How would you evaluate our President? Give one GOOD thing this man has done for this country. Then state one reason John Kerry or anyone else for that matter could do a worse job? You're right about a couple of points...I don't support what our troops are doing. I don't hope they fail, but I wish we would bring them home and take care of America's problems before we go out and try to save the earth. That is one problem I have with people who support Bush and this war. Have you ever heard that God has a plan for all things? Do you read the bible? Do you not see that what we are doing is wrong in God's eyes? The law of God is above the law of man. Here is a link to what the bible professes will be our demise. George Bush is taking us directly into that. His greed for money, trade, and the dream he has for America to rule the world has all been forseen by God. Believe it or not it has! I suggest you please read this entire page before you go and put your faith in the dumbest man this world has ever known...
The term "Kittim" comes from the Book of Daniel; the term "Egypt" from the Book of Jeremiah.
Both words designate military power. "Kittim" is Daniel's description of a western military force so powerful in the last days that it is able, with its armada of naval warships, to confront and stare down the beast at the height of his empire. Given the foe and context, that description sounds very "Jerusalem" (i.e., it seems to signify closeness to God).
In scripture, "Egypt" is a cryptogram for military power as well, but with an added symbolism of worldliness. The Cairo museum shows us as well an 'Egypt' that stands for gold. Today the United States carries the visage of all three. That is fundamentally different from the America that existed in 1776.
In the early 1960's the United States still gloried in the radiance of benefaction. It had, with its defenses, saved the entire world from a flood of desperate totalitarian fanatics who had tried to capture it militarily. Like Tyre in Ezekiel's prophecy, ours was a country steeped in beauty and filled with heavenly wisdom, an Eden in the garden of God.
In forty years, all that has radically changed. Those who ruled this nation in God's righteousness and human compassion were replaced by others with darker motives. They gave us a new country. Seeing no need for any power but their own, they boldly evicted God outright. Today the nation's schools and institutions are not allowed even to utter God's name. Public prayer has been outlawed. Democracy has been replaced by greed and an unbridled thirst for money. A new militancy has surfaced, and with it, invasion and attack. The spectre of empire and hubris now haunt our flag.
Jeremiah's prophecies outlining the last days foresee a nation symbolically called "Egypt" invading the country now called Iraq and setting up outposts there near the Euphrates river. America has just done that. This prophecy has come true and it describes the United States. Our current outposts prove that we are the "Egypt" of Jeremiah's prophecy. Considering Jeremiah's description of the consequences of that invasion, our advance there portends an ominous future.
Do those fateful consequences relate to our national dismissal of God?
As far as scripture is concerned, it portends a nation like Tyre, a nation that has discarded God owing to a national belief that it (or in our case, our constitution) is superior to God; where trading is the new god, and military prowess alone is all the protection needed or desired. Military might is "Egypt". Therein lies the second half of the cryptogram. In other words, it portends a different kind of "Kittim", one that cannot be mistaken for "Jerusalem". It is a worldly "Kittim", the military arm of a corporate empire that views itself as omnipotent; An empire that serves a god of gold.
What does Ezekiel say concerning an identical transformation of purpose in Tyre?
"Your busy trading has filled you with violence and sin...your heart has grown swollen with pride on account of your beauty. You have corrupted your wisdom owing to your splendor." (Ez.28:16-17).
"By your wisdom and intelligence you have amassed great wealth; you have piles of gold and silver inside your treasure houses. Such is your skill in trading, your wealth has continued to increase, and with this your heart has grown more arrogant."
"And so, the Lord God says this: Since you consider yourself the equal of God, very well, I am going to bring foreigners against you, the most barbarous of the nations. They will draw sword against your fine wisdom, they will defile your glory; they will throw you down into the pit and you will die a violent death surrounded by the seas."
"Are you still going to say: I am a god, when your murderers confront you? No, you are a man and not a god in the clutches of your murderers! You will die like the uncircumcised at the hand of foreigners. For I have spoken * it is the Lord God who speaks." (Ez.28:4-10).
