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Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released


Despite his promises to provide "transparency," Barr's testimony suggests that he does not intend to make Mueller's final report public. Under the special counsel regulations, Mueller's only requirement at the end of the investigation is to submit a final report to the attorney general. The attorney general decides what, if anything, becomes public. Barr has repeatedly testified that he believes the special counsel report is confidential, but he may write his own version for public consumption. "My objective and goal is to get as much as I can of the information to Congress and the public," Barr said in response to a question from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, adding that he would try to get the information out in accordance with DOJ regulations. Barr testified that he expects Mueller's report will summarize "prosecutive or declination decisions" and that those summaries will be treated like any such material within DOJ. Declination memos, summarizing evidence where no charges are brought, are closely held within DOJ and never released to the public.

The short of it .... Barr will run interference for Trump and takes up where Rep. Devin Nunez left off. Barr also said he would not comply with a DoJ request to recuse himself from Mueller "If I disagree with it".

It's quite apparent why Donald Trump appointed William Barr to succeed Jeffrey Sessions.
Blumethal did himself no favors with his 10 minutes questioning Barr..
Chaps your ass that you won't get the full report, doesn't it?

It will come out. I have no doubt it will be subpoena'd.

I'd even go so far as to speculate on DoJ leaks. One way or another, the Mueller Report will be available to everyone.

No doubt, that chaps your ass.
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Chaps your ass that you won't get the full report, doesn't it?

The question is, why don't you want to SEE the full report? Forget this being about Trump, insert a Dem for all I care. Wouldn't you want to see the full report? I understand sources would need to be redacted, but why wouldn't you want to see it?
Chaps your ass that you won't get the full report, doesn't it?

We paid for it, we deserve to see it.

Chaps your ass that your cult leader is such a sleaze bag...doesn't it?
The question is, why don't you want to SEE the full report? Forget this being about Trump, insert a Dem for all I care. Wouldn't you want to see the full report? I understand sources would need to be redacted, but why wouldn't you want to see it?

......because, da libs!
The question is, why don't you want to SEE the full report? Forget this being about Trump, insert a Dem for all I care. Wouldn't you want to see the full report? I understand sources would need to be redacted, but why wouldn't you want to see it?

Exactly! I should think every American wants to see the full redacted report. Why would they not?

Those who do not want to see the full redacted report released please explain why.
Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released


The short of it .... Barr will run interference for Trump and takes up where Rep. Devin Nunez left off. Barr also said he would not comply with a DoJ request to recuse himself from Mueller "If I disagree with it".

It's quite apparent why Donald Trump appointed William Barr to succeed Jeffrey Sessions.

I agree with your analysis. The Mueller report - complete and intact whole - must be made available to the American people by any means necessary regardless of what Barr decides to do with it.
The question is, why don't you want to SEE the full report? Forget this being about Trump, insert a Dem for all I care. Wouldn't you want to see the full report? I understand sources would need to be redacted, but why wouldn't you want to see it?

Like Trump, he fears the Mueller Report. It could destroy his past two years of apologetic's here at DP.
It will come out. I have no doubt it will be subpoena'd.

I'd even go so far as to speculate on DoJ leaks. One way or another, the Mueller Report will be available to everyone.

No doubt, that chaps your ass.

Don't get your hopes up.

1. Mueller can only give his report to the AG. If he gives it to anyone else, he is liable to go to jail.

2. The AG will NOT reveal any classified, confidential or sensitive information...to anyone except the Gang of Eight. (they have the clearance)

3. If a Congressional committee subpoenas the report, they will get a version with classified, confidential or sensitive information redacted.

So...if Mueller reveals it to the public...he goes to jail. If a GoE member reveals it to the public...they go to jail. If a committee member reveals it to the public...you don't get the full report.

The question is, why don't you want to SEE the full report? Forget this being about Trump, insert a Dem for all I care. Wouldn't you want to see the full report? I understand sources would need to be redacted, but why wouldn't you want to see it?

I don't need to see the full report. I just want to see what the result will be. A summary from Barr is fine with me.
I agree with your analysis. The Mueller report - complete and intact whole - must be made available to the American people by any means necessary regardless of what Barr decides to do with it.

So...people breaking the law is okay with you...as long as you can see the full report.
Don't get your hopes up.

1. Mueller can only give his report to the AG. If he gives it to anyone else, he is liable to go to jail.

2. The AG will NOT reveal any classified, confidential or sensitive information...to anyone except the Gang of Eight. (they have the clearance)

3. If a Congressional committee subpoenas the report, they will get a version with classified, confidential or sensitive information redacted.

So...if Mueller reveals it to the public...he goes to jail. If a GoE member reveals it to the public...they go to jail. If a committee member reveals it to the public...you don't get the full report.


Gee what an authoritarian thing to do? Hero's are those willing to go to jail for transparency. It shows a corrupt politician acting in a anti American sort of way. Its like you are only here to seed hate.
Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released


The short of it .... Barr will run interference for Trump and takes up where Rep. Devin Nunez left off. Barr also said he would not comply with a DoJ request to recuse himself from Mueller "If I disagree with it".

It's quite apparent why Donald Trump appointed William Barr to succeed Jeffrey Sessions.

:lol: ... in another thread about Barr, liberals praised Barr to high heaven ... to the extend where someone claimed Barr pooped on the President ...

and now we have some long faces on the left ... :lamo
Gee what an authoritarian thing to do? Hero's are those willing to go to jail for transparency. It shows a corrupt politician acting in a anti American sort of way. Its like you are only here to seed hate.

Nope. Not authoritarian. Rule of law is not anti-American.
We paid for it, we deserve to see it.

Chaps your ass that your cult leader is such a sleaze bag...doesn't it?

I am of the opinion that Mueller has a slew of indictments, plea agreements, cooperating witnesses. Many trials hived off, and as usual Mueller will use speaking indictments.

As for chapped asses those going to jail may complain about that condition
I don't need to see the full report. I just want to see what the result will be. A summary from Barr is fine with me.

Do you feel that way about all investigations, or just this one?
Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released


The short of it .... Barr will run interference for Trump and takes up where Rep. Devin Nunez left off. Barr also said he would not comply with a DoJ request to recuse himself from Mueller "If I disagree with it".

It's quite apparent why Donald Trump appointed William Barr to succeed Jeffrey Sessions.

Yep. I wasn't sure what to think of him, but those two answers did away with any uncertainty I had. The pro-corruption crowd will be thrilled to bits, of course.
Barr testimony suggests Mueller final report wont be released


The short of it .... Barr will run interference for Trump and takes up where Rep. Devin Nunez left off. Barr also said he would not comply with a DoJ request to recuse himself from Mueller "If I disagree with it".

It's quite apparent why Donald Trump appointed William Barr to succeed Jeffrey Sessions.

He's only going to release a "summary" of the Mueller report.

I guarantee Mueller's report will be subpoenaed by Congress.

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