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Bush rape allegations? (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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Bush rape allegation?

Democrats are being punished for President Clinton.

In 1992, Democrats thought they had inherited an incredible fortune: a southern politician who could attract the votes of mainstream America, while still being progressive enough on numerous issues to deserve support...

Yet, as the true believers soon found, President Clinton's way was one of tactical brilliance, and policy capitulation...

Now over 4 years after his term has ended, can we admit, the best thing about President Clinton was that the people we don't like, actually hated him?

The legacy President Clinton left may have some positive aspects, but the major planks are not good:

1. A permanent minority party

2. lost credibility on moral issues

3. a lack of direction for the party and the country.


Diaries :: craigfarmer's diary ::

The last one should have crossed a line.

Imagine if a middle-class, well-spoken woman accused President Bush of a brutal rape.

We excused it. The media. The Left.

To date, he still hasn't taken the opportunity to clear his reputation, and deny the specific allegations.

see the rest: http://www.newliberals.org
Craig Farmer

making the word "liberal" safe again.
I agree.
I am starting to think he is really only here to advertise.
Well I glad to see everybody else is having the same difficulties I had trying to comprehend this post. I've read through it several times and I'm still not sure what you're trying to say or possible sell. LiberalFINGER: WTF indeed.
craigfarmer's account has been banned due to advertisments.

Please disregard....
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