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Baseball Hall of Fame and STeroids (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
One of the topics on Around the Horny today 8/4/2010 was A-Rod breaking 600 and of course steroids come up in the discussion. Woody Paige and Jay Mariotti debated J.A. Adande that anyone who was found out to be a user should NOT get into Cooperstown. Mariotti went as far as saying that he will not vote for A-Rod, Bonds or McGwire when their votes come up. Paige appeared to have nodded in agreement. ESPN today also posted the 600 club in which only four out of seven are clean (Mays, Aaron, Ruth and Griffey Jr).
I would support no hall for steroid users, or having a steroid wing. 600 HR's is a major feat even with help, but the drug use does taint the achievement.

Griffey was the only one of the 4 who played when I was old enough to watch baseball, and I am and always will be a huge fan.
I would support no hall for steroid users, or having a steroid wing. 600 HR's is a major feat even with help, but the drug use does taint the achievement.

Griffey was the only one of the 4 who played when I was old enough to watch baseball, and I am and always will be a huge fan.

Baseball as a sport in this country is considered third behind Football and Basketball (even with all its incidents). The drug testing only goes so far into cleaning up after the Steriod era (if you consider the era to be over). The Baseball Writers Association needs to do its part to and send a message to every active player (Yea your numbers get you to the top but we wont let you in). Cooperstown is reserved for the Best of the Best not those who cheat to the top.

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