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Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there is (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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I am so relieved that this issue has bipartisan support. Bush has chosen this firm in the United Arab Emirates to man our ports and both democrats and republicans are up in arms about this. The White House won't tell Congress what criteria this company passed in order to get this contract (surprise surprise--Bush doesn't share information with Congress). Bush says that if Congres tries to stop it, he will sign a veto. Nice. Nice balance of power. However, I love that he is shooting himself in the foot. Keep up your attitude, Bush! LOL

Bush backs transfer of U.S. ports to Dubai firm
Bipartisan criticism accompanies deal expected to be finalized in March

WASHINGTON - Brushing aside objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, President Bush endorsed the takeover of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement.


Bush Would Veto Any Bill Halting Dubai Port Deal

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 — President Bush, trying to put down a rapidly escalating rebellion among leaders of his own party, said Tuesday that he would veto any legislation blocking a deal for a state-owned company in Dubai to take over the management of port terminals in New York, Miami, Baltimore and other major American cities.

Mr. Bush issued the threat after the Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, and the House speaker, J. Dennis Hastert, publicly criticized the deal [:shock:] and said a thorough review was necessary to ensure that terrorists could not exploit the arrangement to slip weapons into American ports. Mr. Bush suggested that the objections to the deal might be based on bias against a company from the Middle East, one he said was an ally in fighting terrorism.

Here's your assignment...

Go through the web and show this sentence is a lie...debunk yourself with the truth...

Bush has chosen this firm in the United Arab Emirates to man our ports and both democrats and republicans are up in arms about this.

Then I'll continue reading past this sentence in your original post...
Separately, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said port security would not be threatened. “This is not a question about port security,” Gonzales said. “This is a question about port operation.”

I understand homeland security remains unaffected.
I understand the coast guard will be unaffected.
I understand "A senior executive from Dubai Ports World pledged the company would agree to whatever security precautions the U.S. government demanded to salvage the deal."
I understand “This is a company that has played by the rules, has been cooperative with the United States, from a country that’s an ally on the war on terror"
I understand port security really rests principally with the Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection.

I do not care.I dont like this move because this does nothing to "enchance" home security. If its not helping us in some way why should we be for it?

Until I know how this is going to help us in some way I oppose this deal.
The fact that Jimmy Carter is for this deal concerns me even more.
"I don't think there's any particular threat to our security. "

"Bush has chosen this firm in the United Arab Emirates to man our ports and both democrats and republicans are up in arms about this."--Yeah that is a bonifide aps partisan statement obviously but I dont like the idea of this deal until I can hear how this is helping us securitywise in some way.
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What's interesting is that the Washington Post has an editorial today essentially defending the decision to have this firm man our ports. I like it when a newspaper that is seen as leaning to the left comes out in favor of the president. They pointed out issues I did not know about (which they accuse Congress of not knowing either). For example, they say that this deal was "long in the making" and that it went through the appropriate security clearance. They state that UAE has been a US ally who supplied troops during the 1991 Gulf War and currently sends humanitarian aid to Iraq. They also state that our troops are allowed to move freely in and out of their country during the current war.

I might need to re-think my position on this.

Here's the link to the editorial:

Port Security Humbug
Wednesday, February 22, 2006; Page A14

YOU KNOW THERE'S something suspicious going on when multiple members of Congress -- House, Senate, Democrat, Republican, future presidential candidates of all stripes -- spontaneously unite around an issue that none of them had known existed a week earlier. . . .

Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

I actually agree with the Bush Administration on this issue...but I still have to marvel at his sheer political incompetence. If I was president and some minor story like this was generating a huge furor, I'd probably just back down. George Bush needs to learn how to pick his battles wisely.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

Well I feel that even if the security risk is zero
Call me funny but…
I believe and American company should run an American port.

Its bad Enough when you call tech service for phone company but you get to talk to AlbooBoo from "WeHateUstan."
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Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

cnredd said:
Here's your assignment...

Go through the web and show this sentence is a lie...debunk yourself with the truth...

Bush has chosen this firm in the United Arab Emirates to man our ports and both democrats and republicans are up in arms about this.

Then I'll continue reading past this sentence in your original post...

You beat me to it. There has been so much misinformation concerning this that it is almost impossible to have an honest debate. I'm listening to Bill Kristol on TV right now making that very same point about the media, the idiotic media, reporting on this and how now we can perhaps have an honest debate on this. I'm in one post where the poster is going around claiming we are SELLING the ports to the UAE. When pointed out this is not the case the retort is, "Well you're just argueing semantics". What folly, I'm the one argueing facts.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

akyron said:
I do not care.I dont like this move because this does nothing to "enchance" home security. If its not helping us in some way why should we be for it?

It just might do that. UAE will have a financial stake in this country and in protecting that stake. And for all we know some of those concessions could be more intelligence cooperation in the mid-east. That's why we elect people whom we trust and in this matter when the Administration says they have fully vetted this deal and that it IS in our interest I have no reason not to believe them. I certainly have no reason to believe those who are going around spouting misinformation and hyberbole. BTW which I don't mean to insinuate you, you pointed out the actual facts in your post and did so clearly.
From what I've read, the UAE has one of the highest drug trafficking and people smuggling sectors in the Middle East. There are also ties to the 9/11 hi-jackers, and rumors of shipping nuclear material to North Korea, Iran, Libya, etc.

