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Blm chanting pigs in a blanket take close look !!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 16, 2013
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Political Leaning
this is what all the people are saying about the black lives matter movement chanting pigs in a blanket.... their was not one mention about the white people that were actually LEADING THIS MARCH this march and SEEMED TO BE CONTROLLING THIS PARTICULAR MARCH and saying the chant the loudest ..I did not hear any mention of this !!! all I heard is that black people were doing this.. .would it be fair to say that the white people up front started this chant and the blacks joined in??? a message to blm it was very stupid and ignorant to chant this statement all it did was stop your core message about "black being killed by police" to "you want to hurt police" in other words the police and politicians are now going to be concerened about police getting hurt instead of you getting hurt use your brains .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTuf8wAtgkA
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this is what all the people are saying about the black lives matter movement chanting pigs in a blanket.... their was not one mention about the white people that were actually LEADING THIS MARCH this march and SEEMED TO BE CONTROLLING THIS PARTICULAR MARCH and saying the chant the loudest ..I did not hear any mention of this !!! all I heard is that black people were doing this.. .would it be fair to say that the white people up front started this chant and the blacks joined in??? a message to blm it was very stupid and ignorant to chant this statement all it did was stop your core message about "black being killed by police" to "you want to hurt police" in other words the police and politicians are now going to be concerened about police getting hurt instead of you getting hurt use your brains .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTuf8wAtgkA

That's old news and mostly propaganda. Do you have anything more recent?

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