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Bin Laden Had Plan To Sell Poisoned Cocaine To Americans (1 Viewer)


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Jul 26, 2005
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From the Drudge Report:

PAPER: Bin Laden Had Plan To Sell Poisoned Cocaine To Americans In 2002
Tue Jul 26 2005 09:43:35 ET

Osama bin Laden tried to buy a massive amount of cocaine, spike it with poison and sell it in the United States, hoping to kill thousands of Americans one year after the 9/11 attacks, the NEW YORK POST reported on Tuesday.

The evil plot failed when the Colombian drug lords bin Laden approached decided it would be bad for their business - and, possibly, for their own health, according to law-enforcement sources familiar with the Drug Enforcement Administration's probe of the aborted transaction.

The feds were told of the scheme earlier this year, but its existence had never been made public.

The Post has reviewed a document detailing the DEA's findings in the matter, in addition to interviewing sources familiar with the case.

Seems ironic that Bin Laden would try killing his liberal supporters in the US.
Who is that shadowy figure lurking behind you with the knife............. It's Bin Laden!!! Be afraid, be very a afraid. First the drugs, then the food.
asmith555 said:
From the Drudge Report:

Seems ironic that Bin Laden would try killing his liberal supporters in the US.


L18z l0l.
Maybe he could poison Rush Limbaugh's radio show, so everyone who listened to it dropped dead...

I can dream.
Are you kidding! That's a direct attack on our president. How did they find out our leader blew lines? OH! Maybe because It's completely obvious. Have you seen the guy? Rode hard and put away wet.
Vote for BUSH in 2012! Hecte America, Morgen die Weldt!
Radical Ron said:
Are you kidding! That's a direct attack on our president. How did they find out our leader blew lines? OH! Maybe because It's completely obvious. Have you seen the guy? Rode hard and put away wet.
Vote for BUSH in 2012! Hecte America, Morgen die Weldt!

"Hecte"? :rofl
This thread was dead for two months....

Why resurrect it????:roll:
I thought bin laden was the enemy
now he wants to do America a favour and knock off half the criminals and idiots

You see he is Americas friend no wonder when he went one way the troops went the other

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