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Biden Will Ditch Ukraine, After First Milking It for Political Distraction (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Biden will not leave the Ukraine high and dry he has too many favors to pay back for Hunter to leave them in a lurch
Sanman, I know you're lazy as hell, but you started a thread and can't even write one single word yourself?

Your boy Trump withheld aid to Ukraine try to extort Zelensky to get imaginary dirt on his political opponent. Thank god we have Biden who is taking this crisis seriously.

Trump would've just let Putin take it and given no support. Does Vlad still have the pee tapes?
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The tears of the anti americans are flowing.

McCarthyism from the Left -- now I've seen everything.

Biden will not leave the Ukraine high and dry he has too many favors to pay back for Hunter to leave them in a lurch

I'm sure Biden has plenty of hidden debts to the Chinese as well.

Sanman, I know you're lazy as hell, but you started a thread and can't even write one single word yourself?

Your boy Trump withheld aid to Ukraine try to extort Zelensky to get imaginary dirt on his political opponent. Thank god we have Biden who is taking this crisis seriously.

Trump would've just let Putin take it and given no support. Does Vlad still have the pee tapes?

All FUD smears. Only reason Trump was interested in Ukraine was because of Biden's dirty dealings there. It's got nothing to do with Putin or Ukraine-Russia tensions. But you're trying to conflate these things.

****er Carlson is a Russian sympathizer. Maybe even a Russian plant. **** him.

More McCarthyite nonsense. Time for you to start up your House Committe on Un-American Activities. Your witch hunt awaits.

McCarthyism from the Left -- now I've seen everything.

I'm sure Biden has plenty of hidden debts to the Chinese as well.

All FUD smears. Only reason Trump was interested in Ukraine was because of Biden's dirty dealings there. It's got nothing to do with Putin or Ukraine-Russia tensions. But you're trying to conflate these things.

More McCarthyite nonsense. Time for you to start up your House Committe on Un-American Activities. Your witch hunt awaits.

No, you're right, Trump absolutely couldn't care less about Ukraine and considering how often you've voiced support for Russia and Putin, you don't either.
No, you're right, Trump absolutely couldn't care less about Ukraine and considering how often you've voiced support for Russia and Putin, you don't either.

The problem is that warmongers have been wanting to bring the NATO sword right up to Russia's throat. My advice would have been Don't Poke the Bear.
Now the bear has been provoked enough that it's now on the rampage. Warmongers like you will say "See? I told you that evil Bear needed some sword action"
Those like you want to pursue a circular argument. Now that you've aroused the Bear, you won't be able to stop it on your mere command.
It would have been better to avoid this obvious problem in the first place.

Ukraine of course would love to be in NATO & EU - the morons running their govt want and need a sugardaddy. Those crooked idiots don't know how to run a viable govt or a fiscally responsible one.
So they absolutely need a nice foreign sugardaddy to inject lots of cash into them, like a rentier state. Their selling proposition has always been "Hey, we're right next to Russia! Don't the rest of you want to fight with Russia? Well come on over, coz we're your guys! And bring your cash with you!"

What kind of stupid ****s try to make a living out of being a stick to poke someone else with?
Those retards don't know how to run their own economy, and so they think that getting themselves NATO & EU sugardaddies will solve all their problems, like winning the lottery.
It's like a girl who doesn't really want to learn any skills for a career, and just hopes some handsome prince will come along and sweep her off her feet.

Zelensky is a ****ing idiot. He has no ****ing resume, or experience, or skills related to good governance. But my gosh, he'll now get a Nobel Prize just like Obama.
Now that he's in a war crisis, he knows how to take a stand and strike a swashbuckling posture and pose for a portrait for courage to the outside world -- because that's all he knows how to do. He doesn't know **** all about how to balance a budget or provide healthcare. (Well, neither did Obama) But by posing courageously, he can get everyone to declare him a hero, and overlook the fact that he had no rational agenda for practical governance in the first place. They were always looking to be martyrs -- because martyrs get money -- and they didn't know how to earn a living the normal way.
That's disgusting. That's like walking in front of a moving car and then showing up in court with a cane and a neck brace, to collect your big cash payout.
In this case, they deliberately walked in front of the big bear. Now the bear is mauling them, and they're going to end up worse than having a cane and a neck brace - because the bear isn't going to be called off by dog whistles. Stupid, and a colossal waste of lives, so that their martyr-politicians can do their victim theater. The politics of victimhood. Just like people who want reparations - they want the money, and they want to be victims so that they can justify why they deserve that money. Because they don't know how to make a living any other way.
The problem is that warmongers have been wanting to bring the NATO sword right up to Russia's throat. My advice would have been Don't Poke the Bear.
Now the bear has been provoked enough that it's now on the rampage. Warmongers like you will say "See? I told you that evil Bear needed some sword action"
Those like you want to pursue a circular argument. Now that you've aroused the Bear, you won't be able to stop it on your mere command.
It would have been better to avoid this obvious problem in the first place.

