack and insult.....

This should prove to be an interesting day!

Play ball!! :mrgreen:
The signing statement is constitutional, but is often considered "the black sheep" of presidential powers. As far as I know, every president has used this power, and I really don't see the problem with it?:confused:
Deegan said:
The signing statement is constitutional, but is often considered "the black sheep" of presidential powers. As far as I know, every president has used this power, and I really don't see the problem with it?:confused:

I heard on the Rush Limbaugh show that Bill Clinton used wiretaps. Yet his only impeachable offense was getting his pole smoked.
Donkey1499 said:
I heard on the Rush Limbaugh show that Bill Clinton used wiretaps. Yet his only impeachable offense was getting his pole smoked.
Impeached for lying to a Federal judge while under oath, to be more exact.

I did NOT have my pole smoked by that woman.
Oh NO! Not the basement!! :shock:
Captain America said:
Oh NO! Not the basement!! :shock:
That's where they usually send the crass junior high locker room humor.
hipsterdufus said:
Here we go again.

Hey Hipster, if it is Impeachable, shut up and start the process already! We have heard the 'I' word from the democrats so many times in the last 6 years that it is becoming sickening! The last attempt by Feingold, introducing legislation to Censure a wartime President for using a LEGAL program to protect this country from the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, was the most hillarious to date!

The fact is that your party hung Feingold out to dry, making every effort to avoid starting up a debate on impeaching Bush! They prefer to try him in the court of public opinion because they have NOTHING on his legally! If they did, Bush would be Impeached for breaking the law/betraying his Oath of office, as was Clinton!

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easyt65 said:
Hey Hipster, if it is Impeachable, shut up and start the process already! We have heard the 'I' word from the democrats so many times in the last 6 years that it is becoming sickening! The last attempt by Feingold, introducing legislation to Censure a wartime President for using a LEGAL program to protect this country from the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, was the most hillarious to date!

The fact is that your party hung Feingold out to dry, making every effort to avoid starting up a debate on impeaching Bush! They prefer to try him in the court of public opinion because they have NOTHING on his legally! If they did, Bush would be Impeached for breaking the law/betraying his Oath of office, as was Clinton!

Have you noticed the latest talking points from the left on this subject? We are now hearing more and more that "Well, impeachment won't happen. It won't do any good. Yada yada." They're already making excuses because they know it isn't going to happen. Extremists like hipster haven't caught on yet.
KCConservative said:
Thank God, a Bush bashing thread. Lord knows we couldn't survive the day without one of these.

Hey Hipster: Can you imagine if any of those claims were proven. Man, you guys could have Bush's head on a stick. So, what's the latest with that impeachment, anyway? :cool:

I would like for Bush to go a day without having to post how he's found another way to violate the constitution. This is hard work. ;)

Certainly nothing can happen with a rubber stamp Congress whether its censure or impeachment. These claims will never be proven while the GOP holds power. There is no oversight, nor any checks and balances in our federal government. The only way Dems can discuss the issues are to hold a meeting in the basement of the house of Reps.

That doesn't mean Bush doesn't deserve to be impeached.

But I'll ask you this question KC. The majority of Americans feel Bush should be impeached if he lied the country into the Iraq war on false pretenses. If that were proven, should Bush be impeached?
easyt65 said:
Hey Hipster, if it is Impeachable, shut up and start the process already! We have heard the 'I' word from the democrats so many times in the last 6 years that it is becoming sickening! The last attempt by Feingold, introducing legislation to Censure a wartime President for using a LEGAL program to protect this country from the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11, was the most hillarious to date!

The fact is that your party hung Feingold out to dry, making every effort to avoid starting up a debate on impeaching Bush! They prefer to try him in the court of public opinion because they have NOTHING on his legally! If they did, Bush would be Impeached for breaking the law/betraying his Oath of office, as was Clinton!



Now that felt good...

