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Biden authorizes another batch of Trump-era documents to Jan. 6 committee (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Political Leaning
There's a strong feeling that by May 15, give or take a week, this 1/6 investigation is going to have a strong tell tell face on it - soon before the live public hearings.

In a letter released by the Archives on Wednesday, David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, wrote that the documents will be delivered to the committee on April 28 as the panel nears live public hearings slated for May and June.

“The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified,” Dana Remus, White House counsel, wrote in a letter.
There's a strong feeling that by May 15, give or take a week, this 1/6 investigation is going to have a strong tell tell face on it - soon before the live public hearings.

View attachment 67385511
In a letter released by the Archives on Wednesday, David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, wrote that the documents will be delivered to the committee on April 28 as the panel nears live public hearings slated for May and June.

“The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified,” Dana Remus, White House counsel, wrote in a letter.
Well, another day, another "we got him this time". Followed by a "nothing to see here".
Trump should have stayed out of politics. He could have run his scams on rubes and other business people forever and not been under the microscope.

Unless he's really broke and he had to go into politics to make money.
Looks like they're still digging through nothing, to find nothing.

I wonder how much longer they're going to waste our time with all of this. Because it looks like they simply intend to use this to distract people from real issues.
Trump should have stayed out of politics. He could have run his scams on rubes and other business people forever and not been under the microscope.

Unless he's really broke and he had to go into politics to make money.
Yeah and then the Dems would have time to run their scams from Obama to Clinton to . . .?
I see you came to add nothing as usual
Well, the issue here is that Bullseye really wasn't wrong.

We've been sitting through this crap for so long now, it's a wonder how anyone has any patience for this stupidity anymore.
Looks like they're still digging through nothing, to find nothing.
Are you privy to their findings?

If you are post them here because all of us want to read it.
Yeah and then the Dems would have time to run their scams from Obama to Clinton to . . .?
Trump has been conning people out of money since the 1980s. The fact that you guys couldn't figure that out before you voted for him is not anyone's fault but your own.

And now you get to watch investigators, across-the-board, investigate him for all grades of stuff for decades.

He should have kept his nose out of politics where the microscope is stronger and the lights are brighter. He could have continued to steal money and would not going through all this scrutiny.
Are you privy to their findings?

If you are post them here because all of us want to read it.
That's a strange claim to make, seeing as the page is still just a singular turn.
But I can see why you're so desperate to stick to making such a fallacy, right off the bat. I never claimed to have such information.

Going by past releases, even all the way back to before the failed probe. The vast majority of everything that the democrats pull up on Trump have either been misinformation or direct lies. Laced with allegation and harebrained claims that never pan out.

Normal people are just tired of the circus act. If Biden's administration wants to protect it's ass through this disaster. They'll need to find a spine to face it or at the very leas, a more suitable scapegoat.
That's a strange claim to make, seeing as the page is still just a singular turn.
But I can see why you're so desperate to stick to making such a fallacy, right off the bat. I never claimed to have such information.

Going by past releases, even all the way back to before the failed probe. The vast majority of everything that the democrats pull up on Trump have either been misinformation or direct lies. Laced with allegation and harebrained claims that never pan out.

Normal people are just tired of the circus act. If Biden's administration wants to protect it's ass through this disaster. They'll need to find a spine to face it or at the very leas, a more suitable scapegoat.
you made the claim that it's all nothing. i just want to read what you've read.
I added a touch of sanity which is in short supply on these "we got Trump" circle jerks, er . . .threads.
Not sure how you figure you did.
There's a strong feeling that by May 15, give or take a week, this 1/6 investigation is going to have a strong tell tell face on it - soon before the live public hearings.

View attachment 67385511
In a letter released by the Archives on Wednesday, David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, wrote that the documents will be delivered to the committee on April 28 as the panel nears live public hearings slated for May and June.

“The President has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified,” Dana Remus, White House counsel, wrote in a letter.
Deflection. Joe has Trump on the brain, TDS just like the rest of the left. Joe needs to take care of being President but I guess he realizes he isn't capable.
That's a strange claim to make, seeing as the page is still just a singular turn.
But I can see why you're so desperate to stick to making such a fallacy, right off the bat. I never claimed to have such information.

Going by past releases, even all the way back to before the failed probe. The vast majority of everything that the democrats pull up on Trump have either been misinformation or direct lies. Laced with allegation and harebrained claims that never pan out.

Normal people are just tired of the circus act. If Biden's administration wants to protect it's ass through this disaster. They'll need to find a spine to face it or at the very leas, a more suitable scapegoat.
Poor Trumpy. He gets victimized again. He's a professional victim
That's a strange claim to make, seeing as the page is still just a singular turn.
But I can see why you're so desperate to stick to making such a fallacy, right off the bat. I never claimed to have such information.

Going by past releases, even all the way back to before the failed probe. The vast majority of everything that the democrats pull up on Trump have either been misinformation or direct lies. Laced with allegation and harebrained claims that never pan out.

Normal people are just tired of the circus act. If Biden's administration wants to protect it's ass through this disaster. They'll need to find a spine to face it or at the very leas, a more suitable scapegoat.
You could save posters some time by just posting "nothing berder" in response to anything you don't like.
Well, the issue here is that Bullseye really wasn't wrong.

We've been sitting through this crap for so long now, it's a wonder how anyone has any patience for this stupidity anymore.
You do realize that the Jan. 6th committee was only started officially last June. Could have been sooner but for republican obstructionism. So it's not been going for even a year yet.

The FBI has told us this is the biggest investigation in it's history.

Massive widespread conspiracies take a lot of time to investigate. We've never had a coup in this country or an attack on our capitol. Watergate took the better part of 3 years. If you feel like their wasting your time, don't pay attention to it. You have nothing to offer anyway.
Nothing that comes from this committee will move Trumpers even an inch. They are quite content with what he did and see nothing wrong with it.......and that should scare the hell out of Americans.
Well, another day, another "we got him this time". Followed by a "nothing to see here".
By "this time" you mean par for the course timeframe with an extensive and very complex investigation that still offers facts "to see here" that should wrap the final report up prior to July. (y)
Trump should have stayed out of politics. He could have run his scams on rubes and other business people forever and not been under the microscope.

Unless he's really broke and he had to go into politics to make money.
Money played a huge part of his presidential scam but the paper mob boss needed to desperately feed his narcissistic ego by being a paper King.
I added a touch of sanity which is in short supply on these "we got Trump" circle jerks, er . . .threads.
Apparently investigative subject matter of the highest importance frightens some readers of threads.

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