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Barbara Bush: Hillary Will Run, Lose in 2008 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative

"One former first lady is offering predictions about another. Barbara Bush greets Hillary Rodham Clinton after the presidential election.

Barbara Bush said former first lady, and current senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the Democratic candidate for president in 2008.

But Sen. Clinton won't be the nation's first female president, at least not according to Mrs. Bush.

Mrs. Bush, 79, said Clinton will lose in the next election.

Mrs. Bush also predicted Condoleezza Rice won't run for president in the next election.

Mrs. Bush spoke to high school and college students in Modesto, Calif. She told them she never dreamed she'd be the wife of one president and the mother of another.

As for the current chief executive, his mother jokes that when he was a boy, she 'just hoped he'd grow up.'"

Barbara's got it right...
RightatNYU said:
Mrs. Bush also predicted Condoleezza Rice won't run for president in the next election.
I hope she didn't actually say that. Because Rice has already come out and said emphatically that she will not run. If she did, she might as well say "I predict that people will vote in the next election".
RightatNYU said:

"One former first lady is offering predictions about another. Barbara Bush greets Hillary Rodham Clinton after the presidential election.

Barbara Bush said former first lady, and current senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the Democratic candidate for president in 2008.

But Sen. Clinton won't be the nation's first female president, at least not according to Mrs. Bush.

Mrs. Bush, 79, said Clinton will lose in the next election.

Mrs. Bush also predicted Condoleezza Rice won't run for president in the next election.

Mrs. Bush spoke to high school and college students in Modesto, Calif. She told them she never dreamed she'd be the wife of one president and the mother of another.

As for the current chief executive, his mother jokes that when he was a boy, she 'just hoped he'd grow up.'"

Barbara's got it right...

Is this supposed to be NEWS? It would be NEWS if she said MS. Clinton will WIN.

This 'story' is PROPAGANDA. Let me guess, she also predicted that Kerry would lose?

BTW - How'd she do in 1992? What was her prediction then?

This thread is a waste of bandwidth.
Hum, I need to go find an article that informs us that Al Franken doesn't think much of the Bush Administration. Then I'll go find one that details just how much Rush L. likes Clinton. About as informative as a solunar table- Yep! the sun is not only going to rise tomorrow morning, it's also going to set in the evening.
Pacridge said:
Hum, I need to go find an article that informs us that Al Franken doesn't think much of the Bush Administration. Then I'll go find one that details just how much Rush L. likes Clinton. About as informative as a solunar table- Yep! the sun is not only going to rise tomorrow morning, it's also going to set in the evening.


i lauged at the ridiculousness of this post. next thing i know, you will predict that george bush is not president of the united states
ShamMol said:

i lauged at the ridiculousness of this post. next thing i know, you will predict that george bush is not president of the united states

George Bush is President? Are you sure? I'm willing predict he doesn't win a third term. Headed to Vegas in the morning to place the bet. Heard they'll bet on anything down there.
26 X World Champs said:
Is this supposed to be NEWS? It would be NEWS if she said MS. Clinton will WIN.

This 'story' is PROPAGANDA. Let me guess, she also predicted that Kerry would lose?

BTW - How'd she do in 1992? What was her prediction then?

This thread is a waste of bandwidth.

My thoughts exactly.... Big shock - Hillary doesn't stand a chance in winning if you ask me.
Toby said:
My thoughts exactly.... Big shock - Hillary doesn't stand a chance in winning if you ask me.

Be careful what you say! 26X was right. We are both New Yorkers (I moved however) and everyone said there was NO WAY she could take the conservative upstate of NY... well look who is Senator.

The scary thing is, she has been working VERY hard at establishing herself as a dedicated servant of the people and believe it or not is held in very high regard by people on BOTH sides of the aisle.

She is already at work establishing herself as a religious spiritual person and conspicuously changed her rethoric on abortion etc. She's going for it... and if she wins 60 - 75% of the womens vote along with the liberal and minority votes (assured)... She is also married to one of the most successful political fundraisers in the history of America and he owes her BIG TIME!

Mrs Bush will be eating crow. Remember where you heard it first!
Contrarian said:
Be careful what you say! 26X was right. We are both New Yorkers (I moved however) and everyone said there was NO WAY she could take the conservative upstate of NY... well look who is Senator.

The scary thing is, she has been working VERY hard at establishing herself as a dedicated servant of the people and believe it or not is held in very high regard by people on BOTH sides of the aisle.

She is already at work establishing herself as a religious spiritual person and conspicuously changed her rethoric on abortion etc. She's going for it... and if she wins 60 - 75% of the womens vote along with the liberal and minority votes (assured)... She is also married to one of the most successful political fundraisers in the history of America and he owes her BIG TIME!

