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Betrayal: MSNBC documentary on 1968 Nixon treason to air again this Friday (1 Viewer)


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This coming Friday at 9PM. One hour documentary based on Lyndon Jonson's 'X-Files' sealed 50 years ago: Nixon colluding with South Vietnam to delay start of Vietnam War peace talks just before 1968 presidential election. Great story!
This coming Friday at 9PM. One hour documentary based on Lyndon Jonson's 'X-Files' sealed 50 years ago: Nixon colluding with South Vietnam to delay start of Vietnam War peace talks just before 1968 presidential election. Great story!

Does MSNBC know something we don't?:mrgreen:
Friday... please.

This coming Friday at 9PM. One hour documentary based on Lyndon Jonson's 'X-Files' sealed 50 years ago: Nixon colluding with South Vietnam to delay start of Vietnam War peace talks just before 1968 presidential election. Great story!

Honestly I'd be a bit more offended if the North Vietnamese had ever actually intended to abide by any of the treaties they signed. As it was.......
This coming Friday at 9PM. One hour documentary based on Lyndon Jonson's 'X-Files' sealed 50 years ago: Nixon colluding with South Vietnam to delay start of Vietnam War peace talks just before 1968 presidential election. Great story!

Before the Treason of Trump, there was the Treason of Nixon.

That both are Republican is no surprise. Party over country is their motto.
I wonder if any TDS losers
will try to interject Trump into this?
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Does MSNBC know something we don't?:mrgreen:

If you had paid attention, you would know all about this. The MSM generally glosses over it, but since Nixon is dead and all the blame can be attributed to him and not others still active in contemporary politics, the truth comes out. Try doing this with CIA, Mena, Arkansas, Clinton/Bush; CIA, Panama, Noreiga, and Bush; CIA. Nicaragua, Reagao, arms, cocaine; Cocaine, North, CIA; CIA, plutonium to Israel, Nuke weapons; Tips of icebergs, don't ya' know?
Does MSNBC know something we don't?:mrgreen:

There has been talk of this in the press going back at least 2 years. You can't keep something this big buried indefinitely.

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