Scary stuff. But so it is with nations that discard God. Rejection of God is what Armageddon is all about (John 16:8-9). It is not the United States of the nineteen-fifties that has positioned itself at the Euphrates. It is a nation that has chosen to become its own god; a nation that has replaced God with humanistic temples honoring armaments and worldly finance. Renouncing it's Christian heritage it has, in less than forty years, almost fully reconstructed itself into the secular cryptogram of a symbolic "Egypt". Jesus warns us that this dramatic shift in choice is to be the grounds for divine judgement:
"On these grounds is the sentence pronounced: that though the light has come into the world men have shown they prefer darkness to the light because their deeds are evil." (John 3:19).
Can America return to its former glory? There is only one way. We have to put God back in charge. We have to return the reins to Jesus and put the government back on His shoulders. Unless that happens our fate is sure to be as Tyre's.
"If the Lord does not build the house, in vain the masons toil; if the Lord does not guard the city, in vain the sentries watch. In vain you get up earlier, and put off going to bed, sweating to make a living, since he provides for his beloved as they sleep." (Ps.127:1-2)
"The strength of the war horse means nothing to him, it is not infantry that interests him. The Lord is interested only in those who fear him, in those who rely on his love." (Ps.147:10-11).
The first warns that the Jewish refugees returning to rebuild Jerusalem will make a military alliance with "Egypt" for fear of war and the sound of the trumpet (Jer.42:11-18). True to Jeremiah's prophecy, such an alliance was made and it still exists, but it is with America, not the actual land of the Nile. This shows that "Egypt" in this prophecy is a cryptogram for the United States.
Jeremiah's sceond mention of "Egypt" concerns an attack by the king of Babylon on "Egypt" itself:
"He (the king of Babylon) will set fire to the temples of the gods of Egypt; he will burn these gods or carry them off...and leave without interference. He will break the obelisks of the temple of the Sun at On and burn down the temples of the gods of Egypt." (Jer.43:12-13).
According to President Bush, the true architect of the 9/11 attack on the New York Trade towers was Saddam Hussein, the king of Babylon (Iraq). That is America's official position. No one can prove it, but the president of the United States remains to this day fully convinced of it. The towers toppled killed thousands of innocent people, but the buildings, themselves, represented the inner sanctuary of the world's new god * trade and high finance. Towering over Manhatten, these enormous obelisks were our treasure houses, twin temples of money dedicated to world trade. And according to the president, the "king of Babylon" was at the very heart of the scheme to topple them.
The third mention of "Egypt" in this end-time scenario (Jer. 44:29-30) is a prophecy of an assassination that Jeremiah says will prove the truth of all the prophecies contained in Jeremiah's verses.
The fourth and last mention of "Egypt" (chapter 46) is directed at an "Egypt" that had recently defeated the king of Babylon in his own country (in Iraq), occupying the land there and taking up positions near the Euphrates river close to Carchemish.
It warns of an impending counterattack by the kings of the East across the Euphrates. Jeremiah calls this imminent invasion a "day of God's vengeance", and says these eastern forces will overrun the "Egyptian" (American?) outposts at the Euphrates and sweep south in a reign of terror destined to plunge the earth into a terrible war:
"Now, this is the day of the Lord God, a day of vengeance for his revenge on his enemies: his sword will eat them up and have its fill, will grow drunk with their blood. Yes, the Lord God Almighty has a sacrifice to make in the north country, by the river Euphrates." (Jer.46:10).
"There in the north, there by the river Euphrates, they have collapsed, have fallen. Who was it rose like the Nile, its waters foaming like a torrent? Why, Egypt rose like the Nile, its waters foaming like a torrent. 'I will rise,' he said 'and drown the earth; sweep towns and their inhabitants away!" (Jer.46:6-8).
They seem to prove that despite a military aresenal so vast it carries the cryptogram "Egypt", a little black book called 'the Bible' is more important to our national safety than all the B-2 bombers and hydrogen bombs our factories can ever produce.
I know I don't have all the answers to the world and I may be wrong about this. But I would rather put my trust in the Lord and do as he says, than to listen to some man who is out for the betterment of America.