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Bush Seeks Secure Borders (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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"Those who enter the country illegally break the law," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.

"In communities near our border, illegal immigration strains the resources of schools, hospitals and law enforcement. And it involves smugglers and gangs that bring crime to our neighborhoods. Faced with this serious challenge our government's responsibility is clear. We're going to protect our borders."


Only a second term president, who has no more votes to get, has the guts to get tough on immigration. This is great news.
President bush was pushed kicking and squeeling to the border.The Republicans love 11million poor ignorant work cheap Illegal mexicans being here to help depress wages for Americans. To help block raising the minimum wage,love it.
Lets not forget senator kennedy he loves the 11 million to. Thats about 4 million or more probable democratic voters.
When push comes to shove the security of the American people to politicians,just aint that important.
Wasn't it just a couple years ago that Bush was pushing to give illegal immigrants workers permits and drivers licenses....
KCConservative said:
Only a second term president, who has no more votes to get, has the guts to get tough on immigration. This is great news.

Umm, have you been reading any newspapers for Bush's entire presidency? Not only is Bush not "getting tough" on immigration, he is actively committed to liberalization of our border policies.

I don't necessarily disagree with him on that, but to characterize him as "tough on immigration" would be like characterizing John Kerry as a religious fundamentalist, or Dick Cheney as too naive and soft.
KCConservative said:
"Those who enter the country illegally break the law," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.

"In communities near our border, illegal immigration strains the resources of schools, hospitals and law enforcement. And it involves smugglers and gangs that bring crime to our neighborhoods. Faced with this serious challenge our government's responsibility is clear. We're going to protect our borders."


Only a second term president, who has no more votes to get, has the guts to get tough on immigration. This is great news.

Don't make me vomit.

ANY president, even a convicted perjurer and a rapist, could have ordered troops to the borders on September 11th and no one would have said a word in protest except the coyotes and similar parasites.

Bush ain't getting "tough on immigration", its the Republican equivalent of when Clinton bombed a camel's ass in Afghanistan to keep Monica Lewinski from getting top billing for her press conference. It's all about sagging polls and nothing more.

We'll know Bush is tough on the invasion when he issues an executive order to federal law agencies to collate reported employment data, unemployment insurance claims, taxes, etc, and begin arresting the employers of these people.

Bush will be serious about "guest worker" programs when he:
1) Orders names, photos, and fingerprints be taken of all persons crossing the border INTO Mexico.

2) Institutes a "temporary work visa" program that can only issue visas to new applicants in their nation of origin.

3) Claims that we will not reward law breakers and persons who're found to have been in this country illegally (see step 1) will be automatically denied guest worker status.

Bush will be serious about the invasion proble when he:

4) Eliminates the concept of "anchor babies" and demans his party introduces legislation redefining the notion of citizenship, and denying it to any person born of a mother not entered in this country legally at the time of his birth (unless, of course, his acknowleged father is a US citizen). And yes, this can certainly be made retroactive, though perhaps an accelerated an abbreviated naturalization program could be instituted for teenagers and others caught in this trap.

But all Bush is doing now is trying to convince his vanishing base, the ones he blew off for five years, that he's not a true pal of John Kerry.
KCConservative said:
"Those who enter the country illegally break the law," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.

"In communities near our border, illegal immigration strains the resources of schools, hospitals and law enforcement. And it involves smugglers and gangs that bring crime to our neighborhoods. Faced with this serious challenge our government's responsibility is clear. We're going to protect our borders."


Only a second term president, who has no more votes to get, has the guts to get tough on immigration. This is great news.

Great news? Would have been if initiated on 9/12. We should have secured our borders before going into Iraq. Then we should not have gone into Iraq.
tryreading said:
Great news? Would have been if initiated on 9/12. We should have secured our borders before going into Iraq. Then we should not have gone into Iraq.
And which president cut our Military forces to further this attack? :confused:
This isn't a secure borders plan. This is a VERY thinly veiled plan to offer amnesty to people that are here illegally, just like the corporate lobbies want.

This is how Bush was "tough" on illegals before enormous, mounting, bi-partisan political pressure was brought to bear on him and his poll numbers went to hell:

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

"Mr. Tancredo(R-Co.), chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, blamed the Bush administration for setting an immigration enforcement tone that suggests to those enforcing the law that he is not serious about secure borders."

I suspect he's going to get tough on border security like he did on corporate CEO's ripping off employees and shareholders. The talk will be there, but the funding will not be.

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