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BREAKING: Suspicious Package Found At White House (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Political Leaning
What's the big deal?

My guess it could just be a gift for Bush from Helen Thomas.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Police sealed off the front gates of the White House on Wednesday to check on what they said was a suspicious package left outside.

Reporters and camera crews were ordered inside the White House press area, as heavily armed guards took up position on the front lawn...
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Maybe it was that WMD they were looking for over in Iraq?:shock:
KidRocks said:
What's the big deal? My guess it could just a gift for Bush from Helen Thomas.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Police sealed off the front gates of the White House on Wednesday to check on what they said was a suspicious package left outside.

Reporters and camera crews were ordered inside the White House press area, as heavily armed guards took up position on the front lawn. The Secret Service had no immediate comment.

President George W. Bush was not at the White House at the time.

Oh, you're in trouble now, you linked the whole article, Simon is going to have your behind.:shock:
Deegan said:
Oh, you're in trouble now, you linked the whole article, Simon is going to have your behind.:shock:

Shhh, I fixed it! :3oops:
You may all go about your business, nothing to see here!
KidRocks said:
You may all go about your business, nothing to see here!
Just like every other thread you've started...:shrug:

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