Just because we're in a war doesn't put the president above the law. We may be in the so-called war on terror for the next 50 years. Should Presidents Feingold, Obama, Franken, Hipsterdufus and Hipsterdufus Jr. all have the same unlimited,unchecked and unquestioned power to do whatever we dam well please? Hmmm.....

How exactly do expect a citizen like me to impeach the president? Should I start a petition? Write Senator Santorum? :doh

Why don't you look at the issues I raise rather than blaming Clinton or giving the usual ad hominem attacks?

Feingold's symbolic censure move wouldn't be necessary if there was ANY kind of oversight in the government these days. Of course Feingold knew that this action wouldn't result in the censure of Bubble Boy. Not with our rubber stamp congress and the current majority in the GOP. His hope is that it may lead to an (drum roll please..........) actual investigation. :shock:

You know - like the numerous one's y'all drooled on every day when Clinton was in office?
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KCConservative said:
Have you noticed the latest talking points from the left on this subject? We are now hearing more and more that "Well, impeachment won't happen. It won't do any good. Yada yada." They're already making excuses because they know it isn't going to happen. Extremists like hipster haven't caught on yet.

Earth to KC. Anyone in their right mind can tell you that impeachment is not going to happen with the GOP in control of Congress. Bush would have to be caught in bed with a young boy someone for it to have even the slightest chance of happening.

That doesn't mean Bush isn't continually disregarding the constitution, international law and abusing citzens rights. It's just that your party doesn't think that's a big deal. They'd rather blame it on the media - who totally sucked up the administration during the run up to the Iraq war.

GOP story on the Avian Flu. There are lots of pretty pretty birds flying around.

GOP story on Iraq. The US is building some beautiful hospitals here. Boy are those Iraqis getting some good use out of them!
hipsterdufus said:
But I'll ask you this question KC. The majority of Americans feel Bush should be impeached if he lied the country into the Iraq war on false pretenses. If that were proven, should Bush be impeached?

I think it would be grounds for an hearing. The evidence presented would determine whether it would actually happen. I don't pretend to know how a vote would turn out. We have been hearing the allegations of his lying for several years now. When is it going to be, as you say, "proven"?
hipsterdufus said:
That doesn't mean Bush isn't continually disregarding the constitution, international law and abusing citzens rights.
We hear you screaming, hip. But these things are a matter of partisan opinion. Find a law that has been broken and bring the charges. Until then, it's angry jealousy. I have an idea. How about focusing on a democratic platform for the upcoming election? How about finding a viable democratic candidate for the 08 election? How about fixing your own party instead of bashing the ones who keep winning?
KCConservative said:
I think it would be grounds for an hearing. The evidence presented would determine whether it would actually happen. I don't pretend to know how a vote would turn out. We have been hearing the allegations of his lying for several years now. When is it going to be, as you say, "proven"?

It will never be proven with the GOP controlling Congress. There is absolutely no oversight in any way shape or form.

The Dems cannot hold hearings on the matter. They can't hold hearings AT ALL. Instead they can have to be called "forums" and are in the Basement of the house They can't call the head of the "forum" chairman - because that's reserved for people presiding over hearings.

I'd go with Godfather as a replacement.
KCConservative said:
We hear you screaming, hip. But these things are a matter of partisan opinion. Find a law that has been broken and bring the charges. Until then, it's angry jealousy. I have an idea. How about focusing on a democratic platform for the upcoming election? How about finding a viable democratic candidate for the 08 election? How about fixing your own party instead of bashing the ones who keep winning?

Again, the Dem's have no power at all to bring the charges in a GOP controlled Congress. These matters could be dismissed easily as partisan opinion if an one of the charges were ever looked into by the congress.

See the above post.

I'm all for finding viable Dem candidates too. Dems can't be politcal vultures, winning only when there are rotting Republican carcasses to munch on, like we have now.

But for crying out loud, someone needs to speak truth to power.

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