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Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83] (1 Viewer)

re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

... You legitimately seeing nothing wrong with murdering innocent people ....

How this is not flaming, baiting, trolling, and just plain old unsupported character assassination is beyond me. I never came close to saying or implying anything even close to that. This forum needs to be controlled a lot better than it is. Yes, mods, I'm calling you out. Go ahead and ban me if you want, but I'm done with garbage like this.
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

A mob of 20,000 Muslims in Bangladesh burned down an entire village after a rumor spread that a Facebook post insulting the Prophet had been made by a village resident:

Bangladeshi village burned down after 'Prophet Mohammed insulted' in resident's Facebook post | The Independent

Just another day in the life of the Religion of Peace (piece of you here, piece of you over there)
CNN and BBC won't cover this, because it might harm the pristine image of that peace.

a year ago august two were killed during a rampage in my burg after a girl posted on facebook that the cops had shot and killed an unarmed man with his hands up
turns out he was armed and refused to part with his gun after many minutes of commands by the police to do so
oooops. sorry for the exaggeration
of the post AND the response
an ignorant population can be both expensive and deadly
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

Threadjacker, your own desire to continually hijack the thread for your own single-minded ethnically prejudiced agenda shows your own negative intent. The people whose village was destroyed in the article I posted, didn't even elicit the slightest condemnation from you. So stop pretending you're about human rights, when you're really just about showcasing your prejudice for your preferred ethnic group.

Thug worshiper and genocide apologist, your desire to justify genocide and mass murder by your idols shows your hatred of Muslims, born out of nothing more than age old ethnic bigotry which sees nothing wrong with murdering innocent people so long as the "other" ethnic group is exterminated.

Th people whose village was destroyed were downright lucky that they weren't in the rule of your heroes, otherwise they would have been exterminated instead of merely having having their village ransacked.

So stop pretending you care about innocent people getting hurt, because you have very Clea shown you don't.
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

The killings of the Rohingya is self-defense against Radical Islamic Jihadi terrorists. Cry me a river. Meanwhile we have "peaceful innocent bystander" Muslims burning down entire villages and committing murders because a mere rumor of supposed implied wrong doing. I feel for the victims of these Muslim murderers and I hope the Bangladeshi retaliates in full force.

As usual, you don't even have a remote basis in fact. It's not surprising that you, as usual, support mass murder of innocent civilians and spout the usual lies that its "fighting terrorism". Which it doesn't; as usual, your heroes are totally uninterested in fighting people with weapons who can actually defend themselves.

Meanwhile, we've got western cheerleaders like you jumping around and cheering on the death squads who are hacking innocent people when they haven't actually done anything wrong at all. You don't care about innocent people dying; you just desperately want your death squad thugs to have a chance to try and hack more innocent people to death.
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

How this is not flaming, baiting, trolling, and just plain old unsupported character assassination is beyond me. I never came close to saying or implying anything even close to that. This forum needs to be controlled a lot better than it is. Yes, mods, I'm calling you out. Go ahead and ban me if you want, but I'm done with garbage like this.

I hate to burst your bubble buddy, but we've been over this perform with your pal, the unlamented and long gong coldjoint----its not "character assassination" to call you out on your own vile hatred and despicable support of terrorism. You have repeatedly done so, over and over, and I have explicitly shown that.

You whining and crying when you are called out on your crap is always funny though buddy, keep up crying. As long as you try and justify the murders of innocent people, I will call you out on it.
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

I hate to burst your bubble buddy,

That's not true at all. People love bursting bubbles. Look at any Birthday Party where there are bubbles.

...despicable support of terrorism....

Kind of harsh though, right? Considering my last and only conversation with stevecanuck, I think he honestly doesn't see the connection between his use of select black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran and the Hadith to "prove" that Islamists are only doing what they are supposed to do (despite the Islamist philosophers disagreeing), and the actual militant Islamists who are selective of black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran (far less the Hadith) in order to celebrate their vengeful violence. He's heard their words, seen their actions, read their scriptures, and drew a simple conclusion that makes it easier to understand.
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

That's not true at all. People love bursting bubbles. Look at any Birthday Party where there are bubbles.

Kind of harsh though, right? Considering my last and only conversation with stevecanuck, I think he honestly doesn't see the connection between his use of select black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran and the Hadith to "prove" that Islamists are only doing what they are supposed to do (despite the Islamist philosophers disagreeing), and the actual militant Islamists who are selective of black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran (far less the Hadith) in order to celebrate their vengeful violence. He's heard their words, seen their actions, read their scriptures, and drew a simple conclusion that makes it easier to understand.
It's selective reading and the Qur'an is simply great for that. Whole internet industries make money off it.

Okay, maybe it would be better to call it selective reasoning from what one has read, if one has indeed read the Qur'an (I have no reason for disbelieving his claims of having done so).

