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Berlin Police Raid Homes Over Posts on Socials... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online.

Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the suburbs of Spandau, Tempelhof, Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Pankow.
Police Raid Apartments Over 'Right-Wing' Social Media Posts

Outrageous! NSA has been doing this for years to Americans....just not publicized.
I guess the take-away is:

1] Extreme Right Wing Conservatism & Nationalism is not the sole province of Americans.

2] Germany, have had a uniquely impacting experience with this crap, doesn't take any B.S.! If one insists on doing this type of behaviour, don't try to pull-it-off in The Fatherland or you'll pay the price!
Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online.

Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the suburbs of Spandau, Tempelhof, Marzahn, Hellersdorf and Pankow.
Police Raid Apartments Over 'Right-Wing' Social Media Posts

Muslim "refugees" are raping women and kids, but THIS is what the German police have dedicated their time to?

Germany needs help badly. It can't wait anymore.
Muslim "refugees" are raping women and kids, but THIS is what the German police have dedicated their time to?

Germany needs help badly. It can't wait anymore.

Tons of flights to Germany.
Outrageous! NSA has been doing this for years to Americans....just not publicized.

The only reason it's "outrageous" to you is that the raids were about "right-wing posts" rather than "muslim posts". In fact, the entire reason the NSA has been doing this is because Americans, once brave, became scared of terrorists (more broadly, muslims) and then traded their freedom and privacy for a feeling of safety.
Dont really feel sorry for people who apparently had swastikas up in their apartments
I guess the take-away is:

1] Extreme Right Wing Conservatism & Nationalism is not the sole province of Americans.

2] Germany, have had a uniquely impacting experience with this crap, doesn't take any B.S.! If one insists on doing this type of behaviour, don't try to pull-it-off in The Fatherland or you'll pay the price!

Yes if you oppose the jihad rape invasion you should be arrested. Disgusting. Merkel needs to be arrested and executed for high treason.

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