Mrs Bush will be eating crow. Remember where you heard it first!

Aside from the fact that we "heard it first" 6 years ago when she was running for Senate for the first time, I think you dramatically overrate Hillary's chances of winning. She's doing her damndest, but I don't see her even getting the nomination. Perhaps she'll be a VP candidate, but I think the possible Republican inclusion of Condi Rice as a VP (which will become a lot more likely if Hillary runs), will counter any increase in female votes Hillary will get, and may even swing African-American votes toward the GOP in numbers not seen since Lincoln.

I don't see Bill's fundraising skills as having as much impact on this race as people think. Running Hillary would just stir up too much sentiment. She'll run in 2012.
Contrarian said:
Be careful what you say! 26X was right. We are both New Yorkers (I moved however) and everyone said there was NO WAY she could take the conservative upstate of NY... well look who is Senator.

The scary thing is, she has been working VERY hard at establishing herself as a dedicated servant of the people and believe it or not is held in very high regard by people on BOTH sides of the aisle.

She is already at work establishing herself as a religious spiritual person and conspicuously changed her rethoric on abortion etc. She's going for it... and if she wins 60 - 75% of the womens vote along with the liberal and minority votes (assured)... She is also married to one of the most successful political fundraisers in the history of America and he owes her BIG TIME!

Mrs Bush will be eating crow. Remember where you heard it first!

Both her and Bill have always been church goers and church members. But just as you point out she's making it known, which evidently to get elected these days you have to, that she's a religious person.

And she hasn't changed her views on abortion. She has taken a more forceful stand regarding what her position has always been. Which I have no doubt the right will do everything they can to misrepresent and distort. If they can take McCain’s adopting a child from a third world country and turn it into him have a illegitimate baby with a black woman to win votes in West Virginia. Imagine what they’ll do with this. By they time Rove gets done spinning this she’ll not only have been a ravenous late term abortion supporter. She will have personally preformed several thousand in the Lincoln Bedroom while Bill was getting blo*n by Monica in the oval office. Want to bet?
The American people have very short memories. Secondly, Rice has all the charisma of an old shoe. She's brilliant, but zero personality... and would suffer the same stigma as Colin Powell. The southerners might tolerate her as Sec of State, but a black as VP or Pres just won't fly and a woman to boot!

It will be an interesting horserace. Maybe we can start a betting pool now before things get too heated!
Contrarian said:
Right you are Pac. One of the reasons Bush won (along with Kerry having nothing to say) was the fear mongering and mud slinging of the Rove gang. They were masterful at it.

No- they're more moral then everyone else, haven't ya heard?
Contrarian said:
The American people have very short memories. Secondly, Rice has all the charisma of an old shoe. She's brilliant, but zero personality... and would suffer the same stigma as Colin Powell. The southerners might tolerate her as Sec of State, but a black as VP or Pres just won't fly and a woman to boot!

It will be an interesting horserace. Maybe we can start a betting pool now before things get too heated!

I liked a clip I saw of Dr. Rice the other day where she was standing next to Bush and she started to say. "Well My Husb..Uh, President Bush"

It was hilarious!
Contrarian said:
The American people have very short memories. Secondly, Rice has all the charisma of an old shoe. She's brilliant, but zero personality... and would suffer the same stigma as Colin Powell. The southerners might tolerate her as Sec of State, but a black as VP or Pres just won't fly and a woman to boot!

It will be an interesting horserace. Maybe we can start a betting pool now before things get too heated!

I don't know, I've still got the feeling that Condi will be on the ticket. I don't think the south is as racist as it used to be, and I think it's far enough in the GOP's pocket that any loss that would come from Condi would be offset by "That damn Clinton woman" running on the other side.

If you want a betting pool, check tradesports.com. Fanstatic place to bet on EVERYTHING. Right now they've got McCain on top, and although I don't think he's the best candidate, I'd like him to win (mostly so the picture I have of he and I would be awesome *shameless bragging*)

There's another online betting place that specializes in stuff like this, but I can't remember what it is. One of my suitemates lost 50 bucks when he put it on Terri and the Pope both leaving on Easter.
Pacridge said:
I liked a clip I saw of Dr. Rice the other day where she was standing next to Bush and she started to say. "Well My Husb..Uh, President Bush"

It was hilarious!

It's always interesting to find out stuff about political officials lives.

Did you know that she's a world class pianist, and Rumsfeld is a fantastic baritone? They sing Christmas carols together every year at Camp David.

That would be something to see, eh? Right up there with Rumsfeld's wrestling matches.
RightatNYU said:
Aside from the fact that we "heard it first" 6 years ago when she was running for Senate for the first time, I think you dramatically overrate Hillary's chances of winning. She's doing her damndest, but I don't see her even getting the nomination.
I think it's way too soon to know. Remember how Dr. Dean was "a lock" as late as December 2003? So much can happen that for anyone to make a prediction is premature.

