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Be very very worried about the real WMD - Global Warming (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2005
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Pacific Rim
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The issue of global warming is no longer a myth. The science in support of it is overwhelming, though there are still minor debates about human contribution, it is undeniable that carbon dioxide contributes to global warming and the main exhaust of fossil fuel useage is carbon dioxide.

According to James Hansen, the world's leading expert on climatology, him and other American scientists are being censored by the Bush administration for their stance on the global warming issue.

The chief-of-staff of the Council on Environmental Quality at the white house edited out major portions of the Climate change reports that are then sent to congress. Who is the chief-of-staff of the Council on Environmental Quality at the white house? Phil Cooney, he's not a scientist, he's a lawyer. He was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute, before going into the White House to work under the Bush administration.
So it seems clear that Phil Cooney has simply changed desks but still works for the same boss, being the petroleum industry.

Global warming would cause massive increases in large tropical storms at a frequency of which no nation would ever be able to handle. Also drought caused by global warming would also cause massive dieing of vegetation that initself would feed back into contributing further increases of the global warming effect.

Right now, the world is at a tipping point. Once we pass this tipping point there would be no going back. However there is still time now to plateu the effects of global warming and hopefully reverse the trend. Immediate action must be taken to significantly decrease the pumping of green house gases in particular carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This can be accomplished only by simultaneously going in both directions of renewable fuels and conservation of energy.

I know there are those of you who think that this is crying the sky is falling rhetoric of the liberal left, however I strongly suggest you wake up and look at the overwhelming science. Global warming is very real, and it's not something that far off in the future. It's happening now.

Source 1: Global Warming: Be Worried. Be Very Worried
Source 2: Rewriting the Science
jfuh said:
The issue of global warming is no longer a myth. The science in support of it is overwhelming, though there are still minor debates about human contribution, it is undeniable that carbon dioxide contributes to global warming and the main exhaust of fossil fuel useage is carbon dioxide.

According to James Hansen, the world's leading expert on climatology, him and other American scientists are being censored by the Bush administration for their stance on the global warming issue.

The chief-of-staff of the Council on Environmental Quality at the white house edited out major portions of the Climate change reports that are then sent to congress. Who is the chief-of-staff of the Council on Environmental Quality at the white house? Phil Cooney, he's not a scientist, he's a lawyer. He was a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute, before going into the White House to work under the Bush administration.
So it seems clear that Phil Cooney has simply changed desks but still works for the same boss, being the petroleum industry.

Global warming would cause massive increases in large tropical storms at a frequency of which no nation would ever be able to handle. Also drought caused by global warming would also cause massive dieing of vegetation that initself would feed back into contributing further increases of the global warming effect.

Right now, the world is at a tipping point. Once we pass this tipping point there would be no going back. However there is still time now to plateu the effects of global warming and hopefully reverse the trend. Immediate action must be taken to significantly decrease the pumping of green house gases in particular carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This can be accomplished only by simultaneously going in both directions of renewable fuels and conservation of energy.

I know there are those of you who think that this is crying the sky is falling rhetoric of the liberal left, however I strongly suggest you wake up and look at the overwhelming science. Global warming is very real, and it's not something that far off in the future. It's happening now.

Source 1: Global Warming: Be Worried. Be Very Worried
Source 2: Rewriting the Science

This false ideology has really become a religion for you people hasn't it? I mean you speak about it with the zeal of an evangelical proclaiming that armaggedon is upon us. No one has ever proven that people cause global warming, we can't stop it and we can't cause it. Why worry? Be happy.
Oh so you get Times too? Haven't read the article yet. Thanks for summing it up. :2wave:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
This false ideology has really become a religion for you hasn't it? I mean you speak about it with the zeal of an evangelical proclaiming that armaggedon is upon us. No one has proved that people cause global warming ever, we can't stop it and we can't cause it. Why worry? Be happy.

