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Barack Bamboozles Berlin (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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By Jeannie DeAngelis
June 21, 2013

Barack Obama showed up again in Berlin. Sadly, 194,000 of the fawning devotees that cheered him like a rock star in 2008 chose to skip the 2013 encore.

Nonetheless, directly out of the Brandenburg gate, the president commenced with injecting race and gender into the conversationwhen he said "Angela and I don't exactly look like previous German and American leaders." Obama then informed the audience, consigned by invitation to stand in the blistering heat listening to his blather, that Michelle, Malia, and Sasha, rather than endure his grueling speech, chose instead to experience the "beauty and the history of Berlin" (at American taxpayers' expense).

But probably the most amazing aspect of Obama's Berlin speech was his typical lack of self-awareness when making assertions that conflict with everything he does. For instance, although President Obama is actively persecuting the "unoriginated birthright of man," he quoted German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who said "freedom is the 'unoriginated birthright of man, and it belongs to him by force of his humanity.'"

Obama even posed questions Americans ask about him:


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Seems Americans were more interested in a rally in DC about the IRS scandal. It was organized by the Tea Party, a group the Progressive and Obama using the IRS, have tried to destroy since their inception. It appears their early demise has be exaggerated and the sheen on Obama has worn off.
Dude, you need to slow the **** down. You are going to burn out your keyboard. :)
By Jeannie DeAngelis
June 21, 2013

Barack Obama showed up again in Berlin. Sadly, 194,000 of the fawning devotees that cheered him like a rock star in 2008 chose to skip the 2013 encore.

Nonetheless, directly out of the Brandenburg gate, the president commenced with injecting race and gender into the conversationwhen he said "Angela and I don't exactly look like previous German and American leaders." Obama then informed the audience, consigned by invitation to stand in the blistering heat listening to his blather, that Michelle, Malia, and Sasha, rather than endure his grueling speech, chose instead to experience the "beauty and the history of Berlin" (at American taxpayers' expense).

But probably the most amazing aspect of Obama's Berlin speech was his typical lack of self-awareness when making assertions that conflict with everything he does. For instance, although President Obama is actively persecuting the "unoriginated birthright of man," he quoted German philosopher Immanuel Kant, who said "freedom is the 'unoriginated birthright of man, and it belongs to him by force of his humanity.'"

Obama even posed questions Americans ask about him:


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American Thinker- Print Article

Seems Americans were more interested in a rally in DC about the IRS scandal. It was organized by the Tea Party, a group the Progressive and Obama using the IRS, have tried to destroy since their inception. It appears their early demise has be exaggerated and the sheen on Obama has worn off.

Some one on the internets has an opinion. Trying to care...but failing.

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