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Billions (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning

Billions (TV Series 2016– ) - IMDb

Anybody watching this show? It's about a NYC attorney general squaring off against a ruthless billionaire hedge fund manager. Stars Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis (that guy from Band of Brothers and Homeland). I used to work in finance and I'm a big fan of movies like Wall Street and Margin Call, and this show reminds me a lot about those two.
I've watched a couple episodes and have really enjoyed them. The writing is pretty good.
I've watched the first 5-6 or so. I lost interest.
Never heard of it, but the trailers had a few nice lines:

"What is the point in having '**** you' money', if you never say '**** you'?


'The only thing more dangerous than a man with unlimited resources, is a man with nothing to lose'!
I've watched the first 5-6 or so. I lost interest.

I'm on episode 4 and I like it- it doesnt have the usual angsty subplots with husband and wives having hangups and all that which is better since it focuses on the plot.
I'm on episode 4 and I like it- it doesnt have the usual angsty subplots with husband and wives having hangups and all that which is better since it focuses on the plot.

Well... other than the NYC attorney's wife is a very close friend and exceedingly well paid long-time employee of said bad guy. I mean come on, how stupid.
Well... other than the NYC attorney's wife is a very close friend and exceedingly well paid long-time employee of said bad guy. I mean come on, how stupid.

LOL true, but do you remember Breaking Bad? Walter White's brother in law Hank was a DEA agent too...

I do like the wifey character though- she's like a more ruthless version of Dr. Melfi
Never heard of it, but the trailers had a few nice lines:

"What is the point in having '**** you' money', if you never say '**** you'?


'The only thing more dangerous than a man with unlimited resources, is a man with nothing to lose'!

One of the more hilarious lines in the series was "He was our gay guy... These days its great to have a gay"

I cant really explain the context or it would be a spoiler but it was a great line.
I watched the entire series and enjoyed it thoroughly. Excellent acting particularly the two main characters engaged in an epic struggle where both are slimy and no worthy of anyones true support. I think Axes wife is the best character on the show. Not quite as good as VINYL which started at the same time not he calendar but still well worth watching each Sunday.

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