Umm no. That's not exactly true. Humans are responsible for the exponential growth in CO2, which is a greenhouse gas. The scientific community is certain (cept for a few nutballs) that humans have an impact on global warming.
Kelzie said:
Umm no. That's not exactly true. Humans are responsible for the exponential growth in CO2, which is a greenhouse gas. The scientific community is certain (cept for a few nutballs) that humans have an impact on global warming.

Yes I know just as the entire scientific community was positive that the sun revolved around the earth, just as not more than 30 years ago the scientific community was certain that we were about to enter an ice age, etc etc. Global Warming is not scientifically driven it is a political agenda driven ideology.
Ah the global warming debate? How soon will we find out which side is right?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Yes I know just as the entire scientific community was positive that the sun revolved around the earth, just as not more than 30 years ago the scientific community was certain that we were about to enter an ice age, etc etc. Global Warming is not scientifically driven it is a political agenda driven ideology.

Uh huh. Big fan of the New World Order too?
Note to all rational people:

Scientists have NOT quantified the relative addition of CO2 to global warming, therefore it is not known whether the draconian limits on industrial activity advocated by some would have any significant effect on global warming, but they would CERTAINLY put very many people out of work with all that that implies.

It is a FACT that the planet has experienced very wide swings in temperature in geologic history, long before there was any human contribution to CO2 content in the atmosphere.
alphamale said:
Note to all rational people:

Scientists have NOT quantified the relative addition of CO2 to global warming, therefore it is not known whether the draconian limits on industrial activity advocated by some would have any significant effect on global warming, but they would CERTAINLY put very many people out of work with all that that implies.

It is a FACT that the planet has experienced very wide swings in temperature in geologic history, long before there was any human contribution to CO2 content in the atmosphere.
Two questions:
1) Have you read the sources or clicked on the short 3 minute video in source 2?
2) Do you deny that trends in carbon dioxide concentration are directly related to global warming?

Don't spin your answer just directly answer the two questions.
talloulou said:
Ah the global warming debate? How soon will we find out which side is right?
Have you read the two sources I posted? Also, why not err on the side of caution?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
This false ideology has really become a religion for you people hasn't it? I mean you speak about it with the zeal of an evangelical proclaiming that armaggedon is upon us. No one has ever proven that people cause global warming, we can't stop it and we can't cause it. Why worry? Be happy.
Are you still in denial of the direct correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and global warming?
When most of the people (probably almost all) on this message board aren't scientists, and scientists have determined that there is such a thing as global warming, which group of people will I accord more probative value to their opinions? LOL
jfuh said:
Are you still in denial of the direct correlation between carbon dioxide concentration and global warming?

You don't know if it does or not and any geological data will tell you that earth got warmer and colder long before the existence of man let alone the industrial revolution.
aps said:
When most of the people (probably almost all) on this message board aren't scientists, and scientists have determined that there is such a thing as global warming, which group of people will I accord more probative value to their opinions? LOL

Not one scientist has proven that global warming didn't exist before the industrial revolution. The earth gets warm it gets cold we can't stop it anymore than we can cause it.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You don't know if it does or not and any geological data will tell you that earth got warmer and colder long before the existence of man let alone the industrial revolution.
QUite contrarily to what you think, I do know for a fact of the direct correlation between CO2 and global warming. It doesn't matter if man were involved with CO2 back then because CO2 a greenhouse gas, causes global warming is an undeniable fact.
However, it is clear that man today is indeed pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

This figure shows the variations in concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere during the last 400 thousand years. Throughout most of the record, the largest changes can be related to glacial/interglacial cycles within the current ice age. Although the glacial cycles are most directly caused by changes in the Earth's orbit (i.e. Milankovitch cycles), these changes also influence the carbon cycle, which in turn feeds back into the glacial system.

Since the Industrial Revolution, circa 1800, the burning of fossil fuels has caused a dramatic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, reaching levels unprecedented in the last 400 thousand years. This increase has been implicated as a primary cause of global warming.

