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BLM true colors (1 Viewer)

Looting is acceptable to democrat backed BLM. It’s simply called reparations.
Also if someone shoots at police, they can’t shoot back, they have a duty to protect, even the people who shoots at you.
Can’t make this stiff up. Not surprising that democrats support this.

Black Lives Matter Chicago Organizer Defends Looting: 'That's Reparations'
One person does not = BLM or Democrats.

A Republican QANON supporter just won a primary in Georgia.

Do you now agree that the Republicans own all QANON beliefs and principles?

QAnon: What is it and where did it come from? - BBC News

Or does this now represent all impeached trump supporters?

Generalizations to make a point are lazy.

The majority of mainstream Democrats support the belief that BLM.

The majority are also disgusted with the violence, including looting.

The evidence suggests that the majority of violence had nothing to do with the BLM movement nor the protests over racial injustice. It is criminals, taking advantage of a situation.


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I posted this and the thread mysteriously disappeared for some reason. becareful.

I will be.


I will carefully say that the media have inflated the support for BLM.

I like to think that the majority of Americans of ALL ethnicities do not support BLM. They feel (as I do) that there is absolutely no excuse for the violent crimes committed by certain young gentlemen.

BLM wants to deflect attention away from this fact by using the cops as scapegoats.
One person does not = BLM or Democrats.

A Republican QANON supporter just won a primary in Georgia.

Do you now agree that the Republicans own all QANON beliefs and principles?

QAnon: What is it and where did it come from? - BBC News

Or does this now represent all impeached trump supporters?

Generalizations to make a point are lazy.

The majority of mainstream Democrats support the belief that BLM.

The majority are also disgusted with the violence, including looting.

The evidence suggests that the majority of violence had nothing to do with the BLM movement nor the protests over racial injustice. It is criminals, taking advantage of a situation.


Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Why are you discounting the arguments that Black Lives Matter are making? Are you really going to discount what their spokesperson says? That's classic whitesplaining. Instead of discounting the things Black Lives Matter is asking for and the methods they are supporting, you could try listening and understanding the struggles these people face everyday. Listen more, whitesplain less. The country would be better for it.
Why are you discounting the arguments that Black Lives Matter are making? Are you really going to discount what their spokesperson says? That's classic whitesplaining. Instead of discounting the things Black Lives Matter is asking for and the methods they are supporting, you could try listening and understanding the struggles these people face everyday. Listen more, whitesplain less. The country would be better for it.

Any group or person that supports looting, theft, and destruction of private property not only should be discounted but they should be condemned.
Why are you discounting the arguments that Black Lives Matter are making? Are you really going to discount what their spokesperson says? That's classic whitesplaining. Instead of discounting the things Black Lives Matter is asking for and the methods they are supporting, you could try listening and understanding the struggles these people face everyday. Listen more, whitesplain less. The country would be better for it.
I am agreeing with the family of George Floyd and many other victims.

I don't believe that makes my comments "whitesplaining".

However, I do understand my privilege prevents me from truly understanding. Regardless, I can't condone violence, period.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
I will be.


I will carefully say that the media have inflated the support for BLM.

I like to think that the majority of Americans of ALL ethnicities do not support BLM. They feel (as I do) that there is absolutely no excuse for the violent crimes committed by certain young gentlemen.

BLM wants to deflect attention away from this fact by using the cops as scapegoats.

I know this may be hard, but "BLM" is not all about rioting and looting and violent crimes. You should understand the difference.

Nobody "supports" looting except the looters. Looters come in all colors and sexes and have been around for years. People are looting under the name of BLM and it isn't what BLM is all about.
Any group or person that supports looting, theft, and destruction of private property not only should be discounted but they should be condemned.

One person's opinion, I guess.
One person's opinion, I guess.

Not an opinion it is fact.
Which proves the OP correct.

Why do you support looting and theft and destruction of private property?
that is pretty disgusting behavior that you support but leftist so go figure.
Not an opinion it is fact.
Which proves the OP correct.

