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billo says goodbye to DP (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
For obvious reason's, this will be my last post at Debate Politics.

What a long strange ride it's been.
Bill Oh Really?

Don't go! I haven't killed you yet.
I told you this mess would get out of hand. What am I supposed to do now? This is awful, beyond tragic, words can't describe my despair. 1001 Billo jokes for naught. Billo is an automatic goto in TT's. Billo jokes write themselves. He's walking, talking, text writing comic material. And he always came back for more. Say what you will about the guy, he could take a friggin joke. ptsdkid has only so much potential. Billo's was nigh limitless.

Maybe if you all would have shown him more respect and courtesy he would not be gone. I blame you.

The bring back Billo campaign starts now. Now you will see true power.
what obvious reasons?
This is a Pity....and I would very much like to know the "Why" behind it.
tecoyah said:
This is a Pity....and I would very much like to know the "Why" behind it.

As would the rest of us!!
tecoyah said:
This is a Pity....and I would very much like to know the "Why" behind it.
What's today's date?...:roll:
Billo_Really said:

Billo, HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the "for obvious reasons."

Originally posted by RightatNYU:
oh you douchebags
Isn't it about time for you to change your avatar? Or punch out a bartender?
Billo_Really said:
Isn't it about time for you to change your avatar? Or punch out a bartender?

Yes. And no, last night I got my *** kicked. A drunk girl kicked me in the shins as hard as she could because I was dressed as a soccer player and she thought I had shinguards on. stupid stupid stupid sorority girls.
Looks like ol' Billo fooled the Teacher. Hey Teach, does this mean that I have more potential than you? HaHaHa..........you fool!
Originally posted by RightatNYU:
Yes. And no, last night I got my *** kicked. A drunk girl kicked me in the shins as hard as she could because I was dressed as a soccer player and she thought I had shinguards on. stupid stupid stupid sorority girls.
Think of how hard she would have kicked if you were dressed like a soccer mom!
LOL, good one, "you had me at hello"...........:lol:
ptsdkid said:
Looks like ol' Billo fooled the Teacher. Hey Teach, does this mean that I have more potential than you? HaHaHa..........you fool!

Good one. I wonder what the average grade was in which the rest of us last played an April Fools joke. I guess I've let my guard down over these last thirty years.

Potential for what? Oh the jokes...
Billo I am glad your not leaving.........I want to win a couple more bets from you and get you in a Hannaty avatar........:lol:

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