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Bush - Iraq - it's about the money (1 Viewer)


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Sep 14, 2005
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don't you think when bush goes up there and says all he says with his tough guy attitude about not cutting and running, that it is really that he is just putting it on for america and that it's really all about the money............halliburton, oil, etc.?

"oh we can not just cut and run" he says, even though most of america and the world and iraq want the united states to leave,

he doesn't care because it is really all about the money,

sheesh, just watch him when he is up there talking.....................

"oh he's an idiot, he is not even being logical" we all say ---- well he knows what he's doing, it's all about the money, just think about the administration and the money they are making from war profitteering,

i really think these shmucks hijacked america,
changintimes said:
don't you think when bush goes up there and says all he says with his tough guy attitude about not cutting and running, that it is really that he is just putting it on for america and that it's really all about the money............halliburton, oil, etc.?

"oh we can not just cut and run" he says, even though most of america and the world and iraq want the united states to leave,

he doesn't care because it is really all about the money,

sheesh, just watch him when he is up there talking.....................

"oh he's an idiot, he is not even being logical" we all say ---- well he knows what he's doing, it's all about the money, just think about the administration and the money they are making from war profitteering,

i really think these shmucks hijacked america,

Whatever you're smoking, keep it away from my kids. :doh
listen here buddy you think that bush has so called "hijacked america" give me a break.......and you also seem to think that a man who graduated from harvard is an idiot...a man who has recieved one of the finest educations in the world...your a real winner buddy if you dont like bush's ways and you dont like your freedom then GET OUT!!!.......i fight everyday for my country and the free people who live inside of it.

PS....Dont support the troops unless you support the cause!!!
Originally posted by KCConservative:
Whatever you're smoking, keep it away from my kids
If he's smoking pot, then your on acid.

Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq’s Oil Wealth
By Greg Muttitt

While the Iraqi people struggle to define their future amid political chaos and violence, the fate of their most valuable economic asset, oil, is being decided behind closed doors.

This report reveals how an oil policy with origins in the US State Department is on course to be adopted in Iraq, soon after the December elections, with no public debate and at enormous potential cost. The policy allocates the majority (1) of Iraq’s oilfields – accounting for at least 64% of the country’s oil reserves – for development by multinational oil companies.

Iraqi public opinion is strongly opposed to handing control over oil development to foreign companies. But with the active involvement of the US and British governments a group of powerful Iraqi politicians and technocrats is pushing for a system of long term contracts with foreign oil companies which will be beyond the reach of Iraqi courts, public scrutiny or democratic control.

This isn't the American democracy we want to proliferate. This is bullshit! And your defending this behavior by acting like it doesn't exist. What does that say about you?
I thought this thread was going to be about Iraq's possible conversion to the Euro....
Originally posted by scottyz:
I thought this thread was going to be about Iraq's possible conversion to the Euro....
I hope not. Because the Euro is a bonefide enemy of the United States.
Billo_Really said:
I hope not. Because the Euro is a bonefide enemy of the United States.
Some people theorize we invaded because Saddam was going to covert to the Euro.
Originally posted by scottyz:
Some people theorize we invaded because Saddam was going to covert to the Euro.
That's even worse than the WMD excuse.
Billo well said that was good, **** the euro and i still say U should be


god bless U

I think the far right has hijacked the Republican party and the far left has hijacked the Democrat party.

Both parties have accomplished little to nothing in the way of getting legislation passed for alternative fuel sources.

That all said I haven't seen empirical evidence that proves we are there solely for oil. Oil is a part of the reason, but to be the sole reason, I just don't buy it.
I thought the war was supposed to be 'All about Oil"?! :rofl

I don't understand how the war in Iraq, though, is all about the money. Are you talking about the millions we have paid to ensure our security and secure the Iraqis freedom? The Millions of dollars made by Koffi Anon, Jacques Chirac, China, and German during the 12 years they were secretly breaking all the sanctions they were passing in public? The Millions that same group made during the oil-4-food scandal? Could you clarify, please?! :cool:
easyt65 said:
I thought the war was supposed to be 'All about Oil"?! :rofl

I don't understand how the war in Iraq, though, is all about the money. Are you talking about the millions we have paid to ensure our security and secure the Iraqis freedom? The Millions of dollars made by Koffi Anon, Jacques Chirac, China, and German during the 12 years they were secretly breaking all the sanctions they were passing in public? The Millions that same group made during the oil-4-food scandal? Could you clarify, please?! :cool:

Koffi made $$, France China and Germany made $$ but Uncle Sam wanted some $$ and oil. We're just greedy though and instead of scimming a little off the top we decided to take the whole lot.

But on a more serious point its about oil not profit (although Halliburton and the other oil co's may have a different point of view).

