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Biden Exceeds Target: GDP Down 1.4% (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 17, 2020
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New Jersey Shore
Political Leaning

I never had a doubt that Biden could accomplish this. He has worked very hard on obtaining it.

Great job, Joe!
All that funny money pumped up the numbers for a while, but that's pretty much the only trick Ol Joe knows.
Righties will celebrate an economic downturn. More news at 11.
All that funny money pumped up the numbers for a while, but that's pretty much the only trick Ol Joe knows.
Grandpappy, what about Trump and his one number show, cut taxes for the rich, put it on the credit card.

Biden's healthy growth was replaced by Trump's revved up numbers.

At least with Biden maybe we can avoid the Great Depression.

Go vote for Joe in November, or it'll be curtains.
Grandpappy, what about Trump and his one number show, cut taxes for the rich, put it on the credit card.

Biden's healthy growth was replaced by Trump's revved up numbers.

At least with Biden maybe we can avoid the Great Depression.

Go vote for Joe in November, or it'll be curtains.
You are kidding,.......uh.....Right?
You are kidding,.......uh.....Right?
No sir, I'm dead serious.

Although there is one mistake, it was Obama's growth not Biden's.

Grandpappy, if Trump had not passed his tax cut he would still be President.
Man. How many more times will I have to post the 300,000 manufacturing jobs and record unemployment stuff? Jeez.
Man. How many more times will I have to post the 300,000 manufacturing jobs and record unemployment stuff? Jeez.

Record unemployment? How's the unemployment now compared to January 2021?
Record unemployment? How's the unemployment now compared to January 2021?
You people need to stop with this nonsense. The pandemic had a very real effect on the world's economy. Everybody knows it except leftists, apparently.
You are kidding,.......uh.....Right?
Well, I could take it, I'm not sure I would, there's lots of places I can go like back to Godhead and stop interfering with my power.

May I theme for you? I call it Gerrymandering because of the Name Gerry and its Cosmic theme.

Average Joe Biding his time is up against Trump for whom the Religious zealots fervently pray, which makes him attractive to the presiding Christian Spirit, who's followers practice seeing him as Jesus Christ, which works OK, with Mike Pence as VP, but who knows what 2024 will be like?

So trump fulfills other tests of the Christian Spirit, it poses a lesson of deception, and we're not supposed to do that with our JC, it's a really bad way, that's why we have Islam, lessons surely lie at the end of it, thus the split of the rich and poor. Such a lesson could take a long time. Do you want that to be the lesson of this race?

Joe's just biding his time, Let's keep the material together so we have something to Ascend from.
You people need to stop with this nonsense. The pandemic had a very real effect on the world's economy. Everybody knows it except leftists, apparently.

Oh, so you people get to play the pandemic card when it comes to the 2020 recession, but we don't get to with the economic situation now?!

Your double standard is exposed!

I never had a doubt that Biden could accomplish this. He has worked very hard on obtaining it.

Great job, Joe!

So when the Republicans take over Congress in 2022 what is their plan to reverse this? They control the money in this country - not the POTUS (something you would know if you had not slept through 8th grade civics).
Oh, so you people get to play the pandemic card when it comes to the 2020 recession, but we don't get to with the economic situation now?!

Your double standard is exposed!
Most people have gone back to work now. You know that, right? Remember the lockdowns?
Most people have gone back to work now. You know that, right? Remember the lockdowns?

Fascinating! You don't want to thank Biden for that, yet you want to blame him for this quarterly downturn! :LOL:

Keep exposing your partisan hackery! 😁
Fascinating! You don't want to thank Biden for that, yet you want to blame him for this quarterly downturn! :LOL:

Keep exposing your partisan hackery! 😁
Biden funny money and the economy. It's like a junkie and heroin. It's OK for a while, but then, the party's over. Joe is clueless as to how to actually fix anything.
Don't believe me? Watch it happen.
Biden funny money and the economy. It's like a junkie and heroin. It's OK for a while, but then, the party's over. Joe is clueless as to how to actually fix anything.
Don't believe me? Watch it happen.

^ And here comes the nonsense.
Biden funny money and the economy. It's like a junkie and heroin. It's OK for a while, but then, the party's over. Joe is clueless as to how to actually fix anything.
Don't believe me? Watch it happen.
You really should stop prentending you know anything about the economy. You are embarrasing yourself as usual.
Please. You people wanted this to happen.
I know .The nerve. I mean lefties never did this kind of thing when Trump was president. ( don’t embarass yourself by trying to respind)
So when the Republicans take over Congress in 2022 what is their plan to reverse this? They control the money in this country - not the POTUS (something you would know if you had not slept through 8th grade civics).
1. Ban CRT from preschools
2. Repeal Obamacare
3. “Don’t Say Trans” bills
4. Impeach Biden
Righties will celebrate an economic downturn. More news at 11.
At least you admit that Biden is overseeing an economic downturn. Thats a great step forward for you. Congratulations.

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