Once again, the misleading of the forum is a bunch of bullshit that runs downhill...
Thread title?...
Bush Violated National Security Act, According to Congressional Research Service
Title of article linked?...
Congressional Agency Questions Legality of Wiretaps
Anyone notice the difference?...I don't know about you kids, but I find a difference between "violated" and "questions"...Maybe it's just me...
Let's keep going...
According to the actual article, which was obviously linked without full reading...First sentence...
The Bush administration appears to have violated the National Security Act by limiting its briefings about a warrantless domestic eavesdropping program to congressional leaders, according to a memo from Congress's research arm released yesterday.
Anyone see a difference between "violated" and "appears to have violated"?
If they were the same, I'd bet there'd be a helleva lot less trials in this country..."Appears like he did it...he MUST be guilty"...:roll:
Let's continue...from the article...
The Congressional Research Service opinion said that the amended 1947 law requires President Bush to keep all members of the House and Senate intelligence committees "fully and currently informed" of such intelligence activities as the domestic surveillance effort.
OK...sounds written in stone...unless, of course, there are EXCEPTIONS...further down the article...
The only exception in the law applies to covert actions, Cumming found, and those programs must be reported to the "Gang of Eight," which includes House and Senate leaders in addition to heads of the intelligence panels. The administration can also withhold some operational details in rare circumstances, but that does not apply to the existence of entire programs, he wrote.
Howz about that?...exception to their own rule...Let's see if the Admin can jump through that glaring hole now...
Unless the White House contends the program is a covert action, the memo said, "limiting congressional notification of the NSA program to the Gang of Eight . . . would appear to be inconsistent with the law."
Ouch...White House claims "covert action"...1947 law becomes irrelevant...
Are there any other hoops the Admin must jump through that we aren't told about here?...
I don't know...The author of this thread doesn't provide that information...
See folks, I don't even KNOW if this thread has any relevance...Everything in the article may or may not be true...I just don't know...
But what I DO KNOW is that the title thread is intentionally misleading and is NOT what the actual articles reports...
here are the three sentences on the original post...
The non-partisan Congressional Research Service has determined that President Bush has violated the National Security Act, which was passed in 1947...(Not according to the article...the article very clearly states "appears to have violated")...
This law makes it a crime to withhold from Congress information on some intelligence operations, such as domestic spying. ..(True statement...But does not mention whether or not what the Administration is doing falls under the realm of "some")...
Bush's limits on what information he gave Congress about domestic spying violated the law...(Unless there is admission of conjecture and/or personal opinion, because the article does NOT agree with this statement)...
Debunked again...Now you know why I don't do this with every thread the author starts...There are only so many hours in the day...
But hopefully, the members here will see this and understand what to look for the next time the author decides to mislead again...
Don't worry...It won't be long...