Of course utter ignorance of the history of Islam, its development, history of the many peoples (often widely disparate) practising it and of the changing climates (political, social etc.) accompanying both Islam and its various followers, makes the drawing of any pertinent conclusion impossible.

To address that failing would however unnecessarily complicate the easy understanding one has succeeded in gaining, any deeper look simply bringing up more questions which one would then have to ponder. IOW grey is complicated, seeing how there are far more shades of it than in black or white and to accurately understand and thus define those shades would involve work.

I followed parts of your conversation and predicted at the time (to steve) that it would end the way they all do with him. By his dismissal on account of closed minds not being worth the effort of educating them, let alone showing the merit for being debated.

Where I also doubt active (intentional) support for any terrorism as being discernible here, the irony lies in that the advocates of such simplistic interpretations as we can see, simply play IS's game. By confirming (intentionally or not) to Islamic terrorists that their interpretation of "their" religion is totally correct.

What more can any self declared warrior of Allah ask for?
re: Bangladeshi Village Burned Down After 'Prophet Mohammed Insulted' in Resident's Facebook Post[W:83]

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All personal comments will stop now. Discuss the topic and the topic only. Those who ignore this warning will be leaving the thread, possibly with points.
It's selective reading and the Qur'an is simply great for that.

Exactly so. The Islamic Modernists understood that Muslim society could only get healthy enough to free itself from colonialism through Islam. However, it required a re-interpretation of the original sources (Qur'an & Hadith), which meant that these sources were subject to historical context. They didn't just make this concept up in the nineteenth century. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan, in 1884, directed a collegiate crowd to take a look at early jurists like Ibn Sina (980-1037) and Ibn Rushd (1126-1198), who recognized that Islam was not at odds with contemporary advances in science and philosophy. All that was needed was a reinterpretation of the original sources. In other words, the ulema, protected the religion by harmonizing the tenets of Islam with the tenets of Greek and Roman science and philosophy. They used reason (ijtihad) to harmonize Islamic law (Sharia) to the universal goals of human development. Then at the end of the Golden Age ijtihad was outlawed. Reason and interpretation stopped despite the continual passage of time.

Historical precedence gave the nineteenth century ulema the authority to harmonize Islam to the governing and socioeconomic systems of the modern age.

...advocates of such simplistic interpretations as we can see, simply play IS's game.

This brings us right back to the burnt out village. They were Muslim, and the sources of their anger involved a perceived insult to Islam, but their actions were not Islamic. First of all, despite Islamists hijacking authority circa the late 1960s, only the ulema or an Islamic jurist may approve a state leader's need to call the population to jihad. Traditionally, this was so that the leader could not abuse something that was in the name of Islam; and so that certain laws of war could be enforced. One of those laws, established by Abu Bakr, the first Caliph and companion of Muhammad, instructed combatants to refrain from the needless destruction of homes.

So...since this was no legal jihad, and they burnt a village down, this was not Islamic in nature. This was just an ignorant and uneducated mob.
~............................So...since this was no legal jihad, and they burnt a village down, this was not Islamic in nature. This was just an ignorant and uneducated mob.
.............and, to briefly jump continents, as ignorant and uneducated (on Islam) as we see the often home grown or at least naturalized jihadists of today in Europe, the US or other locations to be. Most of them having, often after a career of petty or less petty criminality pursued in total secularity, encountered the Qur'an for the first time when a self-declared but otherwise totally unqualified Imam told them what it says and how that is to be understood.

Or not even that, what with the internet supplying ample opportunities of indoctrination and thus showing that greater access to information often makes little difference.
I'm not particularly taken with The Fail at any time, yet it seems to hold the most recent English language report and states the family of the alleged facebook poster (of the post that started the riot) having said that he doesn't even have an account with FB on the simple expedience of being illiterate.

Furthermore the 5 injured appear to have suffered their injuries from rubber bullets fired by the police that tried to break up the riot, with the only dead having succumbed to the same firing in hospital. His name is given as Hamid ul-Islam so one may assume him as having been of the rioting crowd.

Facebook post that caused village fire from fake account | Daily Mail Online
That's not true at all. People love bursting bubbles. Look at any Birthday Party where there are bubbles.

Kind of harsh though, right? Considering my last and only conversation with stevecanuck, I think he honestly doesn't see the connection between his use of select black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran and the Hadith to "prove" that Islamists are only doing what they are supposed to do (despite the Islamist philosophers disagreeing), and the actual militant Islamists who are selective of black/white scriptures from the Qu'ran (far less the Hadith) in order to celebrate their vengeful violence. He's heard their words, seen their actions, read their scriptures, and drew a simple conclusion that makes it easier to understand.

Birthday bubbles seem to be a bit different than reality bubbles so many people seem to live in these days.

He attempts to take the actions of a very tiny minority of Muslims and use it to justify hatred and mass killings against all Muslims.

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