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Blatant Election Interference (1 Viewer)


Trix has reentered the building.
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Nov 16, 2017
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Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.

And now we find out this...

Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter's legal bills tied to Chinese firm deal: email

From the first link:
Social media went wild after new Twitter owner Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday that censorship of the New York Post's Hunter Biden story was "obviously incredibly inappropriate."

Conservatives on the platform rushed to highlight Musk’s tweet, claiming Twitter's actions weren’t just "inappropriate" but "blatant election interference."

On Tuesday, Breaking Points co-host Saagar Enjeti tweeted about a report on Twitter’s Legal, Policy and Trust Lead Vijaya Gadde crying at a meeting about Musk purchasing the social media company for $44 billion.

Enjeti tweeted, "Vijaya Gadde, the top censorship advocate at Twitter who famously gaslit the world on Joe Rogan's podcast and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, is very upset about the @elonmusk takeover."

Musk replied, "Suspending the Twitter account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate."

The Tesla CEO was referring to Twitter suspending The New York Post just ahead of the 2020 election for publishing a story about the existence Hunter Biden’s laptop. The laptop contained emails, text messages, photos and financial documents indicating foreign business dealings the first son and the Biden family were involved with.

As soon as Musk made the comment, he received a wave of support from conservatives and free speech advocates online.

Washington Times columnist Tim Young replied to Musk, tweeting, "It was blatant election interference."

The Federalist Editor-in-Chief and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway tweeted that censoring the Hunter Biden story "was a horrific attack on our elections."

America Matters Executive Director Jim Hanson claimed, "Hiding the story about #HuntersLaptop was part of a consistent pattern of Promoting the Left[,]Throttling the Right. All we ask for is #FreeSpeech Let the best ideas win."

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton suggested to the billionaire, "It would be important to see internal @Twittercommunications on its election interference censorship of Hunter Biden laptop story by the @NYPOST."

National Republican Senatorial Committee Deputy Director Mike Hahn added another incident of censorship to Musk’s claim, tweeting, "So was suspending the president’s re-election campaign account 19 days before the election for simply tweeting that article."

And Newsbusters shared a graphic from its poll indicating that "17% of Biden voters would NOT have voted for him had they been aware of major news stories the media censored." They captioned the image, writing, "Couldn’t agree more."
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Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of Communist doctrine.
They feel every loss of those two things.
Without them, very few would vote for them.
- Is it illegal for Hunter's dad to pay the legal bill?
(better than not paying as some high profile people tend to do).

- Does anyone know exactly what is on the hard drive? If so provide a link.
Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.

And now we find out this...

Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter's legal bills tied to Chinese firm deal: email

Where was the Election Interference?
Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of Communist doctrine.
They feel every loss of those two things.
Without them, very few would vote for them.
/sarcasm on
Is that why members of the Trump administration and the GOP have been so eager to get information out regarding 1/6? Ignore subpoenas, give answers of "I don't recall",
"Conservative claims", right away we have a problem. A political movement that cannot tell the truth from top to bottom and is still lying about election fraud.
Hunter Biden is under investigation and has yet to be indicted. The investigation into HB began in 2018! We all knew about it. Investigation does not mean indicted, understand? How is that election interference?
Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of Communist doctrine.
They feel every loss of those two things.
Without them, very few would vote for them.

How about we stick to what we know?

Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of big tech giants who used their might to sway the 2020 election Joe's way? What a pity to find out after the election that Twitter tech censoring cops used their platform to swing an election.
How do we know this? 17% who voted for Biden wouldn't have done so if they had known the NY Post's investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't Russian disinformation.

I don't care what side you're on or who you voted for, (that is yours, the collectives' choice), but everyone who says they want the integrity of Democracy to stay intact should be outraged at Big Tech's hand in the purposeful manipulation of the 2020 election.
Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.

And now we find out this...

Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter's legal bills tied to Chinese firm deal: email

From the first link:
Oh my.... Another day of reading about conservative grievance's and complaints. It's just one long constant monotonous whine.
Where was the Election Interference?

The "proof" appears to be that people who always attack the left called it "election interference" and it just so happens those same people who cheered Trump for admitting that he invited, knowingly received, and chose not to reveal Russian interference on his behalf.

Also, something about the evil inherent in a father paying his son's legal bills.

