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Biden's speech (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 3, 2020
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Davidson, NC
Political Leaning
Biden's speech largely knocked it out of the park.

Did any of the Fox viewers who have been told, over and over again, that Biden is just a human blooper reel... a man who can't string a full sentence together... were any of them surprised by his passionate, articulate acceptance speech?

Chris Wallace: "It was an enormously effective speech. Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as mentally shot, a captive of the left, and yes Biden was reading from a teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought he blew a hole -- a big hole -- in that characterization."

WaPo's Philip Bump: "Trump's campaign invested an enormous amount of energy in suggesting that Biden couldn't manage to appear in public with any competence, which seems like a bar that wasn't useful to set."

Gloria Borger on CNN: "This may be the best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered. It wasn't a convention speech, written for applause lines; it was a presidential address, even kind of a fireside chat."

Joy Reid on MSNBC: "I think we found out tonight why Donald Trump feared him so much."

"Some Republicans, including the President, have attacked Biden as senile and barely cogent, and here he is giving a perfect speech. They should probably not lower expectations so much."
It will be good to have President Biden in office next year. He is an adult. He can read and understand. He's an intelligent and patriotic man who will be empathic when it comes to Americans and work to better our country, help fix the mess the conman we have now put us in, and keep our country secure. Trump serves at the pleasure of Mr. Putin, President Biden will serve the United States of America. Let's get out and vote in November, and make this happen!

Biden's speech largely knocked it out of the park.

Did any of the Fox viewers who have been told, over and over again, that Biden is just a human blooper reel... a man who can't string a full sentence together... were any of them surprised by his passionate, articulate acceptance speech?

Chris Wallace: "It was an enormously effective speech. Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as mentally shot, a captive of the left, and yes Biden was reading from a teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought he blew a hole -- a big hole -- in that characterization."

WaPo's Philip Bump: "Trump's campaign invested an enormous amount of energy in suggesting that Biden couldn't manage to appear in public with any competence, which seems like a bar that wasn't useful to set."

Gloria Borger on CNN: "This may be the best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered. It wasn't a convention speech, written for applause lines; it was a presidential address, even kind of a fireside chat."

Joy Reid on MSNBC: "I think we found out tonight why Donald Trump feared him so much."

"Some Republicans, including the President, have attacked Biden as senile and barely cogent, and here he is giving a perfect speech. They should probably not lower expectations so much."

Yeah, based on what the Trump crowd has been saying about Biden, he did very well.
Sounded like a president. It's been a while.
Did any of the Fox viewers who have been told, over and over again, that Biden is just a human blooper reel... a man who can't string a full sentence together...

Massive liars created that fiction. Trump/Rush/Sean/Fox.
I decided to watch, but I was anticipating being bored. I was committed to focus and listen, because he is running for president and I should listen. I was not bored or disappointed at all. It was a great speech. He said many inspiring things about unity, protecting everybody’s rights, he addressed racism, he condemned White supremacists and Charlottesville, he encouraged Americans to be brave during the pandemic, etc. Everything Biden said is exactly what every presidential candidate should say. Trump as president can’t bring himself to say such things, not even close.

I am glad I watched. Voting for Joe and Kamala makes sense, and I am happy to do it in Nov.
Biden's speech largely knocked it out of the park.

Did any of the Fox viewers who have been told, over and over again, that Biden is just a human blooper reel... a man who can't string a full sentence together... were any of them surprised by his passionate, articulate acceptance speech?

Chris Wallace: "It was an enormously effective speech. Remember, Donald Trump has been talking for months about Joe Biden as mentally shot, a captive of the left, and yes Biden was reading from a teleprompter and a prepared speech, but I thought he blew a hole -- a big hole -- in that characterization."

WaPo's Philip Bump: "Trump's campaign invested an enormous amount of energy in suggesting that Biden couldn't manage to appear in public with any competence, which seems like a bar that wasn't useful to set."

Gloria Borger on CNN: "This may be the best speech Joe Biden has ever delivered. It wasn't a convention speech, written for applause lines; it was a presidential address, even kind of a fireside chat."

Joy Reid on MSNBC: "I think we found out tonight why Donald Trump feared him so much."

"Some Republicans, including the President, have attacked Biden as senile and barely cogent, and here he is giving a perfect speech. They should probably not lower expectations so much."

I am watching now, between meetings at work, he largely hits the nail on the head. In my opinion, he needs to more strongly emphasize a solution regarding to portland beyond "We hear you young people" and he should take lead of that discussion and offer a vision that isn't "beat them with tear gas"
Massive liars created that fiction. Trump/Rush/Sean/Fox.

On twitter, the right wing marching orders is to go full qanon and say that it was all prerecorded with 100's of takes so that the editors could piece together the final product. They are literally saying this.
On twitter, the right wing marching orders is to go full qanon and say that it was all prerecorded with 100's of takes so that the editors could piece together the final product. They are literally saying this.

It was at least coherent, which is more than you can say about Trump's speeches where he just ends up rambling off on tangents all the time.
Still looking forward to the debates. Can you think for yourself every day, Joe?
How will you react to actual criticism, Joe? It's all been softball garbage so far.
Can you take that 3AM crisis phone call, Joe?