I'm writing my state reps and demanding the 45 day review be put in place to guarantee the safety of our ports, a vital lifeline both to our troops overseas and our own security.

A 45 day review to sort this out, with congressional oversight, is not asking to much of our President.

If he doesn't like the delay, then over ride his veto. The assurance of the safety and security of America should take precedent over any business transaction. Period.
Apparently, Bush didn't know about the deal until it was done. Interesting.

Bush unaware of port deal until after approval
White House: President only learned recently of handover to Arab firm

WASHINGTON - President Bush was unaware of the pending sale of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports to a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates until the deal already had been approved by his administration, the White House said Wednesday.

Defending the deal anew, the administration also said that it should have briefed Congress sooner about the transaction, which has triggered a major political backlash among both Republicans and Democrats. . . .

akyron said:
"Bush has chosen this firm in the United Arab Emirates to man our ports and both democrats and republicans are up in arms about this."--Yeah that is a bonifide aps partisan statement obviously but I dont like the idea of this deal until I can hear how this is helping us securitywise in some way.

Well this guy is up in arms about it;

"I will fight harder than ever for this legislation, and if it is vetoed I will fight as hard as I can to override it," said Rep. Pete King, R-N.Y., chairman of the Homeland Security Committee."

I think minimizing this and calling it partisan just because a liberal is bringing it up is partisan.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

cherokee said:
I believe and American company should run an American port.
I'm getting the impression that it's incredibly common for foreign companies to run american ports.

I really suspect a mountain's being made out of a mole hill here.

Hoot said:
From what I've read, the UAE has one of the highest drug trafficking and people smuggling sectors in the Middle East.
UAE is one of the most free, modern and sophisticated places in the ME. Because of this, folks aren't as reluctant to move their money around in UAE. Hence, it's a major center of commerce etc. It's no surprise that some of the commerce is illicit.

Hoot said:
There are also ties to the 9/11 hi-jackers ...
US also had "ties to the 9/11 hi-jackers."

Hoot said:
... rumors of shipping nuclear material to North Korea, Iran, Libya, etc.
Surely it's just that such materials went throug there rather than UAE having and exporting such. As I noted, it's a major commercial hub in the region. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

We have security in the ports that have nothing to do with the eventual ownership of the ports. This does not make them the Port Authority. It's business as usual, but the benefit of this charade is an eventual closer scrutiny and security on our ports which are part of our borders.
As to the UAE, they have been our greatest ally in the Arab world and the source for intel that we can get no where else. We do business over there at their behest and they should enjoy the same liberties here.
This is a great visceral kneejerk kind of topic (Arabs + Control+ US Ports) to make good political vebage, but it is a paper tiger. If you think Homeland security was clueless about this, then you may be clueless.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

Kandahar said:
George Bush needs to learn how to pick his battles wisely.
He doesn't pick them at all. He doesn't allow himself to play that game. He does what he thinks is best. Period.
I say good for Bush. Freakin hypocritical politicians condemn a couple Muslim cartoons as offensive but they don't want a Muslim country running a couple ports. It's a good economic move with the most liberal Muslim country.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

You are correct in all respects.
aps said:
Apparently, Bush didn't know about the deal until it was done. Interesting.

This is a very interesting twist to the story. David Gergen (who worked under 4 presidents--Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton) said that Bush is now in a no-win situation. He didn't know about the deal until a couple of days ago, yet when Congress threatened to pass legislation to delay the deal, he threatened a veto. Now, if he keeps that promise (and vetos legislation), he is going to lose support of his base since Congress has promised to override his veto. However, if he doesn't go through with the deal, he hurts his relationship with the Arabs. While it was admirable that Bush wanted to defend a decision his administration made, why he wouldn't have said, "I just learned of this recently, and let's delay the decision so that we can further investigate this deal," is beyond me.

Bush has shot himself in the foot.

What do the republicans/conservatives think about this? With so many conservatives against this deal, I am wondering if some of you don't see eye-to-eye with the president. I know it's a knee-jerk reaction to defend him, but really think about this issue and give me your honest opinion.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

aps said:
Bush has shot himself in the foot.

It will go through and a bunch of congress people are going to look stupid. Did you know the buy out of the British company includes taking over operations at two British ports and that the Brits did the same review we did and came to the same conclusion, that it's just fine and that not one member of parliment objected.

As far as Bush the congressional mandated procedures has it so it only gets to presidential level when the review results in a rejection. And this has been public knowledge since November. Congress looks like idiots. They complain about it being a secret review when THEY set it up to be secret. The Executive branch follow the law to a tee and then some.
Why do you think the Brits approved the deal including the Dubai company running terminals at two of thier ports? And not one member of Parliment objected. Why do you think Japan, Austrailia, Korea and many other countries allow this company to run terminal operations in thier ports? It is said they are the best in the world at this business.
Re: Bush says he will have Dubai firm man our ports no matter how much dissent there

Rush made a good point today in that with the far reaching worldwide economic interest of the UAE, they would be idiots to jeapordize their investment by letting something untoward happen. It's in their best interest to see that nothing does happen.
China runs a port in Los Angeles. Where has the screaming been about that? Oh yeah, it's about bashing Bush.
KCConservative said:
China runs a port in Los Angeles. Where has the screaming been about that? Oh yeah, it's about bashing Bush.

Tell me about it. :roll: Reminds me of the hunting accident. Except...you know, not with Cheney.

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