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best TV and Movie villains (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Simply - which bad guys (and gals) made the biggest impact on your viewing enjoyment that you can recall?

Category one - TV villain?

Category two - movie villain?

My suggestions -

Category one - TV villain shows my age - but as a 12 year old kid watching William Smith's Falconetti in "Rich Man Poor Man" electrified the screen for me in his every appearance. I wanted to boo the picture each time he was on screen.
A very modern take is Jodie Corner who plays the equally electrifying but strange Villanelle in "Killing Eve." Brilliant TV and utterly fascinating character.

Category two - movie villain - Clarence Boddicker played by Kurtwood Smith in "Robocop."
Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," played by Eli Wallach was great, but in a different way.
Simply - which bad guys (and gals) made the biggest impact on your viewing enjoyment that you can recall?

Category one - TV villain?

Category two - movie villain?

My suggestions -

Category one - TV villain shows my age - but as a 12 year old kid watching William Smith's Falconetti in "Rich Man Poor Man" electrified the screen for me in his every appearance. I wanted to boo the picture each time he was on screen.
A very modern take is Jodie Corner who plays the equally electrifying but strange Villanelle in "Killing Eve." Brilliant TV and utterly fascinating character.

Category two - movie villain - Clarence Boddicker played by Kurtwood Smith in "Robocop."
Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," played by Eli Wallach was great, but in a different way.

Category 1; the one -armed man in the original “Fugitive” series

Category 2; Hans Gruber/Alan Rickman first “Die Hard”
TV - JR Ewing. Nellie Oleson, runner up.

Movies - Nurse Ratched, hands down.
TV villain....I think I've gotta go with Cancer Man, from X-Files. Well acted, good dialogue, and frankly, he's just what you would expect of a conspiratorial government spook.

Runner up would be Tywin Lannister, from game of thrones.

Movie villain...there's been a lot of good ones, but...the Warden, from Shawshank Redemption has to be number 1.

Runner up would be Kahn, from Star Trek 2, into darkness.
TV - Wilhelm Klink

Movie - Dean Vernon Wormer
TV...JR Ewing...Dallas...

Movies...Hannibal Lecter...Silence of the Lambs...
Movie -

- Heath Ledger as The Joker (Can't believe he is not mentioned yet... Possibly BEST EVER)
- Khan in Star Trek II
- Darth Vadar!!!
- Nurse Ratched (thnks to the above who mentioned her)
- Hans Gruber (loved that role)
- Jack in the Shining
- That creepy guy (Sugar?) in No Country for Old Men
TV villain....I think I've gotta go with Cancer Man, from X-Files. Well acted, good dialogue, and frankly, he's just what you would expect of a conspiratorial government spook.

Runner up would be Tywin Lannister, from game of thrones.

Movie villain...there's been a lot of good ones, but...the Warden, from Shawshank Redemption has to be number 1.

Runner up would be Kahn, from Star Trek 2, into darkness.

Really good answer.

My first thought was Sylar of Heroes, played by Zachary Quinto. Scary good. But given time I might have thought of your choices and ranked them above mine.
But on the set of Stalag 17 he was a great villain!

Think it was Stalag 13....you’re getting your Stalags confused; Stalag 17 was a William Holden movie......
To add to the movie villains category, Kevin Bacon's character in Sleepers made me unable to watch Kevin Bacon for almost two decades. Too good portrayal of a too terrible person.
TV - Negan. Guy is effin evil - really scary the way he smiles and licks his lips before he "Lucilles" someone. :twisted: Even caged in Alexandria, he's still getting in peoples' heads.

Movie - Not as obvious but I suppose Hannibal Lecter. Very dapper and mannerly while feeding Paul Krendler his own brain - dude is highly intelligent and bat-crap crazy.
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Think it was Stalag 13....you’re getting your Stalags confused; Stalag 17 was a William Holden movie......

Right you are! Those stalags were just popping up all over back in the day!
Simply - which bad guys (and gals) made the biggest impact on your viewing enjoyment that you can recall?

Category one - TV villain?

Category two - movie villain?

My suggestions -

Category one - TV villain shows my age - but as a 12 year old kid watching William Smith's Falconetti in "Rich Man Poor Man" electrified the screen for me in his every appearance. I wanted to boo the picture each time he was on screen.
A very modern take is Jodie Corner who plays the equally electrifying but strange Villanelle in "Killing Eve." Brilliant TV and utterly fascinating character.

Category two - movie villain - Clarence Boddicker played by Kurtwood Smith in "Robocop."
Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly," played by Eli Wallach was great, but in a different way.

TV: Stringer Bell, the Wire.

Movie: "It puts lotion on its skin" dude, Silence of the Lambs.
That guy from "No Country for Old Men" deserves mention too, come to think of it.

TV-Hands down Jr Ewing, no one even comes close

Films-To many to choose from, Heath Ledgers Joker comes to mind
TV villain: Marlo and his crew from The Wire
Movie villain: the road from Wages of Fear.

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