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Biden is turning into a real world leader (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
Biden basically told Putin the US and NATO would stand down if he only did a limited incursion. Putin took that as a greenlight for a full out invasion.
right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
Putin is doing this out of fear, not boldness. He had nothing to fear when Trump was in the Oval Office- he could sit back and wait while Trump edged closer to America's withdrawal from NATO. Russia, ever since Napoleon, has understood the value of a buffer zone between western Europe and the Motherland, territory it can retreat across, scorching the earth and extending vulnerable supply lines. If Putin pulls this off look for Belarus to be next. The Baltic states might yet need defending.
right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
Brandon is being marginalized by the other countries! Where US Presidents typically lead things!
Yeah Biden just stood there while Putin moved in his "Peace Keeper" .....
You forget how Trump took out Putin's people in Syria!


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right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
Yeah, I can see the terror in Putin's eyes; oh, wait, those are just tears from laughing so much and Biden's ineffectual responses.
right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
Biden has been a career recognized leader and statesman, and a moderate. The Democrat party bent over backwards to insure he got the nomination. Otherwise Trump would now have a second term, NATA would be in disarray and Poland would be surrounded.
Putin is doing this out of fear, not boldness. He had nothing to fear when Trump was in the Oval Office- he could sit back and wait while Trump edged closer to America's withdrawal from NATO. Russia, ever since Napoleon, has understood the value of a buffer zone between western Europe and the Motherland, territory it can retreat across, scorching the earth and extending vulnerable supply lines. If Putin pulls this off look for Belarus to be next. The Baltic states might yet need defending.
He has company:

right wind peo0le have complained about Biden being a weak leader, but he has shown he is the real deal and a world leader. The world behind Biden is dealing with the Russian invasion in the only way it can short of WWIII. Everyone has gotten behind the American president to punish Russia for the invasion and they have gone far beyond anything I thought they would have. Now even other dictators have failed to back Putin's play and Putin's own people in Russia are protesting, even under the threat of retaliation by Puti's run government. All of this has been lead by Biden and his leadership. Trumpsters like to say that Putin would not have done this if trump was in office, and that is the biggest laugh of all. Trump would probably have sent arms to Russia. Trump refused to enforce some of the limited sanctions place on Russia before until the congress forced his hand. I am just glad that Biden has shown the world that the USA can lead when there is a problem and a real leader is at its helm.
I'm very glad we have a patriotic adult in the White House who takes his job seriously and is doing his best for the American people and democracy around the world. He's not bowing to Putin like traitor trump did, and he's making sensible decisions. He has a lot on his plate with the mess that was left to him, but he's smart, open-minded and stays on top of things. I wish the best for the Ukrainian people and I hope this senseless attack by a murderous dictator comes to an end soon, before it's too late and too many innocent lives are lost in the battle. Can't believe this shit is happening in 2022. :(.
This thread is another example of the right wing separate reality

Biden has done a masterful job of uniting the world together to condemn Russian Aggression. He has slowly convinced the dissenters to increase the sanctions. Blocking Russian banks, oligarchs and their families from SWIFT will hurt. More and more countries are adding sanctions.

The steps they are taking will cripple the Russian economy

When those Russian oligarchs find their lifestyle and wealth are threatened they will put pressure on Putin to end it.

Actually he has already lost. Now he has to figure out a way to withdraw with his ego intact. That is when he gets dangerous
Yeah, I can see the terror in Putin's eyes; oh, wait, those are just tears from laughing so much and Biden's ineffectual responses.
There isn't another option, and Trump either would have done the exact same or even less, so get over yourself.

Short of all of us potentially waking up to mushroom clouds in the distance, what do you propose we should be doing?
He has company:

Imperialist expansionism? NATO? Do these people even know what words mean?
Isolationism has always had champions from all parts of the ideological spectrum but it should be a hard sell in this day of an entangled global economy.

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