Iraq never attacked the US (and yes I include 9/11 in this) and wasn't a threat to us so I fail to see why we have ensured our safety? We have secured our energy supplies for the next couple of decades so I guess in one sense we are 'safe' but safer from attack, I doubt it.
Iraq is the first domino for bringing security to Israel.
a_marine4bush said:
listen here buddy you think that bush has so called "hijacked america" give me a break.......and you also seem to think that a man who graduated from harvard is an idiot...a man who has recieved one of the finest educations in the world...your a real winner buddy if you dont like bush's ways and you dont like your freedom then GET OUT!!!.......i fight everyday for my country and the free people who live inside of it.

PS....Dont support the troops unless you support the cause!!!

Hey don't get all riled up, cupcake! You know, Bush was a "cheerleader" at Harvard... and he was AWOL on role call in the National Guard. Nice one Buttercup! Shouldn't you be off on the sideline somewhere "cheering" him on? Woops... that's exactly what you're doing!
easyt65 said:
I thought the war was supposed to be 'All about Oil"?! :rofl

I don't understand how the war in Iraq, though, is all about the money. Are you talking about the millions we have paid to ensure our security and secure the Iraqis freedom? The Millions of dollars made by Koffi Anon, Jacques Chirac, China, and German during the 12 years they were secretly breaking all the sanctions they were passing in public? The Millions that same group made during the oil-4-food scandal? Could you clarify, please?! :cool:

The whole oil issues clarifies itself. You have to be able to do objective research.

Why don't you answer a question for me that takes virtually no research, eh?

If we went there to rid them of WMD... since there were no WMD.. Why are we still there? Shouldn't we have met our objective upon confirming the non-existance of WMD?

Who are you speaking for?
G-Man said:
Koffi made $$, France China and Germany made $$ but Uncle Sam wanted some $$ and oil. We're just greedy though and instead of scimming a little off the top we decided to take the whole lot.

But on a more serious point its about oil not profit (although Halliburton and the other oil co's may have a different point of view).

Iraq never attacked the US (and yes I include 9/11 in this) and wasn't a threat to us so I fail to see why we have ensured our safety? We have secured our energy supplies for the next couple of decades so I guess in one sense we are 'safe' but safer from attack, I doubt it.

I agree with the gist of what you are saying.. but it's more about game theory than anything. He who controls the oil controls the main logistic function of the world... and thereby can globalize and dictate the ability of the general population in a logistical sense. We are all dependent upon energy to some extent. Myself I can live off the land... but so many people cannot. THey are dependent upon the resource of oil and their lives evolve around it. It's a political game... and economical game. To the victor goes the sp(oils).
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Conflict said:
Hey don't get all riled up, cupcake! You know, Bush was a "cheerleader" at Harvard... and he was AWOL on role call in the National Guard. Nice one Buttercup! Shouldn't you be off on the sideline somewhere "cheering" him on? Woops... that's exactly what you're doing!

ok i am just going to make a quick little note. there is not enough physical proof that george w. was awol or not. this topic is just speculation enforced by a politicaly biased opinion. republicans in this choose the opinion that there are siginificant documents that prove that bush was honorably discharged while democrats say that there is no solid evedence and insist that he was AWOL. as for bush being a cheerleader at harvard. i am going to cheer him on because of this quote from the USA Today.

" While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar.

In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.

But last year, when Bush and Kerry were campaigning against each other, we only knew Bush's grades, revealed in 1999 during his first presidential campaign by the New Yorker magazine. Kerry's were widely assumed to be much higher, a notion his campaign did little to quell and much to promote."

and here is another wonderful quote

"Kerry's grades were made public this past week by the Boston Globe, which found them in his U.S. Navy officer training school application. During the campaign, Kerry refused to waive privacy restrictions for the full file, but gave the Navy permission to release the documents last month, the Globe reported.

The transcript showed that he got four Ds in his freshman year, Bush received one D in his four years, in astronomy. At the time, Yale considered grades between 70 and 79 a C and 60 to 69 a D.

"I always told my Dad that D stood for distinction," Kerry said in a written response to reporters' questions, the Globe reported.

Bush, in an interview last Wednesday with Neil Cavuto on Fox News Channel, was asked what he thought about the release of the Kerry transcripts.

He chuckled and replied, "I didn't think much about it. You know, I've always tried to lower expectations, and I feel like if people say, well, you know, maybe, you know, I don't think you (can) handle the tough job, and when you do, it impresses people even more. But my view is the campaign is over."

one reason why i love this president
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diomedes2012 said:
ok i am just going to make a quick little note. there is not enough physical proof that george w. was awol or not. this topic is just speculation enforced by a politicaly biased opinion. republicans in this choose the opinion that there are siginificant documents that prove that bush was honorably discharged while democrats say that there is no solid evedence and insist that he was AWOL. as for bush being a cheerleader at harvard. i am going to cheer him on because of this quote from the USA Today.

