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BOMBSHELL: Fox News CONFIRMS reporting that Trump ridiculed US soldiers ON AIR (1 Viewer)

Top Cat

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Jul 4, 2011
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Ruh ro. Honeymoon's over,

Ruh ro. Honeymoon's over,

Fox News is Fake News...until it says something Top Cat wants to believe.

There are 3 kinds barbers at any shop.

- Barbers who wont shut the **** up, but are capable of being discrete about what they say.
- Barbers who don't speak a lot, but when they do it is some weird ****.
- And barbers who wont shut the **** up, and are also incapable of being discrete.

Trump is the 3rd type of barber.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Fox News is Fake News...until it says something Top Cat wants to believe.


Bwahahahahahaha. His own pet network is confirming the reports and this is your response? You're embarrassing yourself again. Carry on.
It appears the military is the true third rail of American politics.

Donald may have finally done himself in.
Bwahahahahahaha. His own pet network is confirming the reports and this is your response? You're embarrassing yourself again. Carry on.

Your guy needs a drool bib, and you're focusing on a comment about John McCain from 5 years ago.
It appears the military is the true third rail of American politics.

Donald may have finally done himself in.

It's disinformation. Trump referred to John McCain as a loser, not the entire military. Trump and McCain had been feuding in the press at the time, which was 5 years ago. Dem strategists are desperate to wrest military voters away from him. This should make your side appear very weak.
There are 3 kinds barbers at any shop.

- Barbers who wont shut the **** up, but are capable of being discrete about what they say.
- Barbers who don't speak a lot, but when they do it is some weird ****.
- And barbers who wont shut the **** up, and are also incapable of being discrete.

Trump is the 3rd type of barber.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

Biden is Barber #4, the type that starts talking about the weather and ends up telling you about the black kids who were thrilled to touch him under the pool water.
It's disinformation. Trump referred to John McCain as a loser, not the entire military. Trump and McCain had been feuding in the press at the time, which was 5 years ago. Dem strategists are desperate to wrest military voters away from him. This should make your side appear very weak.



A former senior administration official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly, confirmed to The Washington Post that the president frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as “losers.”
In one account, the president told senior advisers that he didn’t understand why the U.S. government placed such value on finding soldiers missing in action because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got, according to a person familiar with the discussion.
Biden is Barber #4, the type that starts talking about the weather and ends up telling you about the black kids who were thrilled to touch him under the pool water.

How many barbers have you had that do that enough for you to set a general rule for a 4th type of barber?

Lmao, you didnt think your comment through, and it shows.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Sick burn. Rekt.

You seem to get your hair cut by pedo barbers enough for you to believe there is a "4th type" of barber.

I dont know of any shops where barbers talk about pedo stuff. Definitely never had one talk to me about what pedo stuff they do.

Have you?


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Trump shoots from the hip a lot, has made controversial statements about McCain, isn't particularly hawkish and tends to take most criticism personally. It's entirely possible that he said something off the cuff that could be interpreted as disrespectful. That being said, actions speak louder than words and his actions have been decidedly pro-military.

I'll leave it at this, if what he said was all that bad we'd have heard about it before now. This is OBVIOUSLY something that is being dragged out for campaign purposes. If it wasn't earth shaking news two years ago then it isn't earth shaking news today. It's just been repackaged with a "Vote For Joe" sticker on it.
Lmao, FOX confirms a story by the Atlantic where Trump ran his mouth.

TAAC: What about the pedo barbers?


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Trump shoots from the hip a lot, has made controversial statements about McCain, isn't particularly hawkish and tends to take most criticism personally. It's entirely possible that he said something off the cuff that could be interpreted as disrespectful. That being said, actions speak louder than words and his actions have been decidedly pro-military.

I'll leave it at this, if what he said was all that bad we'd have heard about it before now. This is OBVIOUSLY something that is being dragged out for campaign purposes. If it wasn't earth shaking news two years ago then it isn't earth shaking news today. It's just been repackaged with a "Vote For Joe" sticker on it.