Standard Trumpist complaint.
Desantis just signed bill to have the Gestapo that is actually going to interfere with elections. Trump flunkees selling election lie trying to get on election boards to actually interfere with elections. State legislators are making laws to make it harder to vote to interfere with elections, and some even proposed allowing state legislative to overrule the votes. But but Hunter Biden! LOL What complete losers

The OP is yet again moronic, trolling, projecting right wing garbage, and its so incredibly pathetic
How about we stick to what we know?

Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of big tech giants who used their might to sway the 2020 election Joe's way? What a pity to find out after the election that Twitter tech censoring cops used their platform to swing an election.
How do we know this? 17% who voted for Biden wouldn't have done so if they had known the NY Post's investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't Russian disinformation.

I don't care what side you're on or who you voted for, (that is yours, the collectives' choice), but everyone who says they want the integrity of Democracy to stay intact should be outraged at Big Tech's hand in the purposeful manipulation of the 2020 election.
So does this also apply to the 2016 election with Russia's interference in favor of Trump?
Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.

And now we find out this...

Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter's legal bills tied to Chinese firm deal: email

From the first link:
How can Joe agree to do that without talking to Hunter about his business affairs?

Hunter: "Hey, Big Guy! Do you mind giving me $$$$?"

Big Guy: "No problem son. Here ya go!"
So does this also apply to the 2016 election with Russia's interference in favor of Trump?

Let your post be the first and last for me to say... THE THREAD ISN'T ABOUT TRUMP.
I will not be addressing any off topic Trump deflection.
Let your post be the first and last for me to say... THE THREAD ISN'T ABOUT TRUMP.
I will not be addressing any off topic Trump deflection.
I just want to see consistency. Thank you for being consistent.
How about we stick to what we know?

Propaganda and censorship are the hallmarks of big tech giants who used their might to sway the 2020 election Joe's way? What a pity to find out after the election that Twitter tech censoring cops used their platform to swing an election.
How do we know this? 17% who voted for Biden wouldn't have done so if they had known the NY Post's investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't Russian disinformation.

I don't care what side you're on or who you voted for, (that is yours, the collectives' choice), but everyone who says they want the integrity of Democracy to stay intact should be outraged at Big Tech's hand in the purposeful manipulation of the 2020 election.
I agree big tech has too much influence on our elections. As do big corporations in general.

Any suggestions on how to limit it?
Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.
Gee, another instance of a thread title not being supported by the thread content. What a surprise ...

"seems apparent" "quite possibly" 🤣
Oh my.... Another day of reading about conservative grievance's and complaints. It's just one long constant monotonous whine.
I've been convinced forever that a lot of conservatives were the kids whose parents let them sit in front of the TV all day. You know, the ones whose mothers waited on them hand and foot.

Hell, they STILL sit in front of the TV and watch Fox. It's why they're so whiney and selfish now.
Let your post be the first and last for me to say... THE THREAD ISN'T ABOUT TRUMP.
I will not be addressing any off topic Trump deflection.
Well, I tried to keep on topic, but then the typical derailing game took over. Hope this thread works out to be a good discussion. I'm out.
Blatant election interference is an understatement. I thought Democrats hated election interference. :eek: Maybe they just love having control of the political scene more.
At any rate, seems apparent, Biden quite possibly would have lost the 2020 election had the NY Post investigative report on Hunter Biden's laptop were not censored by the Twitter speech cops.

And now we find out this...

Joe Biden agreed to pay Hunter's legal bills tied to Chinese firm deal: email

From the first link:
I'm hoping Musk can corral Twitter and turn it into turn town square where everyone can express themselves and indulge in good debate. It's a monumental task and getting Twitter's staff onboard may be the hardest part. He needs to step in with, what some leadership schools call and "impactful act" - fire a few influential people just for impact, Give clear and unequivocal guidance to censor team and hold them to it. He's got a massive To Do list on his desk. I hope he succeeds.
I'm hoping Musk can corral Twitter and turn it into turn town square where everyone can express themselves and indulge in good debate. It's a monumental task and getting Twitter's staff onboard may be the hardest part. He needs to step in with, what some leadership schools call and "impactful act" - fire a few influential people just for impact, Give clear and unequivocal guidance to censor team and hold them to it. He's got a massive To Do list on his desk. I hope he succeeds.

We all do. IMO, he needs to clean ship. Fire the board who allowed the censorship and begin anew.
If you're not already a member, you really should join up, and follow him. His comments are quite remarkable and in favor of letting all views being heard.

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