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Biden plays politics over sound policy (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Big surprise. He should work to do away with the failed ethanol boondoggle, which even many on the left admit is a disaster.

Instead he measures the political winds.

The average person doesn't understand how bad ethanol is and all the issues around it.
It's a stunt on his part.

Big surprise. He should work to do away with the failed ethanol boondoggle, which even many on the left admit is a disaster.

Instead he measures the political winds.

The average person doesn't understand how bad ethanol is and all the issues around it.
It's a stunt on his part.
Any on the left willing to admit this?
Biden's Summer Blend waiver will allow E15 fuel (15% ethanol mix) to be sold during the summer months between June 1st and Sept. 15th. High ethanol content causes gasoline engines to run less efficiently and dumps extra CO2 into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas. Not cool, Joe.

“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away." said Biden.

What a dope! LOL.

“Homegrown Iowa biofuels provide a quick and clean solution for lowering prices at the pump, and bolstering production would help us become energy independent once again.″ said Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley.

Grassley was among 16 senators from Midwestern states who demanded that Biden allow year-round E15 sales so corn farmers will get more subsidies from the government. cha-ching!!!

Ethanol is harmful for older engines with rubber components in the carburetor/fuel system. Ethanol hardens rubber gaskets and diaphragms, and they eventually become brittle and crack, causing fuel leaks and gasoline vapors escaping into the atmosphere.

Joe Biden is an incompetent fool, and will not get a second term.

Big surprise. He should work to do away with the failed ethanol boondoggle, which even many on the left admit is a disaster.

Instead he measures the political winds.

The average person doesn't understand how bad ethanol is and all the issues around it.
It's a stunt on his part.
98% spam 1% misunderstood, 1% chance this isn't fake news, you should have ran a poll.
Any on the left willing to admit this?
Any publicity is good publicity, Biden should want to dominate the news with anything, he should put ethanol, and then cancel ethanol program.
Biden made the E15 extension announcement during a visit to POET Bioprocessing, the largest biofuels producer in the United States in major corn producing state Iowa.

"We applaud President Biden and his administration for recognizing that low-cost, low-carbon ethanol should be given a fair opportunity to strengthen our energy security and reduce record-high pump prices,” Renewable Fuels Association President Geoff Cooper said.

Filthy lobbyist approves of Joe Biden. Film at 11.

The measure will allow Americans to keep buying E15, a gasoline that uses a 15% ethanol blend, from June 1 to Sept. 15. While E15 is only 10 cents cheaper on average and is less "energy dense," meaning drivers would need to buy more fuel, it should still help lower expenses, senior administration officials told reporters on a Monday call previewing the announcement.

The PaRtY oF sCiEnCe luvs ethanol.

Yea Reuters is fake news lol

Your Grey Messiah is playing politics
Shouldn't he be?

I mean he is a politician.

Are you jealous that he's doing so well, that he has time to play politics, I mean golf?
Shouldn't he be?

I mean he is a politician.

Are you jealous that he's doing so well, that he has time to play politics, I mean golf?
Um....no he should be fighting for sound policy

Big surprise. He should work to do away with the failed ethanol boondoggle, which even many on the left admit is a disaster.

Instead he measures the political winds.

The average person doesn't understand how bad ethanol is and all the issues around it.
It's a stunt on his part.

I remember how the price of Corn increased when ethanol was introduced and that part of the corn crop just disappeared from the food supply.

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