“Off the cuff that could be interpreted as disrespectful”? Dead soldiers as losers or suckers ain’t difficult to interpret. It was all that bad. The earth is shaking under Trump’s feet. But true, to paraphrase what Donald himself said, Trump could shoot a disabled vet on Fifth Avenue, then call him a loser, and not lose some of his supporters.
“Off the cuff that could be interpreted as disrespectful”? Dead soldiers as losers or suckers ain’t difficult to interpret. It was all that bad. The earth is shaking under Trump’s feet. But true, to paraphrase what Donald himself said, Trump could shoot a disabled vet on Fifth Avenue, then call him a loser, and not lose some of his supporters.

That comment strikes me as being an interpretation rather than the actual words or actual intent. Like I said, if it was that bad we'd have heard it two years ago. It's not like people just now started hating Trump.
That comment strikes me as being an interpretation rather than the actual words or actual intent. Like I said, if it was that bad we'd have heard it two years ago. It's not like people just now started hating Trump.
Uh-huh... and just how would one connect "losers" and dead soldiers in a respectful way? I'm listening.
That comment strikes me as being an interpretation rather than the actual words or actual intent. Like I said, if it was that bad we'd have heard it two years ago. It's not like people just now started hating Trump.

So if Trump® told you your wife was an ugly whore that should be fed from a bowl under the table, how would you exuse that so you could justify voting for him? Would you actually try and get her to eat from the bowl under the table or just brush off the comment? If he shot your dog because "dogs are filthy" how would you excuse that and vote for him and fawn all over him? It's quite apparent you would indeed without any question or hesitation find some excuse, in either case; I'm just curious what it would be?
So if Trump[emoji2400] told you your wife was an ugly whore that should be fed from a bowl under the table, how would you exuse that so you could justify voting for him? If he shot your dog because "dogs are filthy" how would you excuse that and vote for him and fawn all over him? It's quite apparent you would indeed without any question or hesitation find some excuse, in either case; I'm just curious what it would be?
Ted Cruz literally did something along those lines. Trump dissed Cruz's wife and father, and the guy's response was to grow a beard, eat more gun cooked bacon, get on his knees and take Trump's orange cumshot in the eye.

You are expecting a logical decision making process from people who just want to see libbos lose because they think the blacks and Mexicans have too much power.

Ain't gonna happen, homie. Move on. Vote in November.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Ted Cruz literally did something along those lines. Trump dissed Cruz's wife and father, and the guy's response was to grow a beard, eat more gun cooked bacon, get on his knees and take Trump's orange cumshot in the eye.

You are expecting a logical decision making process from people who just want to see libbos lose because they think the blacks and Mexicans have too much power.

Ain't gonna happen, homie. Move on. Vote in November.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

It's just insane, Fox is about the 15th outlet to confirm what Trump® said, it's completely in character with past behavior, but yet, "fake news" they literally would excuse it! Probably be fine if Trump® raped the wife and shot the dog, and called her ugly on his way out! These asshats, without a touch of shame or irony would be in here defending Trump® the very next day! You can't make up such epic stupid!
Ted Cruz literally did something along those lines. Trump dissed Cruz's wife and father, and the guy's response was to grow a beard, eat more gun cooked bacon, get on his knees and take Trump's orange cumshot in the eye.

You are expecting a logical decision making process from people who just want to see libbos lose because they think the blacks and Mexicans have too much power.

Ain't gonna happen, homie. Move on. Vote in November.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

I doubt he'd ask his wife to eat from a bowl, but he'd definitely accept Trump® telling him she should, no question....
It's just insane, Fox is about the 15th outlet to confirm what Trump[emoji2400] said, it's completely in character with past behavior, but yet, "fake news" they literally would excuse it! Probably be fine if Trump[emoji2400] raped the wife and shot the dog, and called her ugly on his way out! These asshats, without a touch of shame or irony would be in here defending Trump[emoji2400] the very next day! You can't make up such epic stupid!

For sure Cruz is an asshat. No man would let that stand and still be seen as the boss of his house but Cruz grew a beard, and suddenly he was best buds with Trump.

That said average Trump supporter in DC would let him kill people. As long as he's making it harder to women to get abortions, and creating conspiracy theories around minorities, he will be their guy.

That is why voting is important at all levels.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
I doubt he'd ask his wife to eat from a bowl, but he'd definitely accept Trump[emoji2400] telling him she should, no question....
Hey, take it easy.

I eat most of my meals in bowls.

They're easy to clean, and great if you use chopsticks regularly.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about

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