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Bush Challenge II (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Here I hope to see the Negatives we see in this administration, and what may be done to rectify the issues......please do not post positives....there is another thread for that.
What's the point of having two separate threads for this? Isn't the entire idea of debate to have people with opposing views communicating with each other?
Horrible speaker...can't speak "off the cuff"...

Too much loyalty in Administrative positions...

Should've portrayed Iraq as more of a liberation than a WMD issue...

Not a "polished" politician(could be both good and bad)...
Lied to Americans to start a war

Personally vindictive, quick-tempered, shallow, phony religious zealot

Too much cronyism

Does not address problems he isn't interested in until it's too late

Focuses too much on the long-term in foreign policy, ignoring basic tactical plans

Focuses too much on the short-term in economic policy, piling on the deficits and spending like there's no tomorrow

Too loyal to his friends in the face of (often justified) criticism

Refuses to admit mistakes

Refuses to hold anyone accountable for anything until the media has absolutely crucified them

Bases foreign policy decisions on personal emotions

Pissed off the entire world for no particular reason in the way he went about invading Iraq

Stirred up anti-French sentiment for no real reason other than petty spite

Failed to articulate the reasons for a genuinely good social security privatization, causing the idea to die

Does not take the appointment of Supreme Court justices seriously

Looks for fights with Democrats on stupid issues, and shies away from fights on the few issues where he is correct

Signed a prescription drug benefit into law, which will cost over a trillion dollars

Signed a campaign finance law, which he himself had personally stated was unconstitutional

Too afraid to use a veto to curb excessive spending

Believes that his former drug use was a "youthful indiscretion," but wants to throw drug-users in prison

Claimed that Vladimir Putin was a "good man, an honest man" in an incredibly homoerotic moment

Propagated the ridiculous travel ban and embargo against Cuba

Signed the "No Child Left Behind Act" which further consolidated federal control over education

Blindly believes, as an article of faith, that more democracy will mean less terrorism (even though historical evidence suggests that isn't true)

Refuses to pursue any kind of national energy policy, which is vital for our national security interests

Sounds like a teenager when he speaks

Lost America's moral high-ground by supporting torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (no, those were not isolated incidents)

Appointed two attorneys general who both believe they have the right to interfere with state laws that they simply don't like

Kept his Secretary of Defense - possibly the most incompetent person in his inner-circle - on for a second term

Was not honest with the American people about the involvement of Karl Rove and Scooter Libby in leaking the identity of Valerie Plame (regardless of whether they are guilty of any crimes)

Radiates general incompetence in every aspect of governing, regardless of policy

Did I forget anything? I'm sure I did.
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Kandahar said:
Lied to Americans to start a war

Personally vindictive, quick-tempered, shallow, phony religious zealot

Too much cronyism

Does not address problems he isn't interested in until it's too late

Focuses too much on the long-term in foreign policy, ignoring basic tactical plans

Focuses too much on the short-term in economic policy, piling on the deficits and spending like there's no tomorrow

Too loyal to his friends in the face of (often justified) criticism

Refuses to admit mistakes

Refuses to hold anyone accountable for anything until the media has absolutely crucified them

Bases foreign policy decisions on personal emotions

Pissed off the entire world for no particular reason in the way he went about invading Iraq

Stirred up anti-French sentiment for no real reason other than petty spite

Failed to articulate the reasons for a genuinely good social security privatization, causing the idea to die

Does not take the appointment of Supreme Court justices seriously

Looks for fights with Democrats on stupid issues, and shies away from fights on the few issues where he is correct

Signed a prescription drug benefit into law, which will cost over a trillion dollars

Signed a campaign finance law, which he himself had personally stated was unconstitutional

Too afraid to use a veto to curb excessive spending

Believes that his former drug use was a "youthful indiscretion," but wants to throw drug-users in prison

Claimed that Vladimir Putin was a "good man, an honest man" in an incredibly homoerotic moment

Propagated the ridiculous travel ban and embargo against Cuba

Signed the "No Child Left Behind Act" which further consolidated federal control over education

Blindly believes, as an article of faith, that more democracy will mean less terrorism (even though historical evidence suggests that isn't true)

Refuses to pursue any kind of national energy policy, which is vital for our national security interests

Sounds like a teenager when he speaks

Lost America's moral high-ground by supporting torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (no, those were not isolated incidents)

Appointed two attorneys general who both believe they have the right to interfere with state laws that they simply don't like

Kept his Secretary of Defense - possibly the most incompetent person in his inner-circle - on for a second term

Was not honest with the American people about the involvement of Karl Rove and Scooter Libby in leaking the identity of Valerie Plame (regardless of whether they are guilty of any crimes)

Radiates general incompetence in every aspect of governing, regardless of policy

Did I forget anything? I'm sure I did.

