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bloodthirsty Yankee (1 Viewer)



How long will bloodthirsty Yankee set Central Asia countries on each other weakening them all? I’m sure American CIA is no stranger to the recent attack on Kyrgyz chief cleric acting mufti Suyuh-Hijji Koluyev. The man was severely beaten up by some thugs turned out to be IMU members. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan that extremist formation is on payroll from Uzbekistan special service. And Uzbekistan in its turn is a well-paid American puppet in Central Asia.
It’s simple actually. Now America wants Kyrgyzstan back under its control after American stooge corrupted president Bakiyev was deprived of his place at the wheel. America would be happy with the destabilization of Kyrgyztan to make a new revolution stir later and bring new American puppets into the presidential chair again. Uzbekistan and IMU are just means to achieve the American goal, which make furious all Muslims, me as well! I’m living in EU but I can’t stay indifferent!
As for the devilish state of USA, it’s rather common thing with them, to exploit others for their benefit. As for Uzbekistan it’s really a disgrace and a great sin The Almighty sees. It’s betrayal of the brothers in faith!
How long will bloodthirsty Yankee set Central Asia countries on each other weakening them all? I’m sure American CIA is no stranger to the recent attack on Kyrgyz chief cleric acting mufti Suyuh-Hijji Koluyev. The man was severely beaten up by some thugs turned out to be IMU members. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan that extremist formation is on payroll from Uzbekistan special service. And Uzbekistan in its turn is a well-paid American puppet in Central Asia.
It’s simple actually. Now America wants Kyrgyzstan back under its control after American stooge corrupted president Bakiyev was deprived of his place at the wheel. America would be happy with the destabilization of Kyrgyztan to make a new revolution stir later and bring new American puppets into the presidential chair again. Uzbekistan and IMU are just means to achieve the American goal, which make furious all Muslims, me as well! I’m living in EU but I can’t stay indifferent!
As for the devilish state of USA, it’s rather common thing with them, to exploit others for their benefit. As for Uzbekistan it’s really a disgrace and a great sin The Almighty sees. It’s betrayal of the brothers in faith!

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