Of course the speech was pre-recorded, damn. This man is just an empty suit. Other people will run the country. And that was the plan all along.
Still looking forward to the debates. Can you think for yourself every day, Joe?
How will you react to actual criticism, Joe? It's all been softball garbage so far.
Can you take that 3AM crisis phone call, Joe?

Of course the speech was pre-recorded, damn. This man is just an empty suit. Other people will run the country. And that was the plan all along.

I don't think Trump can think for himself everyday, why would you hold Biden to different standards?


At least Biden remembers where his dad is from.
Still looking forward to the debates. Can you think for yourself every day, Joe?
How will you react to actual criticism, Joe? It's all been softball garbage so far.
Can you take that 3AM crisis phone call, Joe?

Of course the speech was pre-recorded, damn. This man is just an empty suit. Other people will run the country. And that was the plan all along.

trump will look like the.big bully racist redneck he is. He will make.a fool of.himself while biden stays on topic and answers questions with well thought out answers.
Let's hope Republicans are stupid enough to keep that bar low low low in the runup to the debates.
It was at least coherent, which is more than you can say about Trump's speeches where he just ends up rambling off on tangents all the time.

this country had such high ideals.

then Rush Limbaugh needed money to move out of his parents house. how could we have ever known it would lead to this mess.
I missed it, we had our first monsoon rainstorm of the season, and after having 15 days of temps above 115 and 40 or so days of temps above 110, we parked our chairs in the covered driveway and had some adult beverages as we watched the desert get a long needed drink of water.
Can you think for yourself every day, Joe?
How will you react to actual criticism, Joe?...Can you take that 3AM crisis phone call, Joe?

^ Trump voter. Modern Day Confederate.

but, hey, at least he appears to realize that Biden hit a home run (after preaching he was hold up in his basement being senile. that's progress i guess.
Still looking forward to the debates. Can you think for yourself every day, Joe?
How will you react to actual criticism, Joe? It's all been softball garbage so far.
Can you take that 3AM crisis phone call, Joe?

Of course the speech was pre-recorded, damn. This man is just an empty suit. Other people will run the country. And that was the plan all along.

Judging by most of the word salad answers Trump has been giving in softball interviews lately, should be fun to watch Trump crash & burn.

There will be no audience for the debates. No audience means Trump can't blurt out his one liners and expect a reaction. He's doomed.
Judging by most of the word salad answers Trump has been giving in softball interviews lately, should be fun to watch Trump crash & burn.

There will be no audience for the debates. No audience means Trump let off his one liners and expect a reaction. He's doomed.

There are basically two tactics Republicans can use here:

1)Raise the bar of expectations so high that no matter how well Biden performs he always seems to disappoint. In the runup to the Kerry/Bush debates, the Bush campaign referred to Kerry as "the best debater since Cicero" (I'm not making this up). Spoiler alert: Kerry didn't perform as well as Cicero.

2)Prime the media to focus on any gaffes or pauses on Biden's part as confirmation of his mental deterioration.

The problem is that you can manage the narrative for #1 better than you can for #2. But they went for the second tactic and predictably it's blowing up in their faces. Will they learn? Hard to say. On one hand Trump's people aren't good at learning. On another, they've already put so much currency into painting Biden as senile that it's going to be mighty odd when people hear them do a 180 and describe Biden as "the best debater since Cicero."

I'm putting my money on them not learning.

By the way, as I understand it, there may be a small audience for the debate. But I'm hearing that second hand so don't take my word for it.
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It was a good speech. I don't know how much it will fire up his base to fill out the ballots and mail them in, but he made no major blinders.
Trump is best when he's unscripted. I've watched his impromptu news conferences and rallies. He can cut through BS like no other. He knows what motivates people quickly in any conversation.
Biden can tell us about Cornpop and pony soldiers, then kiss his 19 year old granddaughter full on the lips. What else can the old fool do?
Well. He can avoid taking a senility test, and make pre-recorded speeches.

Leader of the Free World, remember? We are hiring this guy?
Trump is best when he's unscripted. I've watched his impromptu news conferences and rallies. He can cut through BS like no other. He knows what motivates people quickly in any conversation.
Biden can tell us about Cornpop and pony soldiers, then kiss his 19 year old granddaughter full on the lips. What else can the old fool do?
Well. He can avoid taking a senility test, and make pre-recorded speeches.

Leader of the Free World, remember? We are hiring this guy?

You're right. I think that when Biden comes out on stage, his pants are going to fall down around his ankles, he's going to trip and fall down, and when he stands back up (pants still around his ankles), he's going to stare wide-eyed into the camera and say nothing for two hours.

By contrast, Trump is going to do oratory that would do Cicero, Churchill and Lincoln proud.
Trump is best when he's unscripted. I've watched his impromptu news conferences and rallies. He can cut through BS like no other. He knows what motivates people quickly in any conversation.
Biden can tell us about Cornpop and pony soldiers, then kiss his 19 year old granddaughter full on the lips. What else can the old fool do?
Well. He can avoid taking a senility test, and make pre-recorded speeches.

Leader of the Free World, remember? We are hiring this guy?

Kinda like this?


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