Why do you support looting and theft and destruction of private property?
that is pretty disgusting behavior that you support but leftist so go figure.

I never supported it. Why would you think I did? It was simply condoned by BLM, not really supported, but neither by me.
Looting is acceptable to democrat backed BLM. It’s simply called reparations.
Also if someone shoots at police, they can’t shoot back, they have a duty to protect, even the people who shoots at you.
Can’t make this stiff up. Not surprising that democrats support this.

Black Lives Matter Chicago Organizer Defends Looting: 'That's Reparations'

I'm a lifelong democrat and I don't support that comment. BLM needs to distance itself from others committing criminal activity and continue to focus on police officers murdering restrained black men. Remember republicans? BLM came about because police have been murdering restrained black men, a very important point that needs to be remembered and stated often.
I never supported it. Why would you think I did? It was simply condoned by BLM, not really supported, but neither by me.

your posts say otherwise.
I posted this and the thread mysteriously disappeared for some reason. becareful.

One thing I have noticed here on DP is that, generally speaking, moderators on the right side of the spectrum are more tolerant of posts while moderators on the left side of the spectrum have less tolerance.
One person does not = BLM or Democrats.

A Republican QANON supporter just won a primary in Georgia.

Do you now agree that the Republicans own all QANON beliefs and principles?

QAnon: What is it and where did it come from? - BBC News

Or does this now represent all impeached trump supporters?

Generalizations to make a point are lazy.

The majority of mainstream Democrats support the belief that BLM.

The majority are also disgusted with the violence, including looting.

The evidence suggests that the majority of violence had nothing to do with the BLM movement nor the protests over racial injustice. It is criminals, taking advantage of a situation.


Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

This was a BLM organizer. He speaks for BLM. If he doesn't then BLM should condemn him.
Why are you discounting the arguments that Black Lives Matter are making? Are you really going to discount what their spokesperson says? That's classic whitesplaining. Instead of discounting the things Black Lives Matter is asking for and the methods they are supporting, you could try listening and understanding the struggles these people face everyday. Listen more, whitesplain less. The country would be better for it.

Why are you NOT discounting what this BLM leader said?
I am agreeing with the family of George Floyd and many other victims.

I don't believe that makes my comments "whitesplaining".

However, I do understand my privilege prevents me from truly understanding. Regardless, I can't condone violence, period.

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You are agreeing with what this BLM leader said?
This was a BLM organizer. He speaks for BLM. If he doesn't then BLM should condemn him.

Like the impeached president should condemn QANON.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
I know this may be hard, but "BLM" is not all about rioting and looting and violent crimes. You should understand the difference.

Nobody "supports" looting except the looters. Looters come in all colors and sexes and have been around for years. People are looting under the name of BLM and it isn't what BLM is all about.

Seriously? So, you are even admitting that BLM IS PARTLY ABOUT rioting and looting and violent crimes?

Like the impeached president should condemn QANON.

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Why did you have to say impeached? It shows your clear bias. In any event, these are two completely different things. This guy was the BLM organizer for Chicago. The left look up to BLM. Qanon doesn't speak for Trump. Qanon speaks for Qanon. So, are you saying that this guy in Chicago speaks for all of BLM? Now it sounds like you are. Of course Qanon speaks for Qanon. But, does this guy speak for all of BLM? If you don't condemn him then you support him.
Why did you have to say impeached? It shows your clear bias. In any event, these are two completely different things. This guy was the BLM organizer for Chicago. The left look up to BLM. Qanon doesn't speak for Trump. Qanon speaks for Qanon. So, are you saying that this guy in Chicago speaks for all of BLM? Now it sounds like you are. Of course Qanon speaks for Qanon. But, does this guy speak for all of BLM? If you don't condemn him then you support him.

The impeached president just congratulated a Qanon supporter for winning a Republican primary.

Find me a Democrat, in leadership, congratulating what this one specific BLM person said. Please.

The support of Qanon by Republicans is much more dangerous than any silence from democrats you are criticizing.

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