" While the general impression during the 2004 presidential campaign was that Democrat John Kerry was the intellectual superior to President Bush, it turns out that their grades while undergraduate students at Yale were remarkably similar.

In fact, Bush's were a tad higher. His four-year average was 77; Kerry's 76. Both were C students. Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966; Bush in 1968.

But last year, when Bush and Kerry were campaigning against each other, we only knew Bush's grades, revealed in 1999 during his first presidential campaign by the New Yorker magazine. Kerry's were widely assumed to be much higher, a notion his campaign did little to quell and much to promote."

and here is another wonderful quote

"Kerry's grades were made public this past week by the Boston Globe, which found them in his U.S. Navy officer training school application. During the campaign, Kerry refused to waive privacy restrictions for the full file, but gave the Navy permission to release the documents last month, the Globe reported.

The transcript showed that he got four Ds in his freshman year, Bush received one D in his four years, in astronomy. At the time, Yale considered grades between 70 and 79 a C and 60 to 69 a D.

"I always told my Dad that D stood for distinction," Kerry said in a written response to reporters' questions, the Globe reported.

Bush, in an interview last Wednesday with Neil Cavuto on Fox News Channel, was asked what he thought about the release of the Kerry transcripts.

He chuckled and replied, "I didn't think much about it. You know, I've always tried to lower expectations, and I feel like if people say, well, you know, maybe, you know, I don't think you (can) handle the tough job, and when you do, it impresses people even more. But my view is the campaign is over."

one reason why i love this president


I almost forgot the documents which are mandated by federal code were somehow "misplaced". What a coincidence.
note conflict, which your name suits you perfectly might i add. i did not want to put to much emphasis on that subject because if you look at my messege i said your opinion was going to be biased in the direction of your political decisions. my main goal was to get back at you for making fun of "chearleading" bush. in my opinion that is the same as a high schooler calling someone gay. a stupid and utterly useless insult. in fact i believe a person only uses those kinds of insults when they feel intimidated. also as for the cheerleading insult i would rather have a cheerleading president rather than one who gets a purple heart for getting rice up the ass.
diomedes2012 said:
note conflict, which your name suits you perfectly might i add. i did not want to put to much emphasis on that subject because if you look at my messege i said your opinion was going to be biased in the direction of your political decisions. my main goal was to get back at you for making fun of "chearleading" bush. in my opinion that is the same as a high schooler calling someone gay. a stupid and utterly useless insult. in fact i believe a person only uses those kinds of insults when they feel intimidated. also as for the cheerleading insult i would rather have a cheerleading president rather than one who gets a purple heart for getting rice up the ass.

note to dingleberry... I don't care for politicians in general. I hold no political bias. You may try to paint me in such fashion but in the long run, if you get to know me within my beliefs... you will find that it is only your ignorance that becomes you.

I speak against politics and I call situations as I see them. Forgive me if I not particularly concerned with your opinion. I think you said it best when you claimed that you'd rather have a cheerleader than a purple heart as your president. Who holds political bias here? Not me. I still have true conservative ties.....but i've found that most would be conservatives like yourself have no sincere belief and this has pushed me to a sense of apathy in political interpretation. Now I only call them as I understand them..... and believe me... I do understand you. I'm glad you like my name. Get used to the concept.
Conflict said:
note to dingleberry... I don't care for politicians in general. I hold no political bias. You may try to paint me in such fashion but in the long run, if you get to know me within my beliefs... you will find that it is only your ignorance that becomes you.

I speak against politics and I call situations as I see them. Forgive me if I not particularly concerned with your opinion. I think you said it best when you claimed that you'd rather have a cheerleader than a purple heart as your president. Who holds political bias here? Not me. I still have true conservative ties.....but i've found that most would be conservatives like yourself have no sincere belief and this has pushed me to a sense of apathy in political interpretation. Now I only call them as I understand them..... and believe me... I do understand you. I'm glad you like my name. Get used to the concept.

