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Bush indicted goes beofre congress hearings (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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Bush Speaking to the congress ,was asked,how many soldiers died at the front.
He answered 3 brazilians,then paused and asked carl rowe, a brazilian is more then a million right?:mrgreen:

Originally posted by Canuk:
Bush Speaking to the congress ,was asked,how many soldiers died at the front. He answered 3 brazilians,then paused and asked carl rowe, a brazilian is more then a million right?
This Native American asked Bush one time what his position was on Tribal Sovereignty and Bush didn't know what he was talking about. He said he responded, "Well, its sovereign". Typical Bush.

When he was visiting Tony Blair for a G8 summit, Blair asked him if he wanted to see the English Channel. Bush replied, "No thanks. I have satellite!"
Canuck said:
Bush Speaking to the congress ,was asked,how many soldiers died at the front.
He answered 3 brazilians,then paused and asked carl rowe, a brazilian is more then a million right?:mrgreen:


:rofl That's pretty funny.
Billo_Really said:
This Native American asked Bush one time what his position was on Tribal Sovereignty and Bush didn't know what he was talking about. He said he responded, "Well, its sovereign". Typical Bush.

When he was visiting Tony Blair for a G8 summit, Blair asked him if he wanted to see the English Channel. Bush replied, "No thanks. I have satellite!"

So are these ^.
billo you had me in stiches
BUSH may never face a trial of his peers
but it doesn't stop us from drawing and quartering him here
Admittedly, those did get a smile out of me.
DocAR said:
Admittedly, those did get a smile out of me.

well hell yeah
only a statue wouldn't crack a smile

what cracks me up the most is how people in the US take their politics stone cold serious.but you always bounce from crisis to crisis

the reason I wanted to be on an american board was so I could laugh my ass off whenever I chat with the stone cold serious types
they always amuse me to no end
glad to see there is still some life left in us politics not all Americans are statues
i havn't used my secret weapon yet ,I know at least something ,about
american politics .I wouldn't even presume, I would find some american that knew my country ,other then we all live in tents, eat raw moose ,and drink the finest ale ,this side of the atlantic.
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