Ukraine of course would love to be in NATO & EU - the morons running their govt want and need a sugardaddy. Those crooked idiots don't know how to run a viable govt or a fiscally responsible one.
So they absolutely need a nice foreign sugardaddy to inject lots of cash into them, like a rentier state. Their selling proposition has always been "Hey, we're right next to Russia! Don't the rest of you want to fight with Russia? Well come on over, coz we're your guys! And bring your cash with you!"

What kind of stupid ****s try to make a living out of being a stick to poke someone else with?
Those retards don't know how to run their own economy, and so they think that getting themselves NATO & EU sugardaddies will solve all their problems, like winning the lottery.
It's like a girl who doesn't really want to learn any skills for a career, and just hopes some handsome prince will come along and sweep her off her feet.

Zelensky is a ****ing idiot. He has no ****ing resume, or experience, or skills related to good governance. But my gosh, he'll now get a Nobel Prize just like Obama.
Now that he's in a war crisis, he knows how to take a stand and strike a swashbuckling posture and pose for a portrait for courage to the outside world -- because that's all he knows how to do. He doesn't know **** all about how to balance a budget or provide healthcare. (Well, neither did Obama) But by posing courageously, he can get everyone to declare him a hero, and overlook the fact that he had no rational agenda for practical governance in the first place. They were always looking to be martyrs -- because martyrs get money -- and they didn't know how to earn a living the normal way.
That's disgusting. That's like walking in front of a moving car and then showing up in court with a cane and a neck brace, to collect your big cash payout.
In this case, they deliberately walked in front of the big bear. Now the bear is mauling them, and they're going to end up worse than having a cane and a neck brace - because the bear isn't going to be called off by dog whistles. Stupid, and a colossal waste of lives, so that their martyr-politicians can do their victim theater. The politics of victimhood. Just like people who want reparations - they want the money, and they want to be victims so that they can justify why they deserve that money. Because they don't know how to make a living any other way.
I didn't read most of this. I stopped reading when you tried to justify Russia's actions by saying NATO has a knife to Russia's throat. NATO is a defensive pact that in its core contractual tenets respects the sovereignty, culture and individuality of other nations, even non-NATO ones.

At no point has anyone in NATO ever tried to conquer and subjugate Russia, and having a NATO nation on one's border does not make one less safe. You're pushing Russian propaganda because you sympathize with them and Putin.
The problem is that warmongers have been wanting to bring the NATO sword right up to Russia's throat. My advice would have been Don't Poke the Bear.
Now the bear has been provoked enough that it's now on the rampage. Warmongers like you will say "See? I told you that evil Bear needed some sword action"
Those like you want to pursue a circular argument. Now that you've aroused the Bear, you won't be able to stop it on your mere command.
It would have been better to avoid this obvious problem in the first place.

Ukraine of course would love to be in NATO & EU - the morons running their govt want and need a sugardaddy. Those crooked idiots don't know how to run a viable govt or a fiscally responsible one.
So they absolutely need a nice foreign sugardaddy to inject lots of cash into them, like a rentier state. Their selling proposition has always been "Hey, we're right next to Russia! Don't the rest of you want to fight with Russia? Well come on over, coz we're your guys! And bring your cash with you!"

What kind of stupid ****s try to make a living out of being a stick to poke someone else with?
Those retards don't know how to run their own economy, and so they think that getting themselves NATO & EU sugardaddies will solve all their problems, like winning the lottery.
It's like a girl who doesn't really want to learn any skills for a career, and just hopes some handsome prince will come along and sweep her off her feet.