you do realize that i never said that i didnt have a political bias. and for all to read i do support bush. proud of it. thats why i did not want to go into the AWOL thing. but also i do apologize for my previous comment about kerry and the rice incident, but i was just trying to get my point across. in lamest terms i was just trying to say who i support and why. and by the way why would you object politics anyways? i mean i am not going to say anything yet i just want to hear why. and one more thing "dingleberry" there is another lame attempt at dissarming and humiliating your opponent. which is a part of POLITICS!! and i love the concept of conflict. it keeps one on their toes.
I agree that President Bush only went to Iraq for the oil. IRAQ HAS NEVER POSED A THREAT TO AMERICA WITH WAR! WMD's was a good excuse in the beginning Bush, but the journalists and whistleblowers got the word out quickly! Now, Iraq has posed a threat to us in terms of oil when Saddam invaded Kuwait though. I think that America made the Middle East hate us when we went and started taking THEIR oil. Now I thought the War was a mistake from the beginning because America was supposed to be hunting Osama bin Laden and his scoundrals, but nooo. Now I am not siding with anyone here, but I think it'd teach a lesson if the Middle Eastern countries would reduce the oil they export to America then maybe, just maybe the U.S. can get off our lazy asses and look for alternate feul sources!
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Not that I agree with the assessment that America is only in Iraq for oil, but fat chance of ever getting repubs or dems to do aything significant in the way of alternative fuel choices.
Navagator95 said:
I agree that President Bush only went to Iraq for the oil. IRAQ HAS NEVER POSED A THREAT TO AMERICA WITH WAR!

THAT pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you - YOU are an IDIOT!

We haven't received 1 barrel of oil from Iraq! The oil is being pumped north into Turkey for sale on the open market. The U.S. is making a conscious effort NOT to purchase Iraqi oil so that morons like YOU can not say just what you did. In fact, i fault Bush for NOT taking the oil. If we are spending billions helping the Iraqis get back on their feet, we SHOULD be gettig some of that oil...but to appease idiots like YOU, we are shooting ourselves in the foot. Have we forgotten that Hussein tried to have one of our former Presidents assassinated? Oh, thatis OK, though because it was only a REPUBLICAN President, right?!

You go on and rattle off the DNC talking points about no WMD, even though the leaders of your own party have admitted there were some but refuse to bring that up anymore because it is a bogus/BS/useless argument. Before you start screaming in debate here, answer one question for me: How much Iraqi sand do you have, have you had, on your boots and in your desert BDUs? I still have uniforms with sand on them from my latest trip (returning from my LATEST tour about a month ago)! The thing I find most remarkable are the idiots who speak as if they KNOW, as if they have been there, seen it first hand, helped pull the Sarin-filled shells out of the bunker, unearthed the 500 tons of Uranium found in Baghdad, and more.....But of course, I am wrong and you can't wait to tell me in your response because you have been there, too, right?!

And while you're at it, why don't you jump on Dick Durbin's back and call us Nazis and genocidal Pol Pot Regemists...or call us terrorists who harrass Iraqi women and children in the middle of the night, like your last presidential candidate John F*ing Kerry said. I mean, the liberal media is printing it, so it must be true, right?! Its the same place you're getting your 'Bush went to war for oil' crap, and we all know, thanks to your expertise, that THAT is true, so everything they print must be as well!

:spin: :spin:

I am so sick of friggin' politics! Both sides! Hey, here's a new plan - thre 1st politician who says we need to go in somewhere should have to pick up a gun and be one of the 1st guys off the plane! That way, they won't have a chance to stab us in the back and verbally attack our service, honor, integrity, and duty while we are fighting - they will be right there with us! Kerry is calling US terrorists when it was HE who was screaming Hussein had nukes and that we HAVE to go take him out during the Clinton administration. He also signed on to go into Iraq for this war...or was that before he decided to vote against it?!


And where is the outcry for the U.N. to clean house starting with Kofi Annon, stealing MILLIONS in Iraqi money through the scandal over 12 years of black marketing and propping up a dictator who was torturing, raping, gassing, and murdering his own people?! The U.N. is supposed to stop that, and they were whole heartedly engaged in FUNDING it! And your DNC leaders, like Kerry, were advocating that we not only continue to let the U.N. handle such problems but that we hand over the very decision to defend OURSELVES or not over to Koffi the clown and his U.N. back-stabbing, corrupt buddies! While kerry demands that Bush make some public announcement admitting a mistake in Iraq, he has never once admitted that he was totally duped by the U.N. and he was horribly wrong in his support of those crooks! No, he's too busy committing treason - aiding and abbetting the enemy - by attacking our own troops, attacking their morale and America's resolve to fight against those who want to behead all of us just for breathing - by calling our OWN troops terrorists!

I'll shut up now so you can impress us all with your tales of combat and what you personally observed in Iraq while fighting over there alongside the rest of us like me.
First of all Mr. Easy, I may support our troops, but I DON'T support their cause! Personally, I thought the War was a mistake from the beginning! I will say again, we SHOULD have been searching for OSAMA for what HE and HIS goons pulled in NEW YORK CITY, WASHINGTON, D.C., and PENNSYLVANIA! But NO!

And with the Uranium rods they found, they were too small for the shells that were found with them!

And you ask me if I've ever been to war, no, I haven't I AM STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL! I am just voicing my own opinion God dammit, unless the Prez has decided that Opinionation could be the sign of a Terrorist! I strongly dislike war altogether, but it's human nature, we have never been able to keep peace for more than a few decades anyways!

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