Dear Dr. Needlman,

Our four-month-old son is very attached to his pacifier. He sucks it all night long. When he loses it at night, he screams until we put it back into his mouth. We tried not to give him the pacifier when we put him to bed, but he cried for two hours. We went in every 15 minutes to calm him, to no avail. How can we wean him of this terrible habit? — Guilty Mom in Portland, ME

Dear Guilty Mom,
Babies suck for two reasons: nutrition and comfort. Even in the uterus, where all their nutritional needs are taken care of, many babies suck on their hands or lips. Newborns often discover how to put their hands to their mouths so they can suck on their fingers or fist. As they suck, their bodies relax.

Pacifiers are fine, but as you've discovered, they have a major drawback: If a child loses his binky, he can only cry until someone finds it for him. Often enough, this is the middle of the night, and that "someone" is a tired parent!

So, I think the issue is less how can you stop your baby from sucking (which is a natural, healthy, self-soothing activity), and more how you can help him find his pacifier without your help. Some parents attach the pacifier via a metal clip and a short ribbon to the collar of their baby's sleeper. If you do this, be certain that the ribbon is short enough so that there is no risk of it getting wrapped around the baby's neck, leading to strangulation.

If you're not comfortable with this, you can simply remove the pacifier. This will probably make for a couple of unhappy nights for everyone, but then your child should be able to adjust. If you do this, though, make sure to leave his hands uncovered (no mittens or sleepers with hand covers) so that he can suck them for self-comforting.
— by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Dear Dr. Needlman,

Our four-month-old son is very attached to his pacifier. He sucks it all night long. When he loses it at night, he screams until we put it back into his mouth. We tried not to give him the pacifier when we put him to bed, but he cried for two hours. We went in every 15 minutes to calm him, to no avail. How can we wean him of this terrible habit? — Guilty Mom in Portland, ME

Dear Guilty Mom,
Babies suck for two reasons: nutrition and comfort. Even in the uterus, where all their nutritional needs are taken care of, many babies suck on their hands or lips. Newborns often discover how to put their hands to their mouths so they can suck on their fingers or fist. As they suck, their bodies relax.

Pacifiers are fine, but as you've discovered, they have a major drawback: If a child loses his binky, he can only cry until someone finds it for him. Often enough, this is the middle of the night, and that "someone" is a tired parent!

So, I think the issue is less how can you stop your baby from sucking (which is a natural, healthy, self-soothing activity), and more how you can help him find his pacifier without your help. Some parents attach the pacifier via a metal clip and a short ribbon to the collar of their baby's sleeper. If you do this, be certain that the ribbon is short enough so that there is no risk of it getting wrapped around the baby's neck, leading to strangulation.

If you're not comfortable with this, you can simply remove the pacifier. This will probably make for a couple of unhappy nights for everyone, but then your child should be able to adjust. If you do this, though, make sure to leave his hands uncovered (no mittens or sleepers with hand covers) so that he can suck them for self-comforting.
— by Robert Needlman, M.D., F.A.A.P.


How did he warrant that? All he did was answer the queestion and perhaps you could not think of an answer so instead you used some silly thing you got off the internet. Come no cnredd, I expected better from you. There must be SOMETHING negative about Bush you can think of.

As for Kandhars post, I agree with on everything except for the whole french issue. While its true that Bush has brought about a new wave of anti Frenchies, France has always been (unjustly) the subject of ridiculue.
FinnMacCool said:
How did he warrant that? All he did was answer the queestion and perhaps you could not think of an answer so instead you used some silly thing you got off the internet. Come no cnredd, I expected better from you. There must be SOMETHING negative about Bush you can think of.

As for Kandhars post, I agree with on everything except for the whole french issue. While its true that Bush has brought about a new wave of anti Frenchies, France has always been (unjustly) the subject of ridiculue.
Funny how you say how I couldn't think of an answer when I was the FIRST PERSON TO RESPOND to the question...:roll:
tecoyah if MR BUSH is that good change the

Constitution for another 4 more years.


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