RightatNYU said:
Perhaps she'll be a VP candidate, but I think the possible Republican inclusion of Condi Rice as a VP (which will become a lot more likely if Hillary runs), will counter any increase in female votes Hillary will get, and may even swing African-American votes toward the GOP in numbers not seen since Lincoln.
Uhmm....no, I don't see it. Rice has never run for any office, and has flat out said that she will not run for any office in 2008. Tim Russert had her say she will definitely not run, period.

Plus, the minority vote will never go towards the Republicans if they continue to do as they always done, exclude minorities from prosperity while back slapping the wealthy....
26 X World Champs said:
I think it's way too soon to know. Remember how Dr. Dean was "a lock" as late as December 2003? So much can happen that for anyone to make a prediction is premature.

Uhmm....no, I don't see it. Rice has never run for any office, and has flat out said that she will not run for any office in 2008. Tim Russert had her say she will definitely not run, period.

Plus, the minority vote will never go towards the Republicans if they continue to do as they always done, exclude minorities from prosperity while back slapping the wealthy....

People say a lot of things. And funny you should mention the minority vote, because the Republicans cut the Democrat advantage in minority votes by about 4 million votes in 2004. That's 9% in Hispanics alone, to 44%.
RightatNYU said:
It's always interesting to find out stuff about political officials lives.

Did you know that she's a world class pianist, and Rumsfeld is a fantastic baritone? They sing Christmas carols together every year at Camp David.

That would be something to see, eh? Right up there with Rumsfeld's wrestling matches.
Yes, I knew she was a stellar pianist. I saw a clip of her playing for her hus...President Bush, she’s good, really good. As for “Rummy Boy” after the way he’s treated, or miss treated, our troops I really don’t care how well he sings.

And I’d be surprised if she ended up on the ticket, not completely shocked, but surprised. I’ve heard her say twice now that she will not run. Once that “if asked will not run, if elected, will not serve.” Kind of hard to go back on a statement like that. Though I do like her. I also like McCain. But I'm betting the Neo-con's feed him his lunch again. Maybe this time instead of having a black illegitimate baby and giving aid to the Viet-Cong- they'll accuse him of having some ties to helping plan 9-11.

26 X World Champs said:
I think it's way too soon to know. Remember how Dr. Dean was "a lock" as late as December 2003? So much can happen that for anyone to make a prediction is premature.

Uhmm....no, I don't see it. Rice has never run for any office, and has flat out said that she will not run for any office in 2008. Tim Russert had her say she will definitely not run, period.

Plus, the minority vote will never go towards the Republicans if they continue to do as they always done, exclude minorities from prosperity while back slapping the wealthy....
They're certainly making head way with minorities. Ever since big business and fiscal conservatives figured out they could gain votes by pandering to the religious right more and more minorities have crossed that line. Individual welfare bad, corporate welfare good. Janet Jackson’s boob popping out bad, political boobs popping out good. It all makes sense.

I think we should start our own little rumors that W is diddling Condi on Air Force One! I wouldn't put it past the Texas party boy. Did you ever notice that there are as many "Gentlemens Clubs" in Houston as there are churches?

I use to really respect McCain as a straight shooter until he became Bush's butt boy in the last election. I lost alot of respect for his bowing to the pressure. A sad day for freethinkers in America.
Contrarian said:
I think we should start our own little rumors that W is diddling Condi on Air Force One! I wouldn't put it past the Texas party boy. Did you ever notice that there are as many "Gentlemens Clubs" in Houston as there are churches?

I use to really respect McCain as a straight shooter until he became Bush's butt boy in the last election. I lost alot of respect for his bowing to the pressure. A sad day for freethinkers in America.

The neo-cons and Rove have proven that you can't win by playing it fair any more. Dirty tricks, lies and complete BS is the only way anyone will ever win another national US election.
Pacridge said:
The neo-cons and Rove have proven that you can't win by playing it fair any more. Dirty tricks, lies and complete BS is the only way anyone will ever win another national US election.

I've heard a lot of people attribute pretty much every success that GWB has had to Karl Rove, and I'm curious as to why that is.

Can you tell me, specifically, what horrible lies Rove has created, and how he has irreparably harmed our "once great political system?"

Politics has always been messy and divided, and I seriously doubt that Karl Rove has had much to do with it.

It just seems like unnecessary scapegoating.
It is a really sad state of affairs. Neither party stands for anything. The only objective is to win at all cost. Then when they get in, they deliver on nothing and denegrate the office they hold.

What ever happened to the great statesmen?

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