It is also clear as provided per the sources I gave in the first post that there are those who do not want you to know this fact. The Bush administration is just one of those.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Not one scientist has proven that global warming didn't exist before the industrial revolution. The earth gets warm it gets cold we can't stop it anymore than we can cause it.
No one scientist denies global warming before the industrial revolution. However the scientific community is in agreement that CO2 causes global warming. Are you still denying this?
jfuh said:
No one scientist denies global warming before the industrial revolution. However the scientific community is in agreement that CO2 causes global warming. Are you still denying this?

The plannet goes through cycles, it's going to get warmer whether or not we use fossil fuels so what the hell is the difference if we use fossil fuels. The sun itself goes through hot and cold cycles and some argue that if it wasn't for the added dust material provided by exhaust emmissions that the earth would be getting even hotter. The truth is you don't know they don't know nobody knows and anyone who claims that they do is lying and has an agenda.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The plannet goes through cycles, it's going to get warmer whether or not we use fossil fuels so what the hell is the difference if we use fossil fuels. The sun itself goes through hot and cold cycles and some argue that if it wasn't for the added dust material provided by exhaust emmissions that the earth would be getting even hotter. The truth is you don't know they don't know nobody knows and anyone who claims that they do is lying and has an agenda.
I see you've avoided the question as well as the science. So let me just ask you simply one more time. Do you or do you not deny that CO2 is correlated with global warming? A very very very simple yes or now will suffice.
Pffft, environmentalist kooks, with your "facts" and your "scientific correlations".....you're all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy loosers! You can trust all o' tham fancy-shmancy, LIBERALly educated scientists screaming about incipient doom. I'll stick with my common sense, and put my trust in the most reliable sources of information I can find: Michael Crichton and the Bush administration. Why should we start regulating industry just because you commune dwelling idoits smoked yerselves stupid? I've gots yer greenhouse gas emitions right here! *farts*
Befuddled_Stoner said:
Pffft, environmentalist kooks, with your "facts" and your "scientific correlations".....you're all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy loosers! You can trust all o' tham fancy-shmancy, LIBERALly educated scientists screaming about incipient doom. I'll stick with my common sense, and put my trust in the most reliable sources of information I can find: Michael Crichton and the Bush administration. Why should we start regulating industry just because you commune dwelling idoits smoked yerselves stupid? I've gots yer greenhouse gas emitions right here! *farts*

This coming from someone who can't even spell the word loser. Real common sense you have there, Befuddled Stoner.
misspelled idiots too, APS, but it's early in the morning, so I'll forgive you this time
Befuddled_Stoner said:
misspelled idiots too, APS, but it's early in the morning, so I'll forgive you this time

I'm not seeking your forgiveness. Regardless, I don't care.
Seems to me the question of "What" has caused this is sorta pointless. Its happening, plain and simple, who gives a damn why. In my opinion, anyone who can deny the reality at this point, considering the overwhelming evidence accumulated over many decades, going back through the climate record of thisplanet.....needs to actually read a bit more.
jfuh said:
The issue of global warming is no longer a myth. The science in support of it is overwhelming, though there are still minor debates about human contribution, it is undeniable that carbon dioxide contributes to global warming and the main exhaust of fossil fuel useage is carbon dioxide.
blah, blah, blah
I know there are those of you who think that this is crying the sky is falling rhetoric of the liberal left, however I strongly suggest you wake up and look at the overwhelming science. Global warming is very real, and it's not something that far off in the future. It's happening now.
I had to get all the way to the bottom to find a nugget of truth.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
This false ideology has really become a religion for you people hasn't it? I mean you speak about it with the zeal of an evangelical proclaiming that armaggedon is upon us. No one has ever proven that people cause global warming, we can't stop it and we can't cause it. Why worry? Be happy.

But it is OK to use fear and highlighting the worst case possible when it involves pushing for a preemptive war? (that ironically is based in the energy needs of the US, which contributes to global warming)

The neoconservatives have taken the concept of warning of the worst case and use it to push their agenda; so when I hear someone who supports their agenda (like you right?) say that global warming forecastors are fearmongering - well that is a level of hyprocracy that is shocking even neocon supporters.

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