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Breitbart Falsely Reports GOP Senator Took Part in Gun Control Filibuster (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Gonna be a lot more of this in the next few months.

In two separate articles this week, conservative website Breitbart falsely attacked Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse for supporting a Democrat-backed gun control bill that Sasse actually publicly opposes. "[Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey] was joined by Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), who also filibustered with the Democrats,” Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins reported. Hawkins also hit Sasse again in a second article. “Weak Republicans like Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) are quick to stand with the Democrats in this endeavor — even going so far as to take part in their June 15 filibuster for gun control,” he wrote.

It is true that Sasse participated in the filibuster in the absolutely broadest of terms, but he certainly didn’t “filibuster” or “stand with the Democrats.” Instead he came to the Senate floor to ask the filibusterers a question, one that made it clear he didn’t support the bill...

Perusing Breitbart’s earlier coverage of Sasse, he used to be something of a darling to the site. Mysteriously, their opinion of Sasse shifted drastically after he announced that he would never vote for Donald Trump. Ironically, the gun control measure that Breitbart incorrectly tears into Sasse for supporting actually is supported by Trump.
Gonna be a lot more of this in the next few months.

Is this reminding anybody else of Pravda?

One minute your the best, the next your the most awful person/group in existence?
Breitbart has consistently gone downhill since the death of Andrew.
Breitbart has consistently gone downhill since the death of Andrew.

No question. And I think he's rolling in his grave with the depths they have sunk. Not to mention they have become Trump cheerleaders. It's pretty hideous.
The irony that Trump is backing what they are crying about is too funny.

I know, right? It's almost like the hard core Trump fans are clueless morons, trapped in a Personality Cult, or something.
Gonna be a lot more of this in the next few months.

Breitbart has become the propaganda wing of the Trump campaign ever since they did character assassination on Michelle Fields, and they seem to distaste Republicans more than Democrats so no I am not surprised by this at all! Hopefully this will get them even lower on the credibility scale and one can only hope they become bankrupt after Trump loses or he ends up being the worst President ever!

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