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Boom: Trump cancels Pelosi's trip 'due to shutdown' after she called for State of the Union delay (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
BEAUTIFUL. As the President says, she is free to FLY COMMERCIAL, on her OWN DIME, if she wants.

Looks like her "little jaunt" won't be the taxpayer-funded frolic she thought it would be.

I'm sure she'll whore out to lobbyists for the $$, just like the Corrupt-o-cract just did for their Puerto Rico VACATION...

Trump cancels Pelosi's trip 'due to shutdown' after she called for State of the Union delay

President Donald Trump responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday with a letter of his own, announcing he was canceling her trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan in apparent retaliation for Pelosi asking Trump to delay the State of the Union until after the government shutdown ends.

"Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed," Trump wrote in a letter released Thursday afternoon. "We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over." “Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative,” Trump noted. “I look forward to seeing you soon and even more forward to watching our open and dangerous Southern Border finally receive the attention, funding and security it so desperately deserves.”


Love it!!!!

Couldn't happen to a nicer person !!:rofl
Love it!!!!

Couldn't happen to a nicer person !!:rofl

Trump has now put Pelosi's safety in question, by opening his big mouth he has put a very large target on her back if she travels to Afghanistan. Wow, the man has a cake hole that needs filling with a Big Mac. She is in the direct line of succession, and you Righties applaud Trump putting her safety at risk, a new low.
I'm pretty sure SOTU means more to Trump than this trip means to Pelosi.

Winner: Pelosi
Trump has now put Pelosi's safety in question, by opening his big mouth he has put a very large target on her back if she travels to Afghanistan. Wow, the man has a cake hole that needs filling with a Big Mac. She is in the direct line of succession, and you Righties applaud Trump putting her safety at risk, a new low.

She has no more business in Afghanistan than you or I do!!

She has no business there!!!
The theater continues, and is getting even more petty.
Trump cancels Pelosi's trip 'due to shutdown' after she called for State of the Union delay

You can always expect the least from our child in chief.
She has no more business in Afghanistan than you or I do!!

She has no business there!!!

She is Speaker, even if you don't like it. You failed to address the security issue, Trump is incompetent, and his supporters should feel shame.
The Constitution only requires the POTUS to give a report to Congress. Washington sent a written report. There's no reason why Trump can't do the same.

Regarding the thread topic, the Speaker postponing the SOTU speech and Trumps' retaliation, are both immature political spectacles that are more kindergarten level than federal government level.
Trump has now put Pelosi's safety in question, by opening his big mouth he has put a very large target on her back if she travels to Afghanistan. Wow, the man has a cake hole that needs filling with a Big Mac. She is in the direct line of succession, and you Righties applaud Trump putting her safety at risk, a new low.

Because Pelosi's tax-payer funded JAUNT is something we must have.

The Constitution only requires the POTUS to give a report to Congress. Washington sent a written report. There's no reason why Trump can't do the same.

Regarding the thread topic, the Speaker postponing the SOTU speech and Trumps' retaliation, are both immature political spectacles that are more kindergarten level than federal government level.

Trump can give it to the Senate, if he so chooses.

He is RIGHT to stop her TAXPAYER FUNDED trip(s).

Let her get the LOBBYISTS she WHORES FOR to pay for it....just like PUERTO RICO.
BEAUTIFUL. As the President says, she is free to FLY COMMERCIAL, on her OWN DIME, if she wants.

Looks like her "little jaunt" won't be the taxpayer-funded frolic she thought it would be.

I'm sure she'll whore out to lobbyists for the $$, just like the Corrupt-o-cract just did for their Puerto Rico VACATION...

Trump cancels Pelosi's trip 'due to shutdown' after she called for State of the Union delay

President Donald Trump responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday with a letter of his own, announcing he was canceling her trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan in apparent retaliation for Pelosi asking Trump to delay the State of the Union until after the government shutdown ends.

"Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed," Trump wrote in a letter released Thursday afternoon. "We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over." “Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative,” Trump noted. “I look forward to seeing you soon and even more forward to watching our open and dangerous Southern Border finally receive the attention, funding and security it so desperately deserves.”



