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Bush Jokes..... (1 Viewer)

Captain America

Jedi Master
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2006
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This thread is dedicated to the lighter side of politics and the antics of our Commander in Chief. Have fun folks, there's PLENTY of material out there.

"In his speech President Bush said we need to rebuild Iraq, provide the people with jobs, and give them hope. If it works there maybe we'll try it in New Orleans." --Jay Leno
"Bush's overall approval ratings have hit an all-time low ... If Bush's numbers don't improve, he could become the first president held back and forced to repeat his presidency." --Tina Fey

"President Bush is planning on spending Thanksgiving out at his ranch in Crawford. And you know how he always pardons the White House turkey? Bad news for the turkey: There are three cabinet members ahead of him." --Jay Leno

"Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says he wants to be president. Well that's good, somebody will have to pardon his brother." --David Letterman

"For the first time ever, Republicans in Congress -- Republicans! -- are demanding to know the president's exit strategy from Iraq. Yeah, in response the president said I have an exit strategy, I'm leaving office in 2008." --Conan O'Brien

Sorry 'bout that cnredd....too late to edit.:3oops:
Captain America said:
Sorry 'bout that cnredd....too late to edit.:3oops:
No biggie...:2wave:

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