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Bush Bash Stats (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

Is there a way we can tally certain types of threads here at DP? I'd like to know the number of Bush Bash threads and the number of Bush Support threads. It would be interesting to see this data.
KCConservative said:

Is there a way we can tally certain types of threads here at DP?
By hand. :(

I'd like to know the number of Bush Bash threads and the number of Bush Support threads. It would be interesting to see this data.
Unfortunatly, OP Pro Bush threads (pro anything really) are not as fun to participate in and keep on topic so I would guess it is 10:1 or even more being against Bush. It is hard to prove a positive.

Typical pro Bush thread often turns negative:
"Wow, look the positive thing Bush did today!!

Yeah, but look at everything he has done wrong..."

So, are they truely Pro or Con threads? What is the criteria?
I get 373 threads that come up in the search as having Bush in the title, but whether it's bashing, supporting or ambivalent towards Bush is too subjective in some cases. I'd go out on a short limb and state that most likely they're going to be predominantly bashing threads.
shuamort said:
I get 373 threads that come up in the search as having Bush in the title, but whether it's bashing, supporting or ambivalent towards Bush is too subjective in some cases. I'd go out on a short limb and state that most likely they're going to be predominantly bashing threads.
Gee, ya think? :lol:

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