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Bob Beckel, former co-host of 'The Five,' dead at 73 (1 Viewer)

I rarely agreed with Bob Beckel, but he was a hell of a fighter for the left for many years on Fox News.

Rest in peace sir.

He was a good guy.

Yeah, I didn't agree with much of what he said, but he's one of those guys that i'd love to have 10-12 beers with.
He was a good guy.

Yeah, I didn't agree with much of what he said, but he's one of those guys that i'd love to have 10-12 beers with.
I miss those days. Remember the good humor and even camaraderie between the left/right on Crossfire?

Don’t know when, or if, we’ll see those days again.

Damn shame.
Bob was OK, he was fun to listen to and I respected his views in the 2012 election at the time.

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