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Biden Loses Florida And Latinos (1 Viewer)

Cubans. Biden is losing ground with Cubans. It's not indicative of any sort of national trend among Latinos, more broadly.
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The Marist poll shows a tie.

Less than two months before election day, Biden and Trump are tied in Florida with 48 percent support among likely Florida voters.
On a roll today.......:spam:
Trump is gaining with Latinos who fled third world **** holes and don’t want the pattern repeated in America.
Cubans. Biden is losing ground with Cubans. It's not indicative of any sort of national trend among Latinos, more broadly.

Biden has been losing ground all over the country.
Cubans. Biden is losing ground with Cubans. It's not indicative of any sort of national trend among Latinos, more broadly.

i don't think the OP actually reads.
Biden has been losing ground all over the country.

He’s been flushed out of his basement, and sooner or later he is going to have to go live. (They are keeping Harris hidden so as to not draw attention to Biden’s frailty, not to mention her record.)
Biden has been losing ground all over the country.

I have not idea who thought he would be a great candidate.
I think the guy from Hawaii would have been better.
He’s been flushed out of his basement, and sooner or later he is going to have to go live. (They are keeping Harris hidden so as to not draw attention to Biden’s frailty, not to mention her record.)

People are seeing that once again leftist policies are not helping them.
Those old Castro hating Cubans are mostly dead.

The new generation of Cuban Americans don't care as much about Castro or Cuba, for that matter.
Biden has been losing ground all over the country.

Biden lost a little ground after Trump's post-convention mini-bounce where Trump abused his office and forced federal employees to break the law by using the White House as the background for his campaign speech to great propagandistic effect.

The polls have been remarkably stable over the past few months. Furthermore, Biden has bounced back in the various battleground states.

For good, accurate polling analysis, I recommend 538:

2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight


"Biden loses Florida" is the stupidest thing I've read so far. I guess we should start threads saying "Trump loses Texas" and "Trump loses North Carolina/Georgia" because polling shows them tied in certain States.
What a stupid post and thread.
Nobody has won or lost anything.
The vote is in November.
Hilarious garbage.

They’re trying so hard to will a reality into place that just will not go where they want to take it.
I have not idea who thought he would be a great candidate.
I think the guy from Hawaii would have been better.

The left found themselves in a pickle. It was either have a bad old white guy candidate or the radical left.
What a stupid post and thread.
Nobody has won or lost anything.
The vote is in November.
Hilarious garbage.

Your post is EXACTLY the reason for this thread. Can't stand the fact that Trump was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, can you? It drives you insane.
They’re trying so hard to will a reality into place that just will not go where they want to take it.
Maybe it will, maybe it wont.
A long as Trump goes packing, all is well.
Biden lost a little ground after Trump's post-convention mini-bounce where Trump abused his office and forced federal employees to break the law by using the White House as the background for his campaign speech to great propagandistic effect.

The polls have been remarkably stable over the past few months. Furthermore, Biden has bounced back in the various battleground states.

For good, accurate polling analysis, I recommend 538:

2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight

View attachment 67294584

View attachment 67294585

Don't forget that Biden didn't get any bump at all from his own convention, in fact, he lost ground after his own convention.
Don't forget that Biden didn't get any bump at all from his own convention, in fact, he lost ground after his own convention.

You're right...

But what good did that do Trump? Trump's mini-bounce is gone now.
I have not idea who thought he would be a great candidate. I think the guy from Hawaii would have been better.

We already had the guy from Hawaii for eight years.
Biden has been losing ground all over the country.

You think? Here's the latest national polls according to RCP averages.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

Since 1 Sep Biden has climbed from 49% up to 50%. Trump has basically remained the same, 43%. There really hasn't been much movement nationally over the last three months. A point up here and a point down there for both candidates.

Now some of the swing states have shown movement, then back to basically where they were. Trump has closed in Florida, fallen further behind in Arizona, Wisconsin. Stayed same in Pennsylvania, still trailing by 4 points, dropped a point further back in North Carolina and Michigan. Trump went from a tie in Minnesota to being 3 back today, in Ohio Trump went from a one point lead to being 3 behind today.

Now you're going to have your normal ups and downs which all of the above shows to include Florida. I don't think one should concentrate on just one state which is good news and ignore other battleground or swing states which isn't such good news. I think what stands out, there really hasn't been much change at all over the last three months. A point here and a point there, but for the most part, everywhere seems pretty much static. or at least steady with no huge gains or loses for either candidate.

When one is down by an average of 7 point for the last three months, static isn't the word you want to hear or see.
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People are seeing that once again leftist policies are not helping them.

It has nothing to do with leftist policies. Republicans have a habit of posting polls that are biased to the right.

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