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belief in the courts vs. belief in cops (1 Viewer)

Which is more important, judges or cops?

  • Both Judges and Cops

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Always Judges

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Always Cops

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Neither if the group is dirty

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
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Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of cops to uphold the law. Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of judges to uphold The Constitution.
Some believe in one but not the other. Some believe both have their good functions but neither is 'omnipotent'. Some don't believe in either institution.

Judges vs. Cops with a poll

Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of cops to uphold the law. Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of judges to uphold The Constitution.
Some believe in one but not the other. Some believe both have their good functions but neither is 'omnipotent'. Some don't believe in either institution.

Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of cops to uphold the law. Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of judges to uphold The Constitution.
Some believe in one but not the other. Some believe both have their good functions but neither is 'omnipotent'. Some don't believe in either institution.

Where's the poll?
Was too slow in making the poll. Only given 5 minutes.
The poll is in the new thread 'which is more important judges or cops with poll'

Moderator's Warning:
I'll just merge your two threads
We need both and both are fallible. Of course it is a lot easier to appeal a bad ruling than to appeal a bad shooting.
What was described was the job of both groups. It is the responsibility of society to hold both groups accountable for doing their jobs.
There're both part of the same institution.
However, they have their own subgroups.

And neither is infallible, if that's what you're asking.
We need both and both are needed... but both can be extremely corrupt and Judges have too much power (individual Decisions). Ridiculous.
Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of cops to uphold the law. Some people believe wholeheartedly in the actions of judges to uphold The Constitution.
Some believe in one but not the other. Some believe both have their good functions but neither is 'omnipotent'. Some don't believe in either institution.


I don't believe whole-heartedly in either. Cops are mostly good guys and gals doing their best, but, like everyone, they have prejudices and baggage. Best to treat them as omnipotent. Because in the street, they pretty much are. If one has to, one can take it up in court.

Judges? Well, if you're before one, again, best to treat them as omnipotent. Because in their courtroom, they pretty much are.
We need both and both are fallible. Of course it is a lot easier to appeal a bad ruling than to appeal a bad shooting.
Well, then there's abortion, for example...
I don't believe whole-heartedly in either. Cops are mostly good guys and gals doing their best, but, like everyone, they have prejudices and baggage. Best to treat them as omnipotent. Because in the street, they pretty much are. If one has to, one can take it up in court.

Judges? Well, if you're before one, again, best to treat them as omnipotent. Because in their courtroom, they pretty much are.
Oh, if some people would learn the lesson of omnipotence for both institutions in their own 'courtrooms'.
Important to whom? To attorneys, it's the judges who give numerous continuances and bend over backwards to see that the criminal gets a good deal on the plea bargain. To the people in the community it's the police because they rarely ever see a judge but the often see police officers.

The criminals are friendlier with the cops but they know the judges hold their fate in their hands.

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