I read it here. I will admit, I did chuckle. Turnabout is fair play.
Next up: Trump directs an officer to write Pelosi a parking ticket
I'm pretty sure SOTU means more to Trump than this trip means to Pelosi.

Winner: Pelosi

And the Secret Service has already called BULL**** on Pelosi's "security" LIE....
She has no more business in Afghanistan than you or I do!!

She has no business there!!!

Wrong, The Congress has Oversight responsibilities. Plus, our NATO allies could likely use some reassurance that somebody back here does not have a flagpole stuck up their butts as Trump clearly does. Plus our troopers would like to see that this government or at least some part of it is not treating them like some sort of geopolitical football.

Congressional fact finding missions are standard fair and this one that we never should have learned the timing of was very timely indeed considering the three ring circus Trump has been running as an "administration".

There is no need for Pelosi to be in DC this week. The House passed bills onto the Senate that would open the government and Mitchie-poo refuses to bring them to the floor of the Senate for a vote. There is literally nothing for the Speaker of the House to negotiate at this point.
The toddler in chief sinks lower in the polls.
And the Secret Service has already called BULL**** on Pelosi's "security" LIE....

There is no need for a formal State of Union address with part of the Government shut down. The "state of union" is obvious. Its a cluster.
There is no need for a formal State of Union address with part of the Government shut down. The "state of union" is obvious. Its a cluster.

Yeah sure it is. Economy BOOMING; just finished ANNUAL 3%+ GROWTH, which Mommy Pants never managed, even starting form the worst economic crisis sine the 30's; RECORD LOW UNEMPLOYMENT, also something Mommy Pants never managed; Wages take biggest jump in OVER A DECADE; ISIS CRUSHED; UNFAIR TRADE BEING CONFRONTED;....yeah...things are just sooooo bad....


laugh til it hurts.jpg
Yeah sure it is. Economy BOOMING; just finished ANNUAL 3%+ GROWTH, which Mommy Pants never managed, even starting form the worst economic crisis sine the 30's; RECORD LOW UNEMPLOYMENT, also something Mommy Pants never managed; Wages take biggest jump in OVER A DECADE; ISIS CRUSHED; UNFAIR TRADE BEING CONFRONTED;....yeah...things are just sooooo bad....


View attachment 67248180

Small sample size. The market is desperate to see Trump's trade war ended. Lets see we have Trump's trade war and Trump's shutdown, Trump's makeshift administration, Trump's half baked halfassed foreign policy, Trumps short term economic stimulus with long term negative consequences which he himself has admitted to simply not care about. So yea, its a cluster.

PS Pelosi did not get busted for anything.
When your daddy pays you millions while you're 3yo you're gonna grow up to act like Trump has during his 70 years.

None of this is surprising to those of us who have paid attention to Trump for the last 50 years.
BEAUTIFUL. As the President says, she is free to FLY COMMERCIAL, on her OWN DIME, if she wants.

Looks like her "little jaunt" won't be the taxpayer-funded frolic she thought it would be.

I'm sure she'll whore out to lobbyists for the $$, just like the Corrupt-o-cract just did for their Puerto Rico VACATION...

Trump cancels Pelosi's trip 'due to shutdown' after she called for State of the Union delay

President Donald Trump responded to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday with a letter of his own, announcing he was canceling her trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan in apparent retaliation for Pelosi asking Trump to delay the State of the Union until after the government shutdown ends.

"Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed," Trump wrote in a letter released Thursday afternoon. "We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over." “Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative,” Trump noted. “I look forward to seeing you soon and even more forward to watching our open and dangerous Southern Border finally receive the attention, funding and security it so desperately deserves.”



Boom! Trump gave aid and comfort to the enemy by exposing details about a congressional trip to a war zone.
Boom! Trump gave aid and comfort to the enemy by exposing details about a congressional trip to a war zone.

That's as stupid as when people said Hillary gave away government secrets in the debate with her 5 min comment
Yeah...Queen Botox is crucially needed overseas.

I didn't say that. I'll bet she would not have left the country with the shutdown going on anyway. Whatever else you think of Representative Pelosi you can bet she's knows the optics of leaving Washington at this time wouldn't be good. We'll never know because of our child in chief. Once again he cuts off his nose to spite his face, just think of the political hay he could have made IF she had left town. Ready, Fire, Aim!

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