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Bush Fake News Ruled Illegal (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Auditors with the Federal Government have ruled that Bush's fake news stories through Armstrong Willams and other hosts constitutes dissemination of covert propaganda on American soil, and that Bush broke statutory Federal law by using this scheme.

Thus ends another Bushnevik tactic that was previously employed regularly by the old Soviet Empire. This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America.

Article is here.
Originally posted by danarhea:
Auditors with the Federal Government have ruled that Bush's fake news stories through Armstrong Willams and other hosts constitutes dissemination of covert propaganda on American soil, and that Bush broke statutory Federal law by using this scheme.

Thus ends another Bushnevik tactic that was previously employed regularly by the old Soviet Empire. This is not the Soviet Union. This is the United States of America
Its amazing. We have a President that does not obey the law. A Congress that looks the other way when he does. And a public that just makes excuses for this behavior. And all their children looking at all these fine examples of bad America.
Originally posted by Canuck:
Is that like Hammer-time? With Bush dancing around the White House singing, "Can't touch this!?"
Billo_Really said:
Is that like Hammer-time? With Bush dancing around the White House singing, "Can't touch this!?"

That's pretty clever, Billo. But this: Its amazing. We have a President that does not obey the law. A Congress that looks the other way when he does. And a public that just makes excuses for this behavior.

That is an excellent summary of what our government is all about since Bush took office.
He can dance but when the music stops there is gona be hell to pay
they have everyone in thier pockets and they all must go down with him
watch the birdies leave the roost when the music stops
and when that happens then he will fall no he will be pushed by his own team
never corner a rat his last effort to escape you may bring a nuclear winter upon you
Last edited:
Here's the main thing about that article.....

"The ruling comes with no penalty, but under federal law the department is supposed to report the violations to the White House and Congress."

The White House and Congress? Gee...this will go far. Does anyone in this forum actually believe a republican controlled congress will do anything?
Hoot said:
Here's the main thing about that article.....

"The ruling comes with no penalty, but under federal law the department is supposed to report the violations to the White House and Congress."

The White House and Congress? Gee...this will go far. Does anyone in this forum actually believe a republican controlled congress will do anything?
Yeah, that is the exact thing I was thinking after reading the article...

Whatever, fake news is ingrained into our culture thanks to photo ops...this won't change anything unless tere was a penalty.
You didn't get the memo? If the NY Times reported it, it didn't really happen, because they're a liberal propoganda machine hell-bent on making Bush look bad.

Originally Posted by Hoot
Does anyone in this forum actually believe a republican controlled congress will do anything?
I don't think anything will be done if it is a Democratic controlled Congress. I don't think there is much of a difference between both parties. Neither one represent Americans. Just corporate Americans. Strike that. They don't represent America at all.
Billo_Really said:
I don't think anything will be done if it is a Democratic controlled Congress. I don't think there is much of a difference between both parties. Neither one represent Americans. Just corporate Americans. Strike that. They don't represent America at all.

Actually, the 2 major parties do have a purpose to their existence - That is, to divide and conquor the American people, so that their corporate cronies can feast on the bones of a dying republic.
You didn't get the memo? If the NY Times reported it, it didn't really happen, because they're a liberal propoganda machine hell-bent on making Bush look bad.

What do you read? the wall street journal? Maybe you need to read more and one newspaper. If you get it from only one source, thats kinda bad.

And there is no WAY that that is a lie. sorry kid. Sure maybe the NY Times is a socialist propaganda paper but it happened. And no its not.
aps said:
That's pretty clever, Billo. But this: Its amazing. We have a President that does not obey the law. A Congress that looks the other way when he does. And a public that just makes excuses for this behavior.

That is an excellent summary of what our government is all about since Bush took office.

Who was it got impeached for perjury?

So why do you people make an issue of alleged Republican malfeasance when the Democrats are clearly worse?
im just waiting for Navy Pride to post in here with his usual....

Bush is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
And your all a bunch of left wing liberals!
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Who was it got impeached for perjury?

So why do you people make an issue of alleged Republican malfeasance when the Democrats are clearly worse?

Woops.... I was wrong, It wasn't going to be Navy Pride...

Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Who was it got impeached for perjury?

So why do you people make an issue of alleged Republican malfeasance when the Democrats are clearly worse?

Clinton got what he deserved, and will be remembered as perhaps the second biggest scumbag president in History. However, the scumbag in first place hasnt left office yet.
Let me jump in on this Liberal love fest of Bush Bashing...........You Libs just don't get it and never will........You keep throwing crap up against the wall and hoping something will stick but it never does.........

You Liberals are always whinning how dumb President Bush is but he has outsmarted you in every instance so how dumb does that make you?:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Let me jump in on this Liberal love fest of Bush Bashing...........You Libs just don't get it and never will........You keep throwing crap up against the wall and hoping something will stick but it never does.........

You Liberals are always whinning how dumb President Bush is but he has outsmarted you in every instance so how dumb does that make you?:lol:

Tell me one way he has outsmarted me.
And it doesn't count if you include the word liberal or lefty or left wing in your response.
Caine said:
Tell me one way he has outsmarted me.
And it doesn't count if you include the word liberal or lefty or left wing in your response.

Well you Bush Haters (How is that) have been trying to nail him with your phoney accusations for 5 years and you have not layed a glove on him yet.......

He beat you in 2000, 2002, 2004 and he will do the same thing in 2006.....

Book it.........

See I did not call you a liberal or a lefty........:lol:
Navy Pride said:
Well you Bush Haters (How is that) have been trying to nail him with your phoney accusations for 5 years and you have not layed a glove on him yet.......

He beat you in 2000, 2002, 2004 and he will do the same thing in 2006.....

Book it.........

See I did not call you a liberal or a lefty........:lol:

Tell me one phony accusation that I have tried to nail him with.

And, I haven't ran for office, EVER, so he didn't exactly beat me.
Caine said:
Tell me one phony accusation that I have tried to nail him with.

And, I haven't ran for office, EVER, so he didn't exactly beat me.

Yeah but you are a true blue Bush hater and I don't have time to go back and lists all your ridiculous rants against him.........
Navy Pride said:
Yeah but you are a true blue Bush hater and I don't have time to go back and lists all your ridiculous rants against him.........

Oh really? So a baseless accusation coming from someone who has never onced convinced me that he is not a propaganda robot for Bush?

Provide posts that prove I am a "true blue Bush hater" please, I would love to see them.
Originally posted by danarhea:
Actually, the 2 major parties do have a purpose to their existence - That is, to divide and conquor the American people, so that their corporate cronies can feast on the bones of a dying republic.
Republic or Oligarchy?
danarhea said:
Clinton got what he deserved, and will be remembered as perhaps the second biggest scumbag president in History. However, the scumbag in first place hasnt left office yet.

Nope, gotta disagree there. T'was the Rapist that declined Sudan's offer to hand over bin Laden.

Apart from which, the worst president the nation ever had died in 1944.

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