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Breaking Down the Tennessee Candidate Filing Deadline (1 Viewer)

District 1:
This district is already in the General Election phase. Incumbent Republican Diana Harshbarger (R) runs unopposed in the primary and takes on feedstock coordinator Cameron Parsons (D), also unopposed. Both candidates face unknowns Richard Baker (I) and Matt Makrom (I).

District 2:
This district is already in the General Election phase. Incumbent Republican Tim Burchett (R) wins the Republican primary unopposed and takes on unknown Democrat Mark "Not the NCIS guy" Harmon (D).

District 3:
Incumbent Republican Charles J. Fleischmann (R) takes on unknown Sandy Casey (R) in their party's primary. Meanwhile, Democrat Meg Gorman (D) wins unopposed in her party's primary. The winner of the Republican primary and Meg Gorman will take on unknown Thomas Rumba (I) and former 2018 House candidate for the seat Rick Tyler (I).

District 4:
Incumbent Republican Scott DesJarlais (R) wins his party's primary unopposed. Meanwhile, former 2018 independent write-in candidate for the same seat Wayne Steele (D -- not a typo) takes on unknown Arnold White (D) in the Democratic primary. The winners of these primaries will take on five independents in the General Election. Notable independents include Army veteran Clyde Benson (I), journalist Tharon Chandler (I), and former 2016 Tennessee State House candidate Mike Winton (I).

District 5:
This is an open seat. Democrat Heidi Campbell (D) wins the Democratic primary unopposed. Meanwhile, there is a nine-candidate Republican primary. Notable Republicans include operator of the Brooks Academy Natisha Brooks (R), former Tennessee State Representative Beth Harwell (R), former 2015 candidate for the Nashville Metro Council Timothy Lee (R), and former Senate candidate Andy Ogles (R). Ms. Campbell and the winner of the Republican primary will face off against graduate from Austin Peay State University Derrick Brantley (I), unknown independent Daniel Cooper (I), and former Marina Corps veteran Rick Shannon (I).

District 6:
Incumbent Republican John Rose (R) enjoys an uncontested Republican primary. Meanwhile, unknown Democrat Randal Cooper (D) takes on unknown Democrat Clay Faircloth for the Democratic nomination.

District 7:
This district is in the general election phase as Republican Incumbent Mark Green R() takes on unknown Democrat Odessa Kelly (D), who are both running unopposed in their party's primaries. They also face former 2020 Senate candidate Steven Hooper (I).

District 8:
Incumbent Republican David Kustoff (R) faces three other challengers in the Republican primary. Meanwhile, unknown Democrat Tim McDonald (D) takes on former Tennessee State House candidate Lynnette Williams. The other notable Republican is Air Force veteran Dean Clouse (R). The winners of the two primaries will face former 2020 candidate for the same House seat James Hart (I) and former 2020 candidate for Senate Ronnie Henley (I).

District 9:
Incumbent Democrat Steve Cohen (D) faces former 2016 House candidate for the same seat M. LaTroy Williams (D). Meanwhile, former 2020 House candidate for the same seat Leo AwGoWhat (R), small business owner Charlotte Bergmann (R), and unknown Brown Dudley (R) face off in the Republican primary. The winners of the two primaries will face former 2020 House candidate for the same seat Dennis Clark (I), former 2016 House candidate for the same seat Paul Cook (I), and former 2020 candidate for Senate George Flinn Jr. (I).

Incumbent Republican Bill Lee (R) wins the Republican primary unopposed. Meanwhile, unknown Democrat Carnita Atwater (D), unknown Democrat Jason Martin (D), and Memphis City Councilman JB Smiley Jr. (D) vie for the Democratic nomination. Lee and the winner of the Democratic nomination will take on eight independents. Notable independents include former Marine John Gentry (I), former 2020 House candidate for District 3 Basil Marceaux (I), and concurrent 2022 House District 3 candidate Rick Tyler (I).

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