Zelensky is a ****ing idiot. He has no ****ing resume, or experience, or skills related to good governance. But my gosh, he'll now get a Nobel Prize just like Obama.
Now that he's in a war crisis, he knows how to take a stand and strike a swashbuckling posture and pose for a portrait for courage to the outside world -- because that's all he knows how to do. He doesn't know **** all about how to balance a budget or provide healthcare. (Well, neither did Obama) But by posing courageously, he can get everyone to declare him a hero, and overlook the fact that he had no rational agenda for practical governance in the first place. They were always looking to be martyrs -- because martyrs get money -- and they didn't know how to earn a living the normal way.
That's disgusting. That's like walking in front of a moving car and then showing up in court with a cane and a neck brace, to collect your big cash payout.
In this case, they deliberately walked in front of the big bear. Now the bear is mauling them, and they're going to end up worse than having a cane and a neck brace - because the bear isn't going to be called off by dog whistles. Stupid, and a colossal waste of lives, so that their martyr-politicians can do their victim theater. The politics of victimhood. Just like people who want reparations - they want the money, and they want to be victims so that they can justify why they deserve that money. Because they don't know how to make a living any other way.
Beware.....read the above with caution...wild assed Putinesk rant. His mother must be proud.
I didn't read most of this. I stopped reading when you tried to justify Russia's actions by saying NATO has a knife to Russia's throat. NATO is a defensive pact that in its core contractual tenets respects the sovereignty, culture and individuality of other nations, even non-NATO ones.

NATO scrapped its defensive charter in order to invade and dismember another state called Serbia, carving out a territory called Kosovo in order to make it a separate country.

At no point has anyone in NATO ever tried to conquer and subjugate Russia, and having a NATO nation on one's border does not make one less safe. You're pushing Russian propaganda because you sympathize with them and Putin.

It's like claiming the United States would accept on its own border the presence of Russian or Chinese troops. The United States would be alarmed by this, just as the Russians clearly are. You choose to be in denial of their alarm, so that you can instead accuse them of being crazy and bloodthirsty.
Putin thanks you for your ongoing support, comrade sanman!
Its bizarre that anyone would think that Biden involving us in an intractable problem like the invasion of Ukraine is somehow of political benefit to him.

That is is currently able to make the most of it is more than they can bear.
Putin thanks you for your ongoing support, comrade sanman!

Its bizarre that anyone would think that Biden involving us in an intractable problem like the invasion of Ukraine is somehow of political benefit to him.

That is is currently able to make the most of it is more than they can bear.

Wishful thinking again?

You and Tucker should share a plane to Russia. Your people await you.

The Left become unapologetic McCarthyites when they see the opportunity
The Left become unapologetic McCarthyites when they see the opportunity
It's the go-to tactic. Doesn't require thought. Like dismissing a source because the information is disturbing.

The Ukraine situation hasn’t affected Biden’s overall nor his foreign policy approval numbers one bit. One is just above 40% and the later just under 40%. Sure, the media is going to cover the Ukraine, it’s hot news and it’s happening now. However, inflation, rising prices, empty shelves in some stores are still with us. One doesn’t need the media to remind us that this is here and it’s happening. We see it everyday as we go about our normal business. Milking as you put it, I think is irrelevant. It isn’t going to help in the upcoming midterms. Reminders of thinning wallets are all around us every day whether the media is reporting on that or not. The Ukraine is hot news and should be the number one story. But we’re feeling the inflation which Biden and company are leaving the impression they don’t care about that.

Watch the price of gas, if it keeps rising the GOP will do great in the midterms. That is what one needs to watch, the Ukraine, no.
McCarthy is dead.

Tell us more about how Biden will "ditch Ukraine", Nostradamus.

McCarthy is dead, but McCarthyism isn't -- it's been more than resurrected by the Left, who have brought it back from the grave and turned into their zombie monster, to go after anyone and everything they choose on a whim.
McCarthyism is meant to silence critics, and prevent the public from freely speaking their minds in ways that disagree with the reigning Left -- just like playing the race card and other identity politics.
It's the go-to tactic. Doesn't require thought. Like dismissing a source because the information is disturbing.
And it exposes the fact that they have no arguments to make, and that's why they constantly fall back on the McCarthyism.
Their brains have totally atrophied due to this crutch that they constantly lean on..
McCarthy is dead, but McCarthyism isn't -- it's been more than resurrected by the Left, who have brought it back from the grave and turned into their zombie monster, to go after anyone and everything they choose on a whim.
McCarthyism is meant to silence critics, and prevent the public from freely speaking their minds in ways that disagree with the reigning Left -- just like playing the race card and other identity politics.
No one is looking for communists here, comrade. Russia is not a communist country, and Putin is no communist. But is it wrong to recognize someone who is obviously friendly to the cause of Putin?
No one is looking for communists here, comrade. Russia is not a communist country, and Putin is no communist. But is it wrong to recognize someone who is obviously friendly to the cause of Putin?

Give me a break :rolleyes: -- KGB this, KGB that, KGB Putin, "America's historic enemy","America's longtime enemy", etc, etc

Your side are deliberately pantomiming Cold War rhetoric up the wazoo, and now you're disingenuously trying to deny all of that.
You want to be all things to all people. It just exposes how much your side like to lie.

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