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Belgium Warns of Possible Attacks by Militants Traveling From Syria, Report Says (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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The warning was reported on Wednesday by the Belgian newspaper La Dernière Heure, which said the police and other security officials had received an alert saying that “combatants left Syria about a week and a half ago in order to reach Europe via Turkey and Greece, by boat, without passports.”

It added: “These people have separated into two groups, one heading for Belgium and the other for France, in order to commit attacks in groups of two.”
As ISIL loses more territory I think we will see more attacks in the EU-NA.
Mass killings as we have seen in France, Belgium and the US will increase.
Your opinion is?
The Belgians must be racist. Don't they know they're labeling an entire religion? Why do they hate brown people?

Care to expand on that?
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

As ISIL loses more territory I think we will see more attacks in the EU-NA.
Mass killings as we have seen in France, Belgium and the US will increase.
Your opinion is?

That is quite possible. We are at war against crime with them and they have nothing to lose by escalating and carrying the conflict behind the battle line and to the seat of evil, as they see us.
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

As ISIL loses more territory I think we will see more attacks in the EU-NA.
Mass killings as we have seen in France, Belgium and the US will increase.
Your opinion is?

This is what was once termed "asymmetrical warfare" - take a group that believes it's fighting a war, and if that group doesn't have the funding, firepower, manpower, or logistics capability of its enemy, that group will find a way to attack the enemy in the most effective way using the cheapest methods and the least number of people.
The Belgians must be racist. Don't they know they're labeling an entire religion? Why do they hate brown people?

That is an odd way to read that article. It was politically rather correct, I thought.
That is quite possible. We are at war against crime with them and they have nothing to lose by escalating and carrying the conflict behind the battle line and to the seat of evil, as they see us.

That is what I see happening- suicide teams sent out.
That is what I see happening- suicide teams sent out.

Honestly? I am rather surprised we haven't been hit more already.
That is an odd way to read that article. It was politically rather correct, I thought.

Muslim terrorists don't exist among the refugees. To suggest they do is racist and islamophobic.
Honestly? I am rather surprised we haven't been hit more already.

3 reasons why- the threat has been amplified by the media and Far RW haters, intelligence which need to be improved is working, and cooperation from Muslims which may think does not happen.
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

As ISIL loses more territory I think we will see more attacks in the EU-NA.
Mass killings as we have seen in France, Belgium and the US will increase.
Your opinion is?

And yet people still have the nerve to call Trump "islamophobic" for wanting to temporarily suspend Muslim immigration to the US.

Paul Ryan also said recently that Trump's call for a temp ban was wrong. Looks like you're the one who's wrong, Paul. Buy a clue, Mr. Speaker.
And yet people still have the nerve to call Trump "islamophobic" for wanting to temporarily suspend Muslim immigration to the US.

Paul Ryan also said recently that Trump's call for a temp ban was wrong. Looks like you're the one who's wrong, Paul. Buy a clue, Mr. Speaker.
Ah the this is only a "temporary" measure. It will not last long. Can you define his "temporary" measure?
They said the same thing about income tax in Canada.
Muslim terrorists don't exist among the refugees. To suggest they do is racist and islamophobic.

I am sure you are right. Muslim terrorists are an invention of an advertising business working for